Chapter 58

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Vi pov...

Chris is pacing up and down in front of the bathroom door as i try to pee on a stick. I have chugged two bottles of water, but he is making me nervous and i can't pee. "Christopher this is not helping!" I yell trough the closed door. He wanted to come in with me while i pee but i told him to wait outside. I was never going to be able to pee with him in the bathroom. 

"Christopher Robert Evans! Get your butt into the kitchen and let the girl pee in peace." Lisa yells... I chuckle as Chris mumbles something. "Call me when you are done..." He says through the door and i promise i will. As soon as i hear him walking away i am able to pee. 

I walk to the kitchen and Lisa smiles at me. Chris shoots up. "Is it ready?" He asks all hyped up. I chuckle and shake my head... "We have to wait 3 minutes..." I say and let out a sigh... He is so excited and i dont know how he is going to take it if i am not pregnant... "Chris... dont get your hopes up, it could be negative..." I say and he nods. I know he is not really listening, as he is too excited. 

"All i am saying... A boy... Brady... and if it is a girl.... Ariel or Belle." Chris says smirking... Both me and Lisa start laughing at his excitement. "We are not naming our kid Brady..." I say rolling my eyes. "Oh, thank god..." Lisa exclaims and i laugh. "You both have no taste..." Chris says smirking. and i smirk back... "I mean... I married you... Didn't i..." I say and Lisa laughs even harder as Chris does not know how to react to that remark and just looks at me stunned for a second... That is until my timer goes off and Chris and his stunned look turns into an excited smile. 

"Go..." I say and he runs off and Lisa and i look at each other smiling. He comes back with the test in one hand... The other hand over his eyes. "I haven't looked yet!" He yells as if a hand over his eyes makes it, so we can't hear him. "Well with your hands over your eyes you can't see the result..." I say shaking my head laughing. "Go ahead, check it." I say and feeling a little anxious...

He looks at it and his eyes grow big and the smile on his face even bigger and right then and there i know the answer... I am pregnant... He walks over to me kisses me hard and lifts me up twirling us around... "We are gonna have a baby!" He yells all excited and i have to say even with everything going on his excitement is infectious and i can't help but smile. "Oh, Congratulations..." Lisa says clapping her hands and tears in her eyes. Chris puts me down and both of us look at her. She walks over to us and hugs us both wiping away her tears.  

All of a sudden it sinks in... We are gonna have a baby... I sit down as i let it sink in. A million thing go through my mind. I stand up and walk to the bathroom to take another test just to be sure. But again after a few minutes that one is also coming back positive... I am really pregnant. 

I look at myself in the mirror. I need to be strong now... It's not just me anymore... I have our baby to think off. Chris steps into the bathroom and smirks. "I just had to be sure..." I whisper. He pulls on my arm and i stumble into him. He wraps his arms around me and leans in for a kiss. "I love you Mrs. Evans..." He says smiling. I look at my husband, the love of my life and i smile... He looks so happy about the baby. "Are you happy?" I ask even though i can read the answer to my question of his face. "More than happy..." He whispers and kisses me again. 

He sinks down on his knees and lifts my shirt kissing my stomach. "Hi baby i am your dad... I already love you so much." He whispers. I chuckle as i know the baby is not able to hear him... I just let Chris as he is all excited and happy... And after the days we had we could use a little happiness. "You have the best mommy in the world and i love her so much." He continues whispering to my stomach... I can feel tears coming as he keeps talking. "I will do everything to keep you and mommy safe. Right now, everything is a bit hard but i want you to know we love you so much... If you're a boy, i am sorry but mommy won't let me name you Brady." He whispers and kisses my stomach again... I chuckle and shake my head. 

"Can we watch a movie?" I say looking at Chris who is still sitting on his knees in front of me. He kisses my stomach again and stands up. "Anything you want, love." He says smiling as we walk back to the living room. We install ourselves on the couch and Lisa excuses herself as she is going to read in the guestroom and maybe take a nap. 

I cuddle into Chris. "What movie do you want to watch?" He asks and i shrug my shoulders. "Dont care..." I say and Chris chuckles. "Something Disney?" He asks. I nod and laugh as he puts on the little mermaid. I dont even make it through half the movie as i feel my eyes get heavy and Chris turns off the TV. "Okay lets go..." He says smiling lifting me up bridal style making me squeal. He carries me to the bedroom and carefully and gently puts me down on the bed like all of a sudden i am made of the most delicate material ever. He crawls in beside me and i cuddle into him breathing in his sent which sends a sense of calm over me. I feel my eyes getting heavy and soon i am asleep feeling safe for the first time in over 24 hours in his arms. 

I dream of a little boy with brown hair and blue eyes running around chasing the dogs as Chris and i sit on a porch watching them holding hands. Dodger and Lulu never leave the boy's side and they are the best of friends.

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