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Chapter 44: Just let the past...

November 24th
11:23 am

L̶O̶S̶ A̶N̶G̶E̶L̶E̶S̶, C̶A̶L̶I̶F̶O̶R̶N̶I̶A̶

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L̶O̶S̶ A̶N̶G̶E̶L̶E̶S̶, C̶A̶L̶I̶F̶O̶R̶N̶I̶A̶


"My apologies for having to take so much time off, there's been a lot going on lately." Amerie smiled, her eyes focused across the table at Chi Chi who shifted around in her seat uncomfortably.

No matter how genuine Amerie seemed, or how long she'd been meeting with her in attempts to get over her past, that didn't make the entire ordeal any less unsettling for her. She didn't enjoy opening up and exposing her past, it made her feel uncomfortable and weird considering those doors had been locked so long ago. So reliving those same traumatic events that she hadn't yet gone too much into detail with felt unsettling.

"It's fine." She spoke just above a whisper, her sweaty palms running down her thighs. Amerie picked up on the behavior, as she did every other minor action that showed just how nervous Chi Chi felt.

"Alright so last time we left off, you told me you want to try again with this manipulative man who you hadn't disclosed the name of. Do you think it's possible for that to happen and why do you want it to happen?" Sighing, Cheyanna ran her fingers through the natural coils that sprang just above her shoulders.

"I mean I've been hearing lately he's in a relationship now supposedly, but I haven't asked for details on that who she is because I know if I was to find out I'd act crazy. I'm not worried about her though, I think the biggest turn off for him was the fact I've turned to drugs and he has a bad history with that type of stuff. So when he sees I've been getting clean, I think he'll accept me back in because he'll see the woman he originally fell in love with." She smiled small, but Amerie didn't mirror that.

Except she leant back, her eyes trained on Cheyanna who shot her eyes all along the room, looking everywhere but towards Amerie. Shaking her head, she grabbed her notepad to jot down small notes on what the girl who sat across from her was saying. It was sad to her, the fact she so evidently seen this man as a prize when he was fat from that according to the information on him.

"Before we go any further, I'm going to let you know what I've already managed to understand about this ordeal so far." Amerie sat up, her eyes trained on Cheyanna who finally lowered her eyes to lock on Amerie's. "Is that fine with you?"

"Uh- yeah." She spoke just above a whisper, scratching her arm slightly.

"Your self worth and love is lacking, I'm not sure if that comes from him or other past instances you may harbor. It may be difficult to understand, but a man who so comfortably managed to manipulate and hurt you to a point of drug abuse isn't a prize at all. You deserve a lot more than that, and it's definitely a work in progress but-."

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