Chapter 11

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Chris pov.

I look at Vi in horror as the door that i just opened, had hit her in the face. Probably breaking her nose as blood was pouring down her beautiful face. For a second it is like time is standing still as we stare at each other... Just a split second before i snap out of it... Realizing what just happened...

"Oh my god...! I am so sorry!" I said rushing over to her.  Everybody who had walked her to the door looked in shock for a moment before jumping into action. Carly led the kids out the room as they were screaming at the blood... Shanna took Lulu who was jumping around Vi anxiously because her owner got hurt. Scott grabbed a chair sitting her down while i kneel in front of her. Ma had brought a towel to stop the bleeding, but it was getting redder with the second. 

"Let me see..." I said in a soft tone. She shook her head and avoided eye contact holding on to her nose with the towel. "Vi, it might be broken... I need to see, if you need to go to a doctor." I say and she shakes her head slowly again... "I'll be fine..."  She whispered. "No... Not you're not, please let me look at it..." I said cupping her face. 

She let go of her nose and winched when i softly touched it. "Yeah... We better get you to a hospital..." I whispered. She looked at me and i could see the pain in her eyes and not just from the broken nose. Why did i keep hurting this woman, i thought to myself. "Fine..." She mumbles... "I'll go to the hospital." 

"Chris can take you..." Shanna said quickly before anyone else could offer, still holding on to Lulu. Scott looks at Shanna giving her a weird look, but Shanna ignores it... "I mean he broke it..." She ads and i look at Vi who seems absolutely not happy about that idea... "Yeah i can take you... I mean i caused this..." I say blushing as Scott looks between me and Shanna squinting his eyes... I can see Vi's mind working overtime to see if she can think of a reason to not have me be the one to take her... But she looks around and sighs..."Can you take Lulu for the night?" Vi asked Scott and he snapped out of his gaze and looked at her smiling. "Of course, no problem." 

"Make sure they check her over good..." Scott said looking at me and i nod standing up. Ma looked at me shaking her head. "And maybe in the future knock before you open a door so the people behind it can get out of the way. I swear Christopher sometimes you dont know your own strength." Ma said rubbing salt in the wound as if i dont feel guilty enough already... 

I wanted to lift Vi out of her chair, but she held up her hand. "I can walk..." She said. So, i stepped back but as she stood up, she stumbled and grabbed my arm steadying herself. "Sorry..." She mumbled and i gave her a soft smile... "It's okay..." I answered. She didn't protest when i put my arm around her holding her purse in my other hand and walking her to my car. 

Shanna following behind us and opened the passenger door of my car so i could help Vi in. After making sure she was in okay... Checking like a hundred times i would not hurt her more by slamming a limb between the car door i closed it. 

Try and talk to her Chris... Shanna whispered.... "Every time you were mentioned tonight, she looked like she was ready to commit murder..." She says smirking as Shanna finds it hilarious deep down... She always liked it when i made a fool out of myself with women and they called me out on my shit... I sighed and nodded before getting to the driver side and getting behind the wheel. I leaned over and fastened her seat belt putting her purse in the back. "You, okay?" I asked. She looked at me annoyed... "Do i look, okay?!?" She hisses at me and i look at her with big eyes... "No... no... Sorry... Stupid question... I am sorry." I ramble and she sighs and rolls her eyes... "Dont be sorry just go..." She whispered looking down. 

We drove to the hospital in silence and when we arrived, she looked at me. "Thanks for the lift. I can take an Uber home." She said and i shook my head... "No... I am gonna make sure you will be okay..." I said. "You dont have to Chris... I dont wanna keep you from anything." She sighs and i shake my head... "You're not..." I whispered. "Please Vi... Let me make sure you are okay." I pleaded and she groans... "Fine..." She mumbles. I parked the car and helped her get out and we walked to the ER. I let her sit down in the waiting room while i went to the reception and told them what happened. It wasn't really busy and i was glad because last thing i needed was to have a horde of people swarming me and Vi. 

As we sat there in silence, i was thinking of what to say. But i could see that the adrenaline was wearing off and the pain was getting worse... She started to shiver. "Are you cold?" I asked her. "A little..." She said in a soft voice. So, i took off my fleece and put in around her. "Thank you..." She said pulling it tighter around her... I gave her a little smile and i was about to say something when Vi was being called in. 

We walked to the nurse who called us and were brought to a room, where she told Vi to sit on the exam table. She told us the doctor would be right with us and handed Vi an ice pack to replace the towel. Luckily the bleeding had stopped but i could see bruising already starting to form and a little cut on her nose where the door had hit her. 

The doctor came in. "Miss Vance..." He said as he looked at her, completely ignoring me which i didn't mind. "What can i do for you today...?" He asked. She removed the ice pack and pointed at her nose. "Ai... Yeah that looks painful..."  He said giving her a charming smile and i could feel my body stiffen as a wave of jalousie hit me. He touched her nose and she winced. "Yeah that is definitely broken. I will have to set it because right now it is crooked and a beautiful woman like you with a crooked nose is a no, no." He said smiling. I could see that this remark made Vi uncomfortable and it made my blood boil. But i bit my tongue not wanting to cause a scene and i had no right to feel like this. 

He started working on sedating the area and when Vi saw the needle she grabbed my hand squeezing it hard. This did not go unnoticed by the doctor and for the first time he looked at me. A wave of recognition flashed through his eyes and i smirked when i saw a hint of annoyance.  

"So wanna tell me what happened?" The doctor asked Vi. "Door opened when i was about to walk out hit me in the face." She mumbles and he squints his eyes at her... "Are you sure that that is what happened, Ms. Vance..." He said as he had just given her the shot.

 I could see she was getting more and more annoyed. "Yes, i am sure doctor, i dont like what you are implying." She said in an annoyed tone... "Well, your medical history..." He started to say. She turned red immediately. "My medical history is exactly that.... history. As you checked it you also know i haven't been here in more than a year..." She cuts him off... "Okay just saying, if you need help dont be afraid to ask." He says in a flirty tone and i can see she is fuming... "Yeah i need help... I need you to fix my nose..." She said in an angry ton. He cleared his throat and set her nose. I winced as it looked like it hurt but Vi didn't even flinch... He then checked if there was no bleeding inside her nose any more before cleaning the cut and putting a stitch band aid on it. 

"All done, Miss Vance." He said now in a more professional tone. "The nurse will be right with you for some pain medication and to discharge you." He mumbles not even looking at Vi anymore... She nodded and he left. "Sorry about that..." She whispered. She was still holding my hand and i wasn't planning on letting it go until she did, enjoying the feeling of her hand in mine. "It's okay... He was out of line, you handled it well..." I say and as much as i want to ask what he meant with her medical history i push my curiosity down... I dont want to push her and let her tell me when she is up for it... That is if she ever wants to see me again after this...

A nurse walked in giving her some pain killers. "You might get a little loopy..." She said smiling. "But in order to sleep a little tonight..." She explained and Vi nodded and took the pills.  "I'll go and get your papers ready..." She said smiling. "Thank you." Vi said. "You're welcome sweetie..."  She said in a motherly tone of voice. 

By the time the papers where ready and we could go, the pain killers where in full effect making Vi loopy and giggly. With her still holding my hand, we left the hospital. 

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