Chapter 21

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Chris pov...

I still dont believe she has never played this game before, especially after winning for the second time. But damn...  It is worth losing seeing her smile. "You want a rematch?" She asks and I don't even have to think about it as my competitive nature comes to the surface. "Hell, yeah I want a rematch."

She smirks and walks over to me. "Wanna make it interesting?" She whispers as she places a hand on my chest. For a moment I think, how on earth you can make beer pong more interesting... But i quickly get the answer.

"Let's play with a twist..." She says giving me a soft kiss. I groan as the tequila that replaced the beer in the last game, was taking effect. God her lips are so soft I could kiss her forever. She pulls away and looks at me with a twinkle in her eye. "Let's play strip beer pong." She says taking me by surprise I can help but smirk. "You're on..." I say wrapping my arms around her and kissing her this time passionate.

We set up the game. "Okay same principle but your opponent has to drink and take something off..." She says smiling. We both don't have on allot. She is wearing one of my hoodies and some yoga pants with comfy socks underneath. I am wearing pretty much the same amount of clothes. "Does my cap count?" I ask her smirking. She laughs. "Sure, if you think you are going to need that to win..." She says and i grin... "Trash talk? Really..." I say narrowing my eyes at her. God she is coming out of her shell, and I don't know whether I should be afraid or happy but God, I love it. 

"Ladies first..." I say smirking. "Don't mind if I do..." She says throwing the ball and it lands in a cup. I take the tequila shot and bend down to take of my socks she giggles as I shake my ass doing so. "Well, I can see why they are calling you America's ass now." She giggles I laugh and throw my socks aside.

I throw the ball and it lands in one of her cups. I do a little victory dance making her giggle. She downs the shot and I almost choke as instead of taking of her sock, she rolls down her yoga pants throwing them at me revealing a glimpse of red lace as she goes to put her hair in a ponytail.

Fuck she is playing dirty, knowing that I am now distracted every time my hoodie creeps up giving me a sneak peek at her perfect round ass. God I wanna squeeze this perfect ass cheeks, I think to myself.

"My eyes are up here, Mr. Evans." She says smirking as she catches me staring and licking my lips. I look up and she aims her shot hitting one of the cups. I groan and down the shot before lifting my shirt over my head. I grin as she is now the one staring. "Take a picture love, it will last longer." I say and she giggles. "It's your turn..." She says in a sweet singing tone... 

I line up my shot and aim but just as I am about to throw, she stretches herself out my hoodie riding up on her and there they are again those red lace panties. I miss not even by a little and she starts giggling. "You're not playing fair..." I say pouting. "I have no idea what you are talking about..." She says looking at me and there it is again that gorgeous twinkle in her eyes.

She throws the ball and I groan as she hits it dead center of one of the cups. I smirk and take of my cap. She starts laughing. "I knew I shouldn't have agreed to that one." She says and i smirk...

"Okay Chris come on, you got this..." I say hyping myself up. Vi is laughing and I throw the ball. I cheer as I hit one of the cups. Vi giggles... "Wanna come over and help me..." She says biting her lip. I stalk over to her. "Don't mind if I do..." I say grinning from ear to ear. I grab the bottom of my hoodie she is wearing and slowly pull it up and over her head. I throw the hoodie aside and growl as I look down. 

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