Arthur- She works the streets

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Arthur walked into the betting den with a smirk on his face and his head held high

"What's got you so cheery? Do I even want to know?" Polly asked as everyone looked at him

"He got layed" John yelled out laughing

"So the answer to that was no. I don't want to know" she muttered, getting back to her work

"Actually, I went on a date. And I was the perfect gentlemen. Took her out for lunch. Bought her flowers. Walked her home and kissed her but just on the cheek" Arthur said smugly

"Oh well aren't you Prince charming" ada replied with sarcasm

"So what was wrong with her then?" Tommy asked

"What you mean?"

"Are you expecting us to believe, you went on a date, liked the girl, and didn't fuck her?" Tommy asked as polly tutted at her disgusting nephews

"Give it a rest will ya. She's a proper sweetheart. Easy to talk to. Felt like I'd known her all me life. I'm telling you, she's the one" he said

"Arthur shelby has decided to settle down! Well I never thought I'd see the day" polly gasped

"Only been on a few dates pol. But hopefully in the future. I can see us working out you know. You'd love her aswell pol. Names y/n. She's absolutely stunning. She cracks a joke without even trying and she's just perfect" he flopped into a seat hopelessly in love

"As wonderful as she sounds, there's work to be done" Tommy said. And so they got on with fixing the numbers.

2 months later

"Where you off to?" Finn asked as Arthur wolfed his tea down and got up to leave

"I'm meeting y/n at the garrison" he said

"Oh ye. We finally get to meet this mystery girl?" John asked

"Fuck off. Things are going great. Plan is, go on a few more dates. Marry her. And then it will be too late by the time she realises what a bunch of twats her brother in laws are" he said putting John in a head lock

"Give over. She still not slept with you?" John asked

"That is for me to know. And for you to never find out"  he said before grabbing John's Yorkshire pudding and running out the house. Truth is, Arthur and y/n have made out multiple times but never has she let him do more. And for once, Arthur doesn't mind. Not that he would ever get angry at a woman for not wanting it. But in the past, he would've broke things off. This is different. He doesn't need sex to know how much he loves and adores her

He got to the garrison and to the back room where y/n was sat with a glass of whiskey in her hand. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck

"Hi love. How was work?" She asked as they sat down

"Oh ya know. Same old crap. Tommy pestering me for the numbers. John throwing pencils at my head. The usual" y/n let out a small laugh. She always loved the way Arthur spoke about his brothers. With annoyance yet love. Unfortunately, she never had that

"What about you?" He asked holding her hand. She gulped and tried to think of what to say

" it was alright. Had a birthday cake to bake today. The woman asking for it was a right cow but if we weren't nice to her, she wouldn't pay" y/n complained although everything she just said was a complete lie

"Darling, can I ask you something?"

"Of course" y/n replied

"Why do you keep lying to me?" Her hands began to shake but she tried to hide it as much as possible. Failing miserably

"I'm not sure what you mean" she told him

"Tommy told me he booked a woman. Someone who works the streets. But he didn't fuck her. Instead he gave her some money and abit of food before sending her on her way. Do you know why he did that?" The girl shook her head

"Because I saw you walk into his house. And I told him about you. You've got a job fucking other men yet you act all innocent and like a fucking virgin when I'm around" Arthur slammed his hand against the table making y/n jump back

"Arthur please-"

"Shut up. I just don't get it. Why didn't you tell me you're a fucking whore?"

"Arthur! Sit down and bloody listen to me. We don't all have a fuck ton of money. OK? I worked in the bakery a while ago but they had to let me go. Couldn't afford my wages no more. I couldn't find a job for months and I was desperate. My dad was sick and we needed the money. Mum was about to have a baby but it would be taken from her if we didn't find a better place to live. I was 15 Arthur! 15 and providing in the only way I could for my family. I got money but it wasn't enough. My dad died, and then my mum and the baby followed in childbirth. The women at the whore house. Well they were the only people who cared about me. So they took me in and since I havnt anywhere else to go, I've been working there ever since. I love you Arthur. So much. But I can't quit my job. I need the money"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because i didn't want you to think less of me. I always wanted to wait until marriage but things got too desperate for that. I'm so sorry" y/n cried

"Hey. Look at me. Don't be sorry. The circumstances were fucking shit. I get that. But you're my girl, and i won't have you crying" he wiped away her tears and kissed her cheek

"You are a wonderful man arthur"

"Marry me" he said. Y/n choked back a sob

"What?" She asked shocked

"I want to marry you. So much. I love you more than I can tell you and I don't want you working in a place like that. You'll live with me and I'll look after you. Please marry me" the pair had tears in their eyes as y/n nodded her head yes

Arthur lifted her up and kissed her passionately. It was soft but needy. Like they never wanted to let go of one another. He took her home that night and showed that he didn't care if he was her first. As long as he was her last

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