Chapter 15

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Chris pov...

I was sitting on the couch at Vi's after we had dinner. I had helped her all day in the store getting a new form of respect for what she did. I never realized how draining it could be having to be absolutely friendly and social all day.  She was putting away the dishes absolutely refusing my help. "You want another beer?" She asks and i sigh... "I really shouldn't, i still have to drive." I say... As much as i want to stay i know i have to let her decide that... She stood in front of me handing me a beer. "You can stay here, if you want." She says a little blush creeping over her face. 

God i couldn't say no to her, nor did i want to...I just like her so much. But i was out of my depth after everything that happened. I didn't know how to proceed. I sat up straight to take the beer from her and she ran her hand to my hair. I closed my eyes and without hesitation i leaned forward so my head was no leaning against her stomach. She grabbed my face with both hands making me look up at her and for a moment i think i made her uncomfortable. "Wanna tell me what is going on in that head of yours..." She whispers. I sigh, it's now or never i think to myself. 

"I just... i am..." I stop to find the words. She doesn't say anything but pushes me back and takes me by surprise as she sits down in my lap wrapping her arm around my shoulders as her free hand cups my face. "I just really like you..." I whisper... "I just dont know how to proceed..." I confess. She strokes my cheek rubbing away the tear i just now realize is running down my cheek. 

"Acting so tough all the time, but underneath is just a softy." She whispers and I chuckle, and she leans in her lips finding mine as she gives me a sweet kiss. I melt into the kiss closing my eyes as she deepens the kiss and i wrap one arm around her waist the other hand in her neck as i lean back pulling her with me. The kiss turns more passionate almost desperate and i groan as she wriggles in my lap and i can feel myself getting hard. I blush because she must feel it underneath her. 

She shifts in my lap, so she is now facing me straddling my lap. She kisses me again her hands cupping my face as she grinds down on me making me growl. I can't help it, but my hands automatically glide up her thighs to her perfect ass squeezing it. She keeps moving the friction driving me crazy. As we come up to breathe, she leans her forehead against mine. "You okay?" I whisper even though she started, i want her to feel safe and to know that at any moment she can stop and i wont pressure her into anything. 

Vi pov...

I am sitting in Chris his lap trying to catch my breath. He asks if i am okay and i nod. I dont know what came over me, but my heart won from my mind. But now that i am trying to catch my breath, doubt starts creeping in again. I bury my head in his neck he starts to rub my back and it feels nice. "You're in control love..." He whispers almost so soft it is barely audible. "Whatever you're comfortable with... I will never pressure you into something you dont want... We go at your pace but please.... Please give me a chance." He whispers... 

"I am so conflicted Chris... I might come across all tough and confident sometimes... But it is all show..." I whispered back swallowing hard trying to keep my tears at bay. "I am so scared to get hurt again..." I say letting out a little sigh... "Hey, hey, hey..." He says pulling my face out of his neck cupping it, wiping away the tears that were starting to fall down. "I will never intentionally hurt you, i promise you that... I will never treat you again like i did before... I will never deny you again." He whispers and i sigh. 

"Chris... it's not just about that..." I was now full-on sobbing and pulled my shirt over my head showing all the scars on my body as i dont know how else to explain it.... His eyes wandered around my chest, his finger tracing each scar. "I was married once..."  I whispered... "He did this?" Chris asked. I closed my eyes trying to stop the flashbacks coming trough but i nodded my head before putting my shirt back on. He wrapped his arms around me again and holding me tight as he let me cry still sitting in his lap. 

I was exhausted, emotionally drained. Chris stood up lifting me with ease and carried me to the bedroom. He put me in bed and kissed the top of my head. "Get some sleep, love..." He whispered. "Can you please stay?" I ask holding his hand... "Of course..." He said giving me a small smile taking his clothes off and crawling in beside me. 

I turned around and cuddled into him burying my head in his neck wrapping my arms around him, holding on to him tightly. I am scared to go to sleep knowing that talking about it, would probably trigger nightmares. I just hoped that Chris being here and the feeling of being safe in his arms would keep them at bay. 

"Just relax, love..." He whispers rubbing my back. I let out a sigh and i can feel my body relax. The sound of his voice reassuring me that i am safe.  I can hear Lulu and Dodger strut into the bedroom and i feel the bed move as they hop on and cuddle up close to us, making me smile. "I think they feel left out..." I whisper and Chris chuckles. We just lay there and i can hear Chris his breathing gets more even, and his body relaxes. His hands now just laying on my back not moving and when i look at him i can see he is asleep. I close my eyes trying to calm my mind, it takes a while but eventually i fall asleep also.

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