Finn- Enemies or lovers

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Finn and y/n. Worst enemies since the moment they layed eyes on eachother. And yet always together. Y/n spends most her time round the shelby house hold, and finn is often at her house. Despite the fact they hate and I mean absolutely hate eachothers guts, they still hang out. And no one knows why. The two 16 year olds were always at eachothers throats but also best friends. It was weird for anyone who didn't know them

Finn was in his bed, in the land of comfort and tranquility. Well that is of course before he felt a heavy weight on his chest

"Rise and shine dickwod" y/n said hitting him hard in the chest before getting off his bed

"Fuck off" he grumbled, pulling his covers closer to him for warmth

"Oh no you don't. We had a deal. I need a boyfriend for the day. And that's exactly what you're gonna be. You promised" y/n whined stepping on his foot as she crossed over the bed. Finn jumped up in pain making the girl laugh

"I can not believe I agreed to this. I hate you so much" he grumbled

"Ye ye. I hate you too. But I got you out of detention. So now you owe me" y/n pointed her finger at him demandingly. The girl has made the mistake of bragging about her amazing boyfriend to her cousin. Her cousin is very rich, same age as her and engaged. Well, she's also a spoilt brat and y/n couldn't deal with it. So started telling everyone about her incredibly handsome boyfriend who they are all now expecting she bring to the engagement party of her cousin

"You have to dress smart. And maybe for once, you could actually make an effort. Now hurry up. We don't have long" it was only when finn had properly woken up that he realised how stunning the girl infront of him was. With her shiny hair and freshly applied makeup. A long silk dress with a slit down the leg and black heels. When did she grow boobs? But before he had time to ask, she had left him to get changed. God, this would be hell

Y/n waited for him downstairs, her patience declining every second

"Alright future sister in law?" John teased as he put her in a headlock. But she soon flipped him on his back

"I am NOT marrying that pig of a child. He's just my pretend boyfriend for the day" she explained

"Huh? Boyfriend? Since when?" Arthur asked

"You don't know? I told my family I have a boyfriend which I don't so now they are expecting me to bring some lad to this get together. And since finn owes me big time, I thought it only reasonable I take him" just then, finn walked down the stairs in a very smart suit and his hair gelled back

"You took 45 minutes and yet you still look like a wet rat" y/n joked punching his arm

"Rather a wet rat than a whore" he said staring at her chest

"Yes alright alright. I got tits over the summer. You can stop staring at them now" she clipped him round the ear and they walked to the car

"Well enjoy you two" John said

"Oh finn. Before I forget. You don't need kids just yet. So be on your best behaviour" Tommy embarrassed him. Going bright red, finn quickly got in the car with a laughing y/n. Safe to say the journey there was enough to make finn want to turn the car back around

"Now remember, we met at school. Been dating 3 months"

"Oh for the 100th time. I know already. 3 months. Met school. Blah blah blah. Not that hard to understand. Now shut up before I throw you out the car and leave you stranded" he yelled slamming his hand on the steering wheel

"Jesus man. Don't be such a grumpasaurus. You're like an old man. Just constantly moaning and whining" he slammed the car on in the middle of the road

"Right. Shut your trap before I fucking make you" finn shouted

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