Chapter 37

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Chris pov...

I lay awake next to Vi, who is asleep after being emotionally drained by the morning she had. I can't sleep myself as my brain is loud and no amount of shhhh, can calm it down. The fear of losing her taking over. She starting to stir and open her eyes slowly. "Hey..." I say looking at her and she gives me a weak smile back. "How are you feeling?" I ask her. "Hungry..." She whispers and i chuckle. "What do you want to eat?" I whisper back. She turns around and buries her head in my neck planting a little kiss which makes me smile and let out a little sigh of relief. 

"Can you make me some pesto eggs?" She murmurs and i can't help it as my smile grows bigger. "Anything for you love..." I want to get up to go to the kitchen to make her lunch, but she won't let me go. "Love... If you want me to make you pesto eggs... You have to let me get out of bed." I whisper and she groans... "No..." She says cuddling into me more. "Dont go..." She whispers. "Okay..." Is all i say holding her tighter. The dogs get up and walk out of the room. 

"You wanna talk about it love?" I ask her carefully. She takes a deep breath... "I am scared Chris..." She whispers... "I know you have done nothing to justify that... But i am so scared of losing you... For the first time in forever i opened up... I let myself be vulnerable... She came in scaring me to death as i didn't expect anyone and the things she said... She hit every insecurity i had, telling me that i was just someone to keep you occupied until something better came along." She says so soft it is barely audible... "That is not happening love, no one is better than you... I love you so much and in the short period you are in my life i can't imagine my life without you." I whisper hoping she will take my word for it... I need her to believe me that i am in... That she is it for me... I dont want anyone else... The thought alone makes me sick.

She looks up at me and i plant a little kiss on her lips... The lips i can't get enough of... The lips i want to spend the rest of my life kissing. I plant another kiss on her lips and a little moan escapes her giving me access to deepen the kiss. The kiss is desperate, as to tell her that i am never letting her go. That she means the world to me. 

"Chris..." She moans when we come up for air breathing heavy... "Yes baby?" I say looking at her... "I need you..." She moans and i sit up pulling her with me lifting her shirt over her head. My hands find her boobs as i keep kissing her. Our tongues battling for dominance. I play with her, hardened nipples rolling them between my fingers making her gasp and her back arch of the bed into me as i hover over her. I kiss my way down, but she grabs my face pulling me up again kissing me hard. "I need you in me Chris, please..." She moans her eyes pleading with me. 

"Please..." She moans almost desperately. I pull her shorts and panties down, before quickly undressing myself. God the way she pleads with me has me hard in an instant and as i slide into her i growl.  "Your mine baby... Never letting you go... All mine..." She moans in response... 

"Say it..." I growl as i slam into her hard a gasp escaping her lips. "Yo-Yours..." She moans... "All yours." She gasps as thrust into her again as deep as i possibly can... "Dont you forget it baby..." i growl as i snap my hips forward hitting that sweets spot deep inside that makes her squirm. I kiss her hard our bodies pressed together no space between us as we need this, we need this contact. 

"Gonna marry you someday..." I moan as our lips hover over each other and i again snap my hips forward. "Gonna make you the mother of my kids..." I growl looking her in the eye hitting once again that sweet spot making her moan louder. "Fuck Chris..." She moans loudly and i grin as she is louder than she has ever been, but her eyes are closed. I grab her face by her chin. "Look at me baby... I want you to look at me." I growl... Her eyes snap open and i groan as they are dark filled with desire and lust. "Your mine..." I say again kissing her hard as i slam back into her. "You and this perfectly tight pussy... All mine..." I groan and i kiss her, biting her lip a little. 

"Fuck... fuck... fuck..." She says under her breath, and it makes me smirk. "Gonna fill you with my babies love..." I groan... "Please..." She moans. I slam into her again her walls throbbing around my cock. "You're gonna be the most beautiful pregnant woman ever..." I growl. "Oh fuck..." She moans her hands on my biceps her nails digging in. To my surprise she grabs my hand putting it around her neck.  "Please Chris..." She moans and for a moment i am caught off guard... "I need you to take control..." She moans almost pleading with a look in her eyes i had not seen in her before... A dark look, a look that is so fucking hot and scary at the same time... I had not expected this and i hesitate... I dont want to scare her... "Please Chris... I need it... I need it so bad..." She begs... 

"Fuuuck..." I moan as i think i know what she means. She needs me to assert dominance. Never in a million years would i have thought she was going to be into this sort of stuff... But with everything that happened she needs it... I think she needs to feel me being possessive. She needs to feel wanted, so much so that i take control. "All mine baby..." I growl in her ear my hand still around her neck holding her in place... "Dont you ever forget that." I grunt. She moans hard and i can't help but grin. "You like that baby? You like being mine, to do with as i please... Showing you who this pussy belongs to." I say in an almost feral growl... All she does is moan and nod. 

"Gonna fill you up, make your belly swell as i put my baby in it. So, the whole world will see who you belong to..." I tell her in a low growl. She gasps and God i love that sound. I can feel her walls start to get tighter around my dick and i groan as it takes every bit of self-control not to burst. 

I slam into her harder and pick up the pace making her mewl, moan and curse under her breath. She wraps her legs around me holding me deep inside of her and all i can do is snap my hips forward. "Fuck baby, your pussy feels so good around my cock. Come on baby, come for me. Coat my cock, milk me with your tight fucking pussy." I grunt... I kiss her hard as she comes her walls squeezing me so hard, that i can't stop it anymore and i fill her up deep inside. I let out a almost pornographic growl... My body shocking as i release my load deep inside of her, her walls milking me for every last drop, before i collapse on top of her. 

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