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Epilogue: Fate

October 30th
3:33 pm

Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway?Cliché, cliché, cliché, clichéWho wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway?Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché

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Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway?
Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché
Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway?
Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché

His lips wrapped around the cigarette that ashed out along the hard cement ground under him. He stood in his lonesome, aside from the officers who nearly surrounded him with their gaze heightening through any little movement he made, despite him not being able to make many.

His body leant up against the brick building behind him, one arm slung over one of the crutches he utilized, while the other kept the burning tobacco steady. Breathing in fresh air for the first time in months brought a certain bit of peace around him, one that was rare nowadays because of the predicament he found himself in.

"Mr. Acius, your lawyer would like to have his debrief with you before court begins." A female officer popped her head out of the building to speak to Syre who simply nodded.

He took one last needed pull from the cigarette, before allowing it to fall from his fingertips onto the ground under him. He didn't ask for any assistance, nor acknowledge anyone as he carefully turned with his crutches supporting him.

His hands grasped the support as he carefully maneuvered inside the building he hated more than anything. He didn't deem any of this necessary when the outcome was obvious, he didn't need to waste his time sitting in a courtroom for them to belittle him and feel they held a certain power over him that they didn't have. He wasn't trying to fight anything, nor did he have the desire of going through this entire process again. There just simply wasn't any need.

"What room?" He glanced over towards Trina, the female officer leading him down, as they entered a more secluded area of the courthouse.

He watched her siren eyes roam the empty halls, until spotting the room that had the handle slightly turned. "Right there." She pointed, earning the most subtle nod from Syre who used his crutches to lead him towards the room.

His eyes interlocked with those of his new male lawyer, before he made his way towards the chair across from the desk the older white man sat at. He didn't want nor need a new lawyer, only reason he got one was due to the courts finding out he was engaging in a sexual relationship with the one he previously had. He wasn't sure what the consequences for that were supposed to be, but like everything else, he didn't care.

"Good morning Mr. Acius." Paul, formally going by Mr. Edwards, greeted the man who carefully lowered himself down in the seat across from him.

Syre's blank stare gave nothing more than the slightest head nod. He felt drowsy and wanted to be around nobody but himself from finally getting his pills for the first time in months. This was the worst of it all for him, frequently being off and on his medication simply for the pleasure of those that kept him caged away.

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