John- the wedding

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It had been several years since y/n and John first got engaged. Yet they remained as eachothers fiance. It isn't that they wanted to wait. But life got in the way. Government got in the way. War got in the way. In a relationship from age 12, they always knew they would get married. John proposed 3 says before the declaration of war. Lord knows the pair of them didn't expect their engagement to last so long. But now he was back, and the two of them could finally get married

"Are you nervous?" Ada asked her soon to be sister in law as her and polly did her hair and nails

"I've been waiting for this for 4 years ada. 4 fucking years. I'm not nervous, because after having 4 years to plan everything, I know that this will be the best day of my life. I don't care about the cake or the dress or anything like that. I'm just glad the day has finally come and nothing can spoil that for me" y/n sat grinning. She truly was the happiest woman in the world

"From when you were just a tot, I knew you would become a shelby woman. And here you are, God you've grown up so much y/n. Time flies by" polly says kissing her cheek

"Mam, don't cry" y/n hugs her mother who was weeping

"You look so gorgeous. Seems like just yesterday when you were sat having tea, telling me how you were going to marry a certain John shelby"

Flashback- age 5

"What are you grinning at sweetheart? That look tells me you've been up to mischeif" y/ns father said pinching her cheeks at the dinner table

"She's spent all day with Tommy's brother. The younger one" y/ns brother says. He was good friends with Tommy

"John? Oh, you're blushing, he's a nice lad y/n. Treat ya well" her mother smiled

"Not well enough. Nothing will ever be good enough for my baby girl will it ay?" Her dad asked, lifting her up and spinning her around the kitchen

"Well daddy, I'm gonna marry John shelby. He said I could" y/ns father kissed her cheek and sat her back down. They didn't think much of it, but all knew, if y/n y/l/n was good at anything, it was getting what she wanted. She wanted John, they all knew she would have him

End flashback

"Let's go, before we're late" y/n says wiping her tears quickly. They ģet into the car and Charlie was driving them to church. Y/ns father was stood outside waiting, ready to walk her down the aisle. Meanwhile, in the church...

"Nervous brother?" Arthur asked looking at John

"Too happy to be nervous Arthur, I'm marrying the girl of my dreams. Been waiting for this day since I was 5 years old. So long as we get married today, then I couldn't care about anything else" and so the ceremony began. Skip to the end

"I now pronounce you man and-" too late, John had already engulfed y/n in his arms, their lips connecting in a moment of love and passion whilst both families cheered. Time for the party. There was dancing and singing, bonfires and alcohol. Alot of alcohol. Y/n was dancing with finn, her being the only family member he would ever dance with properly. He always had a crush on her. And to humour the young lad, and annoy John, y/n would openly admit that he was more loveable and cuter than John

"Ya know y/n, if you ever want to run away together, I'm still yours. Just say the word" y/n laughed and kissed his forehead

"You, finn shelby, are the kindest boy I have ever met. But unfortunately, I am married to your dufus of a brother. And whilst I prefer to play football with you than talk with him, I am legally bound to be his wife and therefore, can not run away without losing an awful lot of money" finn sighed sadly

"Well atleast it's John your marrying. Could've been worse. I'm happy for you. If he ever does anything to hurt you, I'll hunt him down, cut off his balls, and throw him over to France by his dick" finn warned. That's when John came over

"Don't worry finn, she's in safe hands" John ruffled Finns hear before taking his place and dancing with his wife

"Planning on leaving with finn are ya? I'll warn you, he snores like an old man" y/n laughs and rests her head on John's shoulder

"Must be a shelby thing then...because he isn't the only one" John gasped and then grinned at his wife

"Wanna go somewhere more quiet?" Y/n nodded being quite used to this. They would often sneak off from family gatherings to fuck. Be it a wedding, birthday, Christmas, once a funeral (not their proudest moment). Finn took y/n from the field they were dancing in to the back of a barn

"A romantic" y/n said raising an eyebrow

"You lost your virginity bent over the headmasters desk with him stood on the other side of the door, threatening to expel us. A barn isn't the worse place we've done it" they laugh at the memory and began kissing one another. John's hand ran up y/ns legs, up her thigh, under her dress, until he was close to her heat. Y/ns face was buried in his neck as she kissed and sucked leaving bright purple marks

"God I love you Mrs shelby" John groaned feeling his way into her pants

"John you're...oh...oh sorry...didn't see a thing...did not see a thing" Arthur turned around covering his eyes as the pair complained and stopped

"Arthur! How many times! If the pair of us are missing from a party, do NOT disturb us" y/n groaned. This wasn't the first time Arthur had found them. He seemed to not know how to knock. The first time he walked in on them, they were 16 and it was adas birthday party. They were about to sing happy birthday so Arthur went to look for them. When he found them, they were both stark naked with y/n ontop of John. Safe to safe he suffered much trauma but never learnt his lesson

"Sorry sister. But you two have to come back now. Your dad wants a dance y/n" y/n smiled knowing this was very important to her and her father. So they agreed to save their....actions for later on.

The wedding finished early hours of the morning. Finn was passed out in Arthur's arms like a baby. Ada was leaning against Tommy for support as she kept dozing off. When y/n and John finally got home, John lifted up his bride and chucked her on the bed

"Welcome home Mrs shelby"

"Fuck me Mr shelby" and that he did until it was time for them to have lunch. What? The like to celebrate! Although, in 9 months time, y/n would be in the exact same bed, screaming and telling John that if he ever touches her again, she'll fucking shoot his tiny cock off.....wonders of the world ay

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