Finn- Day Of Need

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Y/n and Finn were laying in their bed, her head on his chest as his arms wrapped around her.

"Tomorrow, we have the house to ourselves" y/n smirked kissing her husbands neck

"Is that so?"

"Mhm. Peggy is at school and Arthur has agreed to look after Ben, give us some alone time" finn chuckled in amazement. They havnt been alone in a while. Sure they get time to themselves in bed, but the kids are in the room next door so they can't do anything other than cuddle. Finn is always working and y/n spends all day looking after their 2 children. Peggy started school this year age 4, and Ben just turned 1, so he's only learning how to talk. But Arthur had walked in when they were having sex on Finns desk. He agreed to take Ben for the day so they could have the house to themselves. And finn has been given the day off

"What time is Arthur picking Ben up?"

"I'm dropping him off when I take Peggy to school"

"God I've wanted this for ages. I love our children more than anything, and I love being their dad, but sometimes, all I need is you" he kisses her head and they close their eyes, hoping that morning would come soon. And then it happened. The door opened and Peggy was stood by the bed in tears

"What's wrong baby?" Finn asked lifting her up onto the bed

"I've been sick" she cries. Finn grits his teeth but tries to hide his annoyance. It wasn't her fault obviously, but he was just frustrated that it had to happen tonight of all nights

"Shhh...don't cry, did you make it to the toilet?" Finn asks. She shakes her head

"You stay in bed with Mummy and ill clean it up" finn hands Peggy over to y/n and they cuddle in bed

"Are you sure you don't want some help?" Y/n asks

"No its alright. I'll get her a bowl first though" later on, once finn had finished, he went back to his room and Peggy was still awake, crying whilst sat up on y/ns knee

"I'm sorry daddy" she cries, her cheeks red

"Don't worry sweetheart, it's fine, not your fault. Guess this means no school for you tomorrow then" y/n tells Peggy as Finns face scrunched up in annoyance so y/n hits him discreetly making him smile at their daughter

"Let's get you to bed love" finn says lifting up Peggy to carry her into her own room

"No, I want to sleep with you" she whines. Finn and Y/n knew they would get ill if she slept with them, but they couldn't deny her. She was already in tears and they were too tired to argue. So Peggy slept with them that night, kicking the pair of them in her sleep and punching finn in the face a couple times

The next morning, y/n woke up to the sound of Peggy being sick in a bowl whilst finn rubbed her back

"Don't cry love, you'll be fine" finn comforted. She got up from bed and went to call Arthur, explaining that he didn't need to watch Ben because Peggy wasn't going school, so there was no point anyway. He wished her well and went his love

"Uncle Arthur sends his love, says he hopes you're feeling better soon" y/n told her daughter as she reaches for her

"Mama" Ben was awake. He was screaming for someone to come and get him from his cot. Finn went as y/n rocked Peggy in her arms

"Oh shit" finn yelled

"Language" y/n and Peggy said simultaneously. Finn comes back in with Ben in his arms and y/n quickly step back

"Finn, he can't be near Peggy or he'll get ill"

"Too late for that, his cot is full of vomit. And there's some in his hair so I think he needs a bath" finn groaned. They put both children on their bed and finn kept them happy whilst y/n ran them a bath. When it was done, he carried them both and put them in, rinsing their hair and washing them

"Do you feel any better sweetheart?" Finn asked Peggy

"My tummy hurts" she whined

"I'll give you some magic medicine after this bath. It'll make you feel better baby. What about you, you feeling OK buddy?" Y/n asked Ben

"Milk" he said hiccuping but smiling happily

"After your bath mate" finn told him kissing his head. They were both wrapped up in towels and carried back to finn and y/ns room

"Can you dry her hair whilst I feed him?" Y/n asked finn

"Er...I can try" he says nervous

"You'll be fine, you've dried mine before, it's the same thing. I just don't want to leave it incase she gets even more ill than she is" finn gets the hair dryer and y/n begins to breast feed Ben. She was smiling down at him and his big blue eyes which were slowly going to sleep

Both finn and y/ns children had gorgeous blue eyes, shelby eyes, and golden hair. They were so cute and y/n loved any excuse to be with them. However, she was exhausted. Today, she really needed that break. Of course, she doesn't blame her children and knows they are as upset about today as she is. But y/n was overworked and started to cry silently as she lay Ben down in his cot. And she couldn't leave him. Scared he'd choke on his own vomit, she sat and watched him until finn had finished drying Peggy's hair

"Come on, they're both asleep, let's go for a lie down" finn says holding his hand out but y/n just keeps her eyes on her son


"I think I'm gonna stay here" she says

"Honey, he'll be fine. I know you're worried, but he's not a new born anymore, he'll wake up if he's sick or atleast roll over like he did last night" y/n looks up at finn and instantly bursts into tears. She was sat down so finn crouches to her height, taking her hands in his

"Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong. This is more than the kids being sick"

"I'm so fucking tired finn. Every day for 4 years, I have woken up at 6am for the kids. Spend all day running around after them, listening to their tantrums because I cut their sandwiches into squares and not triangles, or I didn't do the write voice when reading a story. And it's constant screaming and crying for either my attention or a new fucking toy. I thought with Peggy at school it would be easier but its worse. Having to find her shoes which she hides daily, Ben cries for my attention but I can't hold him until Peggy is dressed and ready. Running around trying not to be late. Her running off when we start walking to school. Ben dropping his dummy just for the fun of it every 5 seconds. And then at home, I'm constantly trying to keep Ben occupied and happy but it's so hard. He gets bored so easy and I can't keep up with him. Every day is the same and I feel like such a bad mother for saying all of this but I don't know what to do" finn holds his shaking wife as she sobs into his shoulder

"You are the most incredible mother I have ever seen. I wish I had known how stressed you were sooner. You need a break my love and that's fine. There's nothing wrong with needing some time to yourself. I can speak with Tommy and we can sort something out. I can try and get the mornings off work to help you out. And maybe once a weak, in the evenings, we can get a babysitting so the two of us either get a chippy and have sex on the sofa, or go to a fancy restaurant and movie. Or anything else, whatever you want, and we'll do it. Like a date night. That sound alright?"

"That sounds perfect. Thank you finn" they kiss softly, her hands on his cheeks

"If you ever need me, for anything, you know you're always welcome in the office. Tommy won't mind, and you can bring Ben and we can look after him together. You need anything, I'm just one call away. I promise"

And so that's what they did. And it worked so well. Y/n felt more relaxed. Of course, she still felt stressed on occasion, but it was alot less than before. The kids enjoyed seeing their father in the morning but one thing is for sure, they were very careful that 2 was the maximum number of kids they ever had.

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