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Chapter 6: Loyalty and Promises

February 14th
10:43 am

M̶I̶A̶M̶I̶,̶ F̶L̶O̶R̶I̶D̶A̶

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M̶I̶A̶M̶I̶,̶ F̶L̶O̶R̶I̶D̶A̶


Fluttering my eyes open slowly, I immediately clutched my head from the pounding headache I had. I didn't even drink that much last night to be feeling like this, but the aftermath of a hangover was still there and so clearly present.

"What the hell." I groaned, slowly sitting up and patting around for my phone. Checking the time, I sighed seeing it was 10:43 am.

I wanted to stay in bed all morning, but knowing I wasn't in my own bed made me feel weird. So getting up, I did a small stretch before going into the bathroom that Syre failed to tell me was connected to the room. I got myself together for the morning, brushing my teeth and washing my face, before searching the cabinets for some type of medicine. Sighing in relief at the sight of Advil, I grabbed the bottle before double checking myself in the mirror and leaving out of the room completely.

Turning the corner from walking the long hallway , I paused seeing Syre sitting down at one of the stools around the island. He sat shirtless, wearing nothing but black sweatpants, a pink hat, and the array of chains dangling around his neck. Being in this house with him alone after what he said last night, I barely trusted myself to hold off despite how much of an asshole he is. But doing anything with him would mess up all progress I've made so far, and that's the last thing I needed.

"Uh, Good morning." I spoke up, watching as Syre jumped, immediately raising his head in my direction with a heavy glare on his face. It softened a little once he realized it was just me, but almost immediately afterwards turned into a mug. Rude ass nigga.

"Damn, you still here?" He spoke with nothing but disappointment in his tone. Rolling my eyes, I adjusted the shorts Harmony let me borrow, while walking closer towards the kitchen.

"Where else would I be?" I mumbled, since clearly he woke up thinking he had the house to himself or something.

"I mean shit...nah but to be honest, I been tryna figure out if last night was a dream or not since I woke up, I just ain't want to go check on you to figure it out." He shrugged, eating another spoonful of his cereal with his head still down in his phone. Shutting my eyes, I gripped onto the cabinets a little tighter because I didn't have the energy nor the patience for this man today.

"Why are you so rude? Is it because I'm a stripper or something?" I turned towards him, seeing the way he paused from what he was doing briefly, before continuing on with his eating. Except the mug I hadn't seen all morning appeared back on his face.

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