Tommy- outnumbered

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It was the usual Sunday evening for the shelby family. Tommy sat reading, his wife giving the dogs a fuss. Only difference.....the house was quiet

"They're up to something" Tommy said not looking up from his book

"They're always up to something. I'll go check that they are alright" y/n said kissing Tommy's head before going up stairs to check their daughters rooms. It wasn't easy for the couple, not at first. They have 7 children. All girls. Now Tommy loves his daughters. Its not that he longed for a son. It's that because they are all girls, they help eachother when it comes to sneaking out and kissing boys. Especially since their ages

Sophie- 18
Annie- 17
Lyra- 15
Tilly- 13
Maisy- 12
Abigail- 10
Delilah- 8

Sophie and Annie were close. Shared eachothers clothes. Snook out to clubs together. Did one another's make up. Lyra and Tilly were always together. Mainly because till wanted to be like her older sisters, and lyra didn't fit in with her elder siblings. Maisy and abigail were at an age where they were beginning to like boys, and played the same games and had the same friends. Then there's delilah. Being the youngest, her sisters often don't want her around. They aren't nasty. Just make up excuses

Y/n walked back down the stairs with a crying delilah by her side

"Ay now. What's all these tears about?" Tommy asked sighting his daughter. Delilah ran up to him and onto his lap, crying into his shoulder

"The girls won't play with her" y/n answered taking a seat

"Now lila, you have to understand that the girls are older than you. And they might not enjoy the same games as you. I know it seems unfair but I can't force them to play. What game is it you want to play?" Tommy asked

"I was having a tea party" she frowned. Tommy held her on his knee as he began to read his book out loud. After 10 minutes, y/n came over and kissed his cheek

"She's fallen asleep" she told him. He looked down to see y/n was correct

"I'll carry her up to bed. Then I'll have a word with the girls" he said. He lifted up his youngest and took her to her room. Tucked her in and gave her a goodnight kiss. Then he went into maisys room. Abi was sat there giggling as they whispered about most likely boys

"Girls. It's time for bed now"

"5 more minutes daddy?" Maisy begged

"No. Abi, your own room come on" with a huff, the girl stood to go into her own room

"Oh, before you go. Could you girls try and include lila in your games? I know it's hard because she's younger and likes different things, but please try" Tommy begged

"But- we did ask if she wanted to play dolls. But she said she was busy" maisy corrected him.

"Well she just came downstairs in tears because no one would play with her"

"What? That little liar!" Abi cried.

"No name calling. It's alright. I'll find out what gone on." He tucked maisy in before lifting abi to her own room and doing the same

Then he went to Tillys room where lyra was. They said the same thing as maisy and abi. That they had offered but she was apparently busy. They went to bed and he walked to the eldest daughters room....which were empty.

"FUCK" Tommy yelled. Y/n went to his side as he was storming the hall

"Honey what's wrong?" Y/n asked but he didn't answer. He went to lilas room instead and got her out of bed

"Where are Annie and Sophie?" He asked with a stern look. All the girls were stood in the doorway watching with smirks on their faces. Lila was also grinning

"I don't know daddy" she replied

"Delilah Marie shelby! You tell us where your sisters are or you will be punished" Tommy threatened. He knew lila hated punishments. She couldn't stand being grounded, always longed to be outside

"OK ok fine. They went to the club" y/n rolled her eyes as they girls started giggling

"Off to bed. All of you. Go on" y/n ordered. Tommy rushed to the phone and was about to call Arthur and John for assistance in finding the girls, when the door opened and in rushed his eldest daughters

"Fuck" they said in sync as they saw both their parents stood there

"Fuck indeed. You girls want to tell us where you've been?" Tommy asked crossing his arms

"Not really" Annie mumbled

"We understand you are adults, but you can't run off to a club and get your little sister to lie about it. It's not safe. We let you go clubbing if you a) tell us where and what time you'll be back. And b) take a group of friends or your boyfriends. Just not the two of you. It isn't safe" y/n reasoned

"But everyone else was busy and we were bored. Are we grounded?" Annie asked

"Course you are fucking grounded. Get to bed. And wipe that muck off your face" he yelled to them

"You can't ground me. I'm 18!" Sophie protested

"Live under my house, follow my rules"

"Why were you back so early anyway? Its not even 11 o'clock!" Y/n asked confused if they were truly her daughters

"These creeps kept following us around the club and wouldn't leave us alone. So we got a taxi home"

"Well that's the only smart thing you've done all evening. Off to bed" Tommy spoke calmly, being too tired to yell. He flopped on the sofa as soon as they left and y/n began straddling them

"Can't believe lila covered for them" Tommy groaned

"She wanted to be like her sisters. Stupid" she kissed his cheek. Soon realised it was silent

"Thank god they're asleep. A moment of peace" Tommy's hand crept up y/ns skirt making her smirk into the kiss

"IS THAT MY DRESS?!" They heard lyra yell

"And the moment is over" y/n huffed hearing many yells coming from upstairs. Voices flying at eachother

"Should we sort them out?" Tommy asked

"Nah. They'll be fine. Let's just go to sleep. Theyll get too tired eventually and solve the issue themselves"

"You think so?" Tommt asked surprised

"Fuck no. They'll be arguing til 4 in the morning if they have to. You get to bed. I'll sort them out. Probably my dress anyway" Tommy chuckled at his wife. After 20 minutes, the house was silent. Every soul was sleeping, except for Tommy

"Baby" he said waking up y/n

"Hmm" she woke

"Somethings not right" he sighed getting up. With a huff, y/n followed him

"Tommy just get back to bed. I'm cold" y/n whined. They reached Sophies room and walked in. There, on the bed was Sophie, lyra, maisy and delilah one end. And Annie, Tilly and abi the other end. Fast asleep, top to toe. All cudled up from the cold winter. Tommy's arm wrapped around his wife as they watched their girls

"You know, after Tilly, I thought I was doomed. Didn't know how to raise girls. Never mind 4. And then the other 3 came along and I was still clueless. But look at Sophie. A fine woman, smart, loveable, strong minded. We raise them well" he kissed her cheek before they wondered off to finally embrace the warm arms of sleep

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