Chapter 133

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Vi pov...

We are sitting in the doctor's office. Chris is holding my hand as i am playing with his fingers trying to calm myself. As soon as we walked through the door, we got ushered to the doctor's office to wait, so we wouldn't get bothered. 

I am thankful for it and i was happy that Nick and Leon were following us in a car to the appointment. But luckily it seemed like no paparazzi where here... But you never know what the situation would be when we got outside again. It took only one person to recognize us and tweet or something and the paparazzi would be there in a heartbeat. 

The door opens and a middle-aged woman walks in. She introduces herself as Doctor Tyler. She smiles at me and can sense i am tense. "I read over the file your doctor had send over... Do you want to do the ultrasound first to check for a heartbeat?  Your doctor put a note in your file that you were really worried."  She says smiling at me with a reassuring smile. I look at her and smile back and before i know it i am crying again. "Yes please." I whisper through my tears as Chris is rubbing my back. 

"Okay sweetie let's do that first so we can continue from there." She points to a table and tells me to lay down and lift my shirt. "If everything is alright, we should hear a heartbeat seeing as you are a little over 8 weeks."  

Chris and i both nod as she move's the want over my stomach. She turns the monitor over to us and presses a button and she smiles at me. A sound fills the room and for the first time in a few weeks i finally relax. "A strong heartbeat." She says smiling at me. I just break down and start crying again all the stress and events of the last few weeks come out and i can't stop.... Chris just keeps holding my hand kissing it over and over again and the doctor looks at the screen making some notes. "I am sorry." I whisper again. "I was just so worried." I whisper. The doctor looks at me and gives me a little squeeze on the arm. "I understand sweetie.... But your baby is good it is strong and right on schedule." I look at her and smile wiping away my tears as she shows us our baby. 

"There is one thing we have to discuss..." She says smiling at us. "You are now a little over 2 months. I understand that you're in town for 5 months?" Both Chris and i nod. "Maybe a bit longer Chris says." The doctor nods. "Well due to your medical history, i advice you to not fly after a certain point... Which would mean, you would have the baby here in LA......." We both nod. "

We can discuss it when you are further along and see how you progress to see if you are safe to fly." The doctor says. After i got cleaned up and we talked some more with the doctor we left. In my purse the ultrasound video and photo's. I let out a sigh of relief when we walked out and there was no paparazzi in sight. We got greeted by Leon and Nick and after we got into the car, they followed us to the store where we would pick out a new bed. 

I couldn't wipe the smile of my face as we drove to the store, Chris his hand in mine. It felt as if a weight has been lifted of my shoulders. Chris was smiling to but neither one of us said a word. We parked in front of the store but before Chris got out, he turned to me cupping my face kissing me passionately. Our little bubble was interrupted by a flash going off and i groaned when 2 guys with camera's stood in front of the car. I shook it off as i saw Leon and Nick appear. Chris got out walked around the car holding the door open for me. Nick and Leon kept the paparazzi at a distance. 

"Have you forgiven her Chris, for the affair?" One of the guys yelled at us and i could feel Chris tense up and before i knew what happened Chris turned to him and went off.  

"There is no affair...! You fucking Morron." He yelled. "You want to know why she was with Robert...? You piece of shit...." Chris yelled breathing heavy his face red as he lost his cool... I just look at it all stunned. "Because of you...! Because she can't go out with our son, without someone with her.... Because you guys put her in danger.... Hounding her and seeing as i had to work... Robert was so kind to take her shopping for our kid... And you and your little vulture friends need to get it through that thick head of yours.... The only reason she never leaves the house alone is because i am scared of what will happen to her.... Because of YOU!"

Leon pulled Chris back trying to calm him down. I took Chris hand in mine, and he immediately relaxes. He put me under his arm and kisses the top of my head. "Sorry love." He murmurs. We walk into the store but before we go to buy a bed i pull him in for a kiss... Kissing him if my life depended on it. "Thank you..." I whisper when we break the kiss our forehead still pressed together. "I know it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do but i couldn't take it anymore." Chris says letting out a sigh. 

"I am sorry you had to..." I say kissing him again. "Now let's get us a new bed" I say smiling and Chris chuckles. We walk around and a woman comes up to us. I can see in her eyes that she recognizes Chris, but she doesn't say a thing. She is very sweet helping us pick out the right bed and after Chris has tested the bed like the little boy he deep down inside still is, we made our choice. 

"Do you guys deliver to Boston?" He asks the lady. She nods and Chris smirks at me. "I know you dont like the bed back at home either.  I was waiting for you to bring it up... But you never did so what do you say we have the same bed back home..." I look at him and smile. "That sounds like heaven." 

I sigh as i look outside knowing we have to go back to the car. The lady sees this... "You can pull the car around to the loading deck and get in there.... I let the guys in the back know that they will let your security through the gate." I look at her and i can feel the tears start coming again and as Chris calls Nick, i pull her into a hug. "Thank you." I whisper and she looks at me smiling. "Dont worry it's my pleasure... You guys are really cute together." Chris smiles and shakes her hand thanking her to. 

She leads us to the back and just as we walk through the loading dock Nick pulls up in our car with Leon behind in their car. I hug the lady one more time and Chris takes my hand. We walk to the car and Chris holds the door open for me and when we are in Nick goes to the other car. Chris drives of and i look at him and smile. "I love you..." I say smiling at him. He kisses the back of my hand. "Love you to, love." 

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