Chapter 59

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Vi pov...

It was strange... Finding out i was pregnant while my world seemed on fire. I was lying in bed awake after Chris and went to take a nap. He was still asleep... I was wide awake. I was happy that we were expecting but i couldn't help but think about the baby i lost and how scared i was of losing this baby. I knew Chris would never do anything to hurt me and the baby but my ex... My ex wouldn't hesitate. With my ex-husband running around free i was scared... Scared that he would make me lose this baby to... 

I slipped out of bed and walked to the kitchen... I wasn't hungry but i had to eat for the baby. The house was quiet. Chris was still sleeping and Lisa still in the guestroom. I made myself some fruit salad and forced myself to eat. I look around and sigh knowing that as long as my ex isn't back behind bars this would be my life for the most part... He was the one who should be in jail and yet i was the one practically locked up. I was only able to go outside with personal protection now... I know it is not fair from me to think of them as prison guards but right now that is how i see it...  

Why can't he just let me be happy and move on. Why does he want to do this after all this time... Only because he saw me on TV. Was it because it was Chris...? Or the fact that i was happy and it showed... I sigh... I probably would never know why... I never got an answer to why he tried to kill me... Other than him yelling at me in court that i was a whore and deserved everything that was coming to me. According to him i was a lousy wife who needed to be corrected. I could feel a tear run down my cheek as the memories kept coming back. 

"Hey love..." I heard a voice say. A voice that gave me so much joy... A voice that made me feel safe and loved. I look up and wipe away the tears that where now running free. Chris walked over to me and wrapped me in his arms just holding me. I let out a sigh and my body relax as i felt safe in his arms. "It's okay love, let it all out." He whispered kissing my head. "I dont want to cry about him anymore. I just want him out of my head..." I whisper. "I know love... I know." Chris mumbles and i sigh holding him a little tighter. "Why is he doing this to me... Why can't he just let me be... He already made me lose a baby... I can't lose this baby because of him... It will kill me..." I whisper feeling myself tear up again... "I dont know why, love... But i will do everything i can to protect you and our baby..."  He whispered holding me a bit tighter. 

"I am sorry you lost your baby..." He whispers and this breaks me as no one has ever said sorry for that... I know he has nothing to apologize for but somehow i needed someone to say it... My mom never said it... She just blamed me... Told me if i had been a better wife her grandbaby had still been alive... That i was a terrible woman for leaving my husband... A disgrace to the family... She disowned me right on the spot... She sat behind my ex-husband supporting him in court... She cried for him when he was convicted yelling at me that i was a whore and that i was going to hell... It hurt... But not as much as hearing her say that losing my baby was god's will...

Chris and i  just stood there not saying anything.  He just let me cry until i could not cry anymore... After that he just held me... I take a deep breath and pull back wiping away my tears... "I am sorry... I am done now..." I whisper and Chris shakes his head... "Stop apologizing, love... You have nothing to apologize for..." He sighs... "Sorry..." I mumble and slap my hand in front of my mouth... Chris chuckles and kisses me... "I think it is a habit..." I mumble and he kisses me again and again and again... Soft and sweet kisses... Loving kisses that make me smile... 

My stomach growled and Chris laughed he looked at my plate and shook his head... "I dont think a fruit salad is sufficient enough..." He says and i sigh... "I guess you're right, but it is all i could eat as the thought of something else already has me feeling sick.... I dont know, i dont feel like eating." I mumble and Chris looks at me worried... "You have to love... Eating for two now..." He whispers kissing the top of my head. "I know hence the fruit salad..." I mumble and he nods and walks to the fridge... 

"We also should make you an appointment with a doctor." He says and I nodded. I smiled as he was browsing through the fridge. "What do you want to eat?" He asks and i shrugged my shoulders... 'At this point i dont care... Anything is fine.  I will just be happy if i will keep it down..." I mumble. "Nope..." He said shaking his head smiling at me. "You are the pregnant lady. You get to choose... Whatever you want... Even if i have to go out to get it... I dont care whatever my wife wants... My wife gets..." He says with the biggest and proudest smile on his face. I smiled back at him... God he was worlds apart from my ex-husband how did i get so lucky. 

"I could really go for a burger and milkshake..." I whisper blushing. He smiled. "A burger it is... No fries?" He asks and i shook my head pulling a face making him laugh. "Okay burger and milkshake, ill order some." He ordered and then let the guy who was apparently watching the house know we had a delivery coming. 

"I am going to call my doctor to set up an appointment... He is familiar with my medical history so i think it is best if we go to him." I say taking out my phone. "Of course..." Chris said smiling. But with that i remember the pictures of the file and i sigh... "Chris...?" I say and he looks at me smiling... "Yes love?" He says as the look on my face probably has him puzzled... "Do we need to talk about the file... The photos...  I dont want you to think you can't talk to me about it." I whisper.  

He sighed and hung his head. "Only if you feel comfortable talking about it..." He says and i clear my throat... "I dont think i ever will be, Chris... But i know you might have questions... So, i am willing to talk about it..." I whisper he sighs again... "I knew it was bad from what you told me... But the pictures... I just... It was even worse than i imagined." He says looking sad... "I am sorry you had to see that... I am sorry my past is coming back to haunt us..." I whisper knowing it was like something out of a horror movie... 

"No love, no..." He said walking over to me and kissing me passionately. "Dont ever be sorry for what that bastard did to you... You hear me... You are so strong baby dont ever forget that... He will not win do you hear me... We are gonna have a beautiful family and be happy... He will not take that of us. I waited my whole life for you, and I'll be damned to let him take it away." He said with fire in his eyes before kissing me again with a passion... I looked up at him and smiled. "Okay... He will not win..." I said kissing him again. 

The food arrived and i went to get Lisa to tell her dinner was here. She smiled and walked with me to the kitchen where we sat down to eat. I let out a sigh of relief that for a minute we wouldn't talk everything going on and just have some form of normalcy. I couldn't help but laugh when Lisa talked about her pregnancy with Chris... That even unborn, he was hyper always moving around jumping on her bladder... That with the exception of jumping on her bladder, he had never changed. 

She told me about Chris growing up, he and his brother always getting into trouble and that she hoped for my sake the kid would behave more. Chris just sat there grinning. It was nice hearing those stories, having a glimpse of childhood Chris. Lisa said that soon we should go over some old photo albums, and this made Chris groan. 

"I even have home videos..." She whispered in my ear and i burst out laughing smirking at Chris. "Can't wait to see those..." I said looking at him. "Oh, for fuck's sake... Not the home videos..." Chris said rolling his eyes when he put two and two together. Lisa laughed.... "Oh yes the home videos. You better believe i am gonna show her everything she needs to know... So, she knows what she is up against." She says with a grin from ear to ear... "Should i be worried?" I said smiling looking at them both. 

"Yes..." Lisa said while Chris said. "No..." I couldn't help but laugh. "Dont worry baby, if our kid turns out like you... I would be the happiest mother on earth..." I said wrapping my arms around him kissing his cheek... "But we still are not naming him Brady." I say and Chris groaned... "Brady is a great name." He protests. I just rolled my eyes knowing this will not be the last time this would be brought up. I looked at me stomach rubbing it. "Please be a girl..." I joked making Lisa almost choke on her food and Chris laugh. 

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