Chapter 143

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Vi pov...

I am about 20 weeks pregnant and today we are having our gender ultrasound. Chris is really excited... I think it is going to be a girl.... Chris on the other hand is convinced it is a boy. I know it is strange but something inside of me tells me it is a girl.

Chris is getting Storm ready because we are taking him with us. Even though his family is still here, i wanted him there. He is too young to understand but i want him with me. Storm starts to notice my belly is growing and is fascinated with it and so i want to include him. He is turning 2 soon and he is like a copy of his dad including his hyper behavior. According to Lisa Chris was the same at that age.

Chris walks into the bedroom where i am changing. Storm sits on his arm smiling. "Look who is ready to go..." Chris says smiling proudly. I chuckle as Storm is wearing a shirt with a print of the Cap suit on it making it as if he is a little Captain America. "Robert really got to you huh... Giving him an Iron man toy." I say smirking planting a kiss on his cheek before kissing Storm. "I can't have him grow up to be on Team Iron man." Chris sighs and i laugh. "Dont worry baby you are his number 1 hero. And i am not talking about Captain America... but just plain old you..." I kiss him again and he pouts. "I am not old..." Chris says....

"No baby you're not old.... Your still my big strong gorgeous husband... " I then lean in and hover my lips over his ear. "And a young strong god in the bedroom..."

He blushes and i chuckle squeezing his ass before walking to the dresser to put in my earrings. "Are you guys ready to go?" I asked and Chris nodded. We said goodbye to the family got in the car and drove to our appointment. I smiled as the doctor cooed over Storm. I had my check up and Storm was absolutely fascinated with what she was doing. When it was time for the ultrasound, he was sitting on her lap babbling to her and it made me smile. She was fully including him in everything she was doing, and he loved it. When she squirted the jelly on my belly, he looked shocked. "Yuck..." He squealed and it made us all laugh.

The baby appeared on the screen and after she looked for a minute she smiled. "Are you ready to find out if you're having a brother or sister Storm?" She asked him. He didn't understand but just nodded. "Well... Storm you are going to be the big brother to a ... Little sister." She says smiling. I look at Chris and smirk. "Told you..." He smiles back and kisses my hand. "We are going to have a little girl." Chris starts to tear up and Storm seeing this starts to squirm wanting to go to daddy.

I look at the screen and start to tear up. "A little girl..." I whisper. After talking with the doctor for a little bit more and her printing the pictures and giving us the video, we left. 

"Are we going to tell the family...?" Chris asks. I look at him and smile. "Do you want to?" I ask him. "I kinda do..." He says almost apologetic. "Then let's tell them." I say smiling. We arrive home and Storm waddles over to Lisa squealing. He crawls into her lap and hugs her making me emotional again. They all look at us and we just look back. "Oh, please tell me we get to know the gender..." Scott says being the first to break the silence. Chris walks over to the TV and puts on the ultrasound. 

Our baby appears and Chris is beaming asking them what they think. Everyone but Lisa thinks it is a boy, so when Chris tells them we are expecting a girl... Lisa smirks telling them i told you so. I just chuckle because not an hour ago, i told Chris the same. 

Chris tells everyone to get dressed. It being the last day for them here, we would take them out to dinner. I just hoped Storm would behave.... He was now full in his no phase and sometimes he was driving me crazy.

Having the family here all week was wonderful. I had slept in some mornings and was feeling more rested. I started to realize how much I really missed them. Just them being close helping out. Storm playing with his cousins and aunts and uncles was so much fun to watch as he kept squealing. That where the two things he did most... Squealing and saying no.

I stand in front of the mirror not knowing what to wear to the restaurant. Everything suitable for the restaurant is not hiding my baby bump... I sigh as I try on jet another dress and there is no point... I am showing and nothing I wear is going to hide it... Unless I am going to wear Chris his hoodies like I have been doing going outside.

There is a knock on the door and after I tell the person to com I Lisa walks in.  "I was sent to come get you..." She says smiling but looks me up and down and sees I am nowhere near ready. I sigh and start to cry, and Lisa sits down next to me. "What's wrong sweetheart?" She asks me, rubbing my back. "I can't hide my bump in my fancy clothes..." I say wiping away my tears. "If the paparazzi find out they are going to have a field day and Chris will be even more worried...." I sigh. Lisa hugs me and tells me to wait here and i sigh looking in the mirror. She walks out and a few moments later Chris walks in. 

"What is wrong love?" He asks and i sigh again. "Unless you are okay with me wearing one of your hoodies i am not going to be able to hide the bump..." I say looking at him defeated. He chuckles and sits down beside me pulling me into a hug. "I dont expect you to hide it forever love... Wear whatever you want..." He kisses my temple and i close my eyes for a brief moment enjoying our little moment. "What about the paparazzi..." I whisper. "As long as you take security with you i am not worried."  He says smiling. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly get dressed and ready. I smirk as Chris is watching me.  After i am ready he takes my hand and go to the living room where everyone is waiting. 

We get in the cars and take off to the restaurant...

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