Chapter 25

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Chris pov...

It's the next morning and Vi is still asleep. I lay there and watch her for a while before i slip out of bed to make some breakfast. I put on some sweatpants and grab my phone before making my way to the kitchen. While i am starting breakfast, i check my phone and see a missed call from ma and Downey. I decide to first call Downey back. 

"Dorito nice of you to call back..." He chirps trough the phone as he answers. "Sorry, i only just saw your missed call." I say and he chuckles... "It's okay, Evans..." He says and i know he is all smiles... "The reason i was calling, Susan and i are organizing a little Marvel reunion. We would like for you to come to. Everybody will stay at the house. Just the original 6, Mackie and Sebby and everyone has a plus one..." He says and i smile. 

"I can bring someone?"  I ask. "Yeah of course... Like i said... everyone... gets a plus one. Why... Are you dating someone? Is there a special lady in your life... Maybe a future Mrs. Dorito..." Downey asked in a singing teasing tone and i chuckle... "Yeah... yeah i am... She is very special..." I say but as i say it, it hit me that Vi and i didn't have the... What are we, talk yet.  "Must be serious... Since you will be bringing her around." Downey says and i smile blushing as i realize i am really serious about her... "Yeah it is..." I say taking a deep breath feeling this warm feeling of happiness flood my body...

 Well for me it is, i think to myself i really should talk to her. "When is this get together?" I ask Downey. "2 weeks Saturday." He says and i write it down... "I will talk with Vi if she wants to come." I say as i suddenly realize that she might not be ready for that... In my mind i am already planning a future but i dont know where she was at... "Vi?" Robert asks and i know he is dying to know more. 

"It is short for Viola..." I say and a smile appears on my face.  "Fancy..." He says in a tone that lets me know he is joking. "You wanna tell me about the woman who captured your heart, Dorito..."  

I explain how we met, that i was being an asshole and how she called me out on it. That she had thrown the flowers in my face that i had send. "I already like her..." Downey said chuckling. "Why?" I ask curious because he hasn't even met her yet... "She makes you work for it... It doesn't come easy and i think that she will keep you on your toes." He explains and i realize he is right... "That she does..." I say smirking. 

We talk a bit about details of this party and then we hang up.  I then call ma. "Hey sweetheart haven't heard from you in a while..." She says and i know i have been lacking in keeping contact due to being busy with Vi. "Sorry ma, i have been kinda busy." I say and she chuckles... "Oh i know..." She says and i can hear that she is smiling. "A little birdie has told me you have been helping out in Vi's store." She says and i know at the tone of voice she is smirking...

Of course, someone told her. "I have..." Is all i say. "Well i am glad to hear you and Vi have put aside your differences." She says and i smirk... "Yeah about that... we haven't talked about it yet but i think we are kinda dating... we are having fun together is what i mean." I say and ma laughs... "That is wonderful sweetheart... I knew you 2 would find a way." She says and i am stunned... "You knew?" I ask and she chuckles... "Oh Christopher... When are you going to realize that a mother always knows... Besides... You 2 can't hide the feelings on your face to save your life." Ma says and i chuckle.

"Like i said we haven't had the talk yet but i was planning on doing that soon." I say and ma hums... "Well after you have done that, invite her for dinner with the family." Ma says and i smile. "I will ask, ma." I say smiling from ear to ear. We catch up a little bit more and after we hang up i am finishing up breakfast. I put everything on a tray and carry it to the bedroom. 

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