John- War girl

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The girl: Hair like silk, smile like heaven, eyes like the deepest pool, that's how John shelby thought of her. But of course, this isn't what he first thought. At first, he figured 'another man for the team'. Confused? Hardly surprising, after all, you've been given very little context. So let me fill you in

"John! John! She's back! She's here!" John turned around from the kitchen table to see Arthur stood in the doorway with a news paper in his hand and a grin spread wide across his face

"Fuck you on about?" John chuckled at his older brother, assuming he was seeing things due to all the drugs

"Y/n, her names been cleared. They won the court case and she's been released. Called me up this morning to tell me she's coming to Birmingham. Y/n fucking l/n is coming to small heath" Arthur shouted to the gods in glee as polly sat rather confused. John jumped up and hugged his brother in celebration. 12 year old finn was also confused

"Who's y/n? And what court case? I swear to God, if you've put this family in danger again-"

"Relax pol. It's fine. Y/ns got nothing to do with the blinders. Cross me heart. She's just a friend from the past" Arthur reassured

"Who is she?" Finn asked

"Oh finn, she was the virgin Mary sent to save us all. A blessed angel she was. Smile from the heavens, hair of silk, mouth like a sailor though ay Arthur. During the war, we had a fellow soldier work beside us. His name was luke grayham. Brave as a lion he was. One time, we were cornered. 2 German soldiers, and us. We had no weapons. They had guns. Well luke, he charged straight at them, got himself shot in the process but allowed us to escape. At the hospital, the nurses found a secret. Luke wasn't luke at all. Wasn't even a lad. Luke was in fact y/n. A girl age 20 who'd dressed as a boy to fight for her country. So full of courage and passion, a longing for the war to be over and to go home. She was such a good soldier that the general helped keep her little secret on the down low. Very few knew about it. She continued to fight but when the war was over, that's when her life changed. And not for the better. Arrested; after fighting for England, they arrested her just because she didn't have a cock. Well it's good to hear she's back, she's been greatly missed" John told him. Finn sat in awe and polly smirked

Later that day, Tommy, Arthur and John waited at the train station for her. They weren't entirely sure what she would look like. Last time they saw her, she was laying in a hospital bed with bruises all over her face and shoulder length hair, in desperate need of a wash just like the rest of them. But John recognised her the moment she stepped from the train

"Well ain't this a warm welcome" she grinned. Arthur ran over and spun her around, Tommy gave her a friendly hug and kiss on the head, John simply stood in silence, his jaw dropped

"You good John boy?" Y/n asked

"It's really you" he choked in shock. Without warning, he pulled her in for a hug and began crying, stroking her hair

"Don't ever leave me again, you hear. Never again ay?"

"Sweetie it's ok. I won't leave. Sshh, I won't leave. You're my best friend John shelby, why would I ever want to leave you?" Y/n pecked his cheek and stroked his hair back. They all walked to the garrison arm in arm, John feeling slightly heart broken after being friend zoned by the woman he loved. Not that he could ever tell her that of course. This secret must die with him

They got to the garrison and Arthur began pouring y/n a small glass of wine. When he stopped she said

"What am I? A little pussy? Come on Arthur, you know me, I don't slack when it comes to drinking" he chuckled and poured her a bigger glass

"Ah. Much better. Ta love" she smiled at him

"So how's the bullet wound? See its not killed you yet" Tommy asked

"Oi cheers for that Tom. And it's much better thanks. L/n blood, just naturally better at everything. Including the healing process after being shot down" he rolled his eyes at her

"And how have things been since we came back from war? Mental wise"

"We're doing well. Just happy to be back" Arthur lied

"Ha. Doesn't take a genius to know when you're lying. It doesn't matter if you're a big strong man. Or a small pathetic woman. Even a tiny child. Anyone who saw what we did will suffer the after affects. Do you expect me to believe that you don't wake up screaming for them to stop despite the fact you're alone? The same recurring nightmare of seeing your comrades die infront of your own eyes, men who we fought with fall because we couldn't save them. Forgetting everything to do with reality because the nightmare draws you in, it makes you forget what's real and what's not. I'm not stupid Arthur"

"OK. Fine. You're right. Sometimes we do think we're still there. Still watching our brothers die before us all so some posh twats get revenge, get money, get land, get power. Happens every night and I don't think it will ever stop. But we have eachother, we wake up in the morning and thank God that its all over"  Arthur said

Before anyone could respond, the garrison door opened and in walked a young boy looking very smug indeed

"What you doing here finn? Supposed to be in school" Tommy said

"Don't tell aunt pol" finn begged

"You don't gotta worry. I didn't spend 4 years protecting these softies just so they'd grow up to be snitches. Finn was it? How old are you finn?" Y/n asked making the boys smile


"Perfect age. Have a drink lad" y/n gave him a glass of whiskey which he looked at with joy and cheek

"Can we keep her?" Finn asked Tommy making them all laugh

"I'll stay as long as you want"

"John really wants you stay. He said your smile was from the heavens. And I heard him tell Tommy that he loved ya" finn ran out before John could kill him

" we ye" Arthur said as him and Tommy upped and left. It was just John and y/n sat in the garrison....alone

"So, you love me?" Y/n smirked

"Shut up"

"Just kiss me already" she laughed, reaching in to give him a kiss. The pair shared a passionate and steamy kiss which of course, lead to Tommy finding them the next day, both butt naked on a garrison table

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