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Chapter 21: Denial

April 23rd
9:36 pm

April 23rd 9:36 pm

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"Stay in the car, this shouldn't take too long." I mumbled, glancing over at Amerie who only nodded. Her head in her arms that rested against the dashboard, the same position she'd been in for at least half the drive. "The fuck is wrong with you?"

She only shook her head, not saying anything still. Sucking my teeth, I grabbed my keys to get out of the car cause I wasn't bout to press her if she wanted to be mute. I can't do anything for her if she isn't speaking.

Shoving my keys into my pocket, I sent a small head nod to the security who stood in front of the building. Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled my ID out to give to him. He scanned over it for a second, glancing between the ID and me until nodding his head and stepping to the side. I glanced back at the car briefly, not being able to make out Amerie from the dark tint of the windows.

"Mr. Dubey is seated at the bar." The guard informed me, and I only nodded. The fact he didn't pat me down to confiscate any weapons I had on me said a lot, and it was never good for a first impression to be one that classifies who I'm doing business with as rookies.

Entering into the bar, it was completely cleared out aside from Ali who sat at the bar with his guards surrounding him. Ali was someone I'd done business with a couple times, our main reasoning for partnership being what I had to talk to him about.

"Syre! It's always a pleasure to see you." He stood up once noticing me, instructing his guards to make a small path for me.

Nodding my head, I held my hand out to shake his that was extended out to me, before sitting in the seat next to him. I eyed the drink that was already set out for me, watching it closely because I didn't trust it.

"I'll decline this, the offer is appreciated." I pushed the drink away from me, and Ali seemed surprised from the way he raised his eyebrows. I assume it's a common gesture done as a greeting out of respect, but this business was shady. There was no way of knowing anyones exact motives, no matter who they were.

"Hm, that's a first. But how can I assist you today, I wasn't made aware you were in town." He turned his body to face me directly, raising the glass of scotch he had up to his lips.

"I have some added stuff to everything involving Akeem Idylla. I wanted to talk to you quick because one of our first conversations and agreements was to wipe the legacy of Raymond Idylla completely. Now that plan is still intact, however one minor adjustment has to be made. With Akeem overseeing things, he's the obvious target of the few family left. But recently I learned that there's another family member, Raymond had a daughter. And this is where everything shifts and I need you to understand that this conversation isn't to negotiate. I'm telling you where things go from here." I spoke clearly, my hands pressed flat against the bar counter with my eyes never leaving Ali's.

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