John- Proposal

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1911 (john is 16)

"I want a bloody divorce john" y/n grumbled as she walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes and yawning

"Oh ye? Well to do that, we'd have to marry first" John said smirking

"Then I want a hypothetical divorce?"

"A hypothetical divorce?" Arthur asked rather amused

"Yes you heard me" y/n sat down angrily and took a piece of toast from John's plate

"And may we ask the reason for you hypothetically divorcing my nephew?" Polly asked

"He's a self centred git" y/n complained as she stared daggers at John

"All I did was wake you up" he laughed

"John! Look at the bloody time!" And so he did just that

"It's half 10" Tommy told them

"Half bloody 10. Honestly, crack of bloody dawn. I didn't finish school just so I'd be forced to wake up early anyway. Can't I have a bloody lie in?" She put her feet up but polly brushed them right off

"You havnt changed one bit have ya" Arthur chuckled


"Well, day we met ya, you were being dragged to school by your mother, screaming that it was too early to be alive. And here you are, still a lazy bugger" y/n gasped at the language and put her hand to her heart as if in agony

"Arthur shelby! I have never felt such betrayal" she dramatised as the family laughed

"Y/n, will you play with me please" 4 year old finn asked sweetly

"Sorry finn, I'm taking y/n to the beach. Not everyday my girl finishes high school" John said kissing her cheek and putting his arm around her

"So we're just pretending you finished school then? Gonna ignore the fact you were expelled for fucking our john in the headmasters office" Tommy laughed but polly clipped him round the ear. Y/n had been expelled but john had quite school a year ago so they couldn't really give him any punishment other than a warning from the coppers

"You what?" Ada yelled out

"Honestly, we'd agreed not to talk about this infront of finn and ada" polly grumbled at Tommy and his big mouth

"You know, we could always agree to never speak about it infront of anyone" John suggested

"Ye, and if any of you tell my parents that I've been expelled, I'll cut ya" y/n threatened standing up and grabbing her coat

"Not before your dad can cut John's balls off though" Arthur's booming voiced laughed as y/n and John walked out of the house hand in hand. They got on a train and y/n leaned on john

"You'd really marry me then?" Y/n asked out of the blue

"Course I'd marry you. I promise, when we can afford our own place, then I'll make you Mrs shelby" John began kissing at her neck and she playfully hit his chest

"Mr shelby, you truly are a devil aren't you" she smirked looking him in the eyes

"Only for you love" and they kissed again. The train stopped and it was a 5 minute walk to the beach hand in hand. It was the middle of summer and y/n was wearing a light blue summer dress and a straw hat. John was in his trousers and shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Once they got onto the sand, john hauled y/n over his shoulders making the girl scream in shock and delight

"Don't you dare drop me john" she yelled as he ran towards the water

"Wouldn't dream of it baby" he said. Once John's feet got in the water, y/n cried out

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