Alfie- It all ends here

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It had been 2 years since y/n got the diagnoses. As a child, she often had chest infections, coughing fits became a part of her life. She married a man named Alfie solomons much to her shelby brothers hatred. He was good to her, kind, loving. They had been told not to try for a child due to y/ns ill health. It broke their heart but they tried not to focus on it. One day, y/n went to the doctors with chest pains only to find out she had heart failure. They had given her 2 years, possible 28 months to live. Yet she never told her family, not seeing the need to worry them since it was incurable

Y/n woke up in the morning feeling like shit. But no more than usual. Her chest wasn't hurting that much, she was simply tired and struggling for breath

"Are you alright love?" Alfie asked as he sat at the kitchen table

"I'm fine honey" she replied. They were staying at Tommy's House after their home was attacked by luca changretta

"Don't lie to me sweetheart. It's your chest again isn't it? Will you please go to the doctors? If not for you then for me. Put me mind at ease ay?" If only he knew

"I don't need to see a-" but she was cut off by coughing. Alfie got up and stood behind her chair, rubbing her back as she had her head in her hands. That's when Tommy walked in

"Morning" he said grumpily

"Bad chest again?" He asked looking at his twin sister. She could only nod. Tommy gave her a glass of water and she felt slightly better

"Esme is coming around today. We've got business and you need someone to keep an eye on you" he told her

"By business you mean changretta" y/n coughed up

"How'd you know about that?" Alfie asked in shock

"John talks when he's drunk" Tommy rolled his eyes. Esme arrived a few hours later

"Hi love" she said kissing y/ns cheek

"Hi es. Thank god you're here. The boys are driving me mad. Feel like I'm babysitting" y/n joked offending her brother and husband

"Right, if you need anything, just let me know. Don't do too much ye. Sit back and rest. Make sure you eat and drink water. And stay warm and-"

"Jesus Alfie. Ill be fine honey, its just a cold is all. Goodbye, and stay safe please. You too Tommy. Last thing this family needs is for one of you to be shot dead. I love you" she said kissing Alfie lips and then Tommy's cheek

A few hours later

15 year old finn was running through the streets of small heath, attempting to find his brothers. He was shaking with worry but couldn't let it slow him down. He HAD to find his family, he just had to. He eventually found them, stood at one end of a street. Luca changretta stood opposite. Men surrounding them, all with guns and faces ready to kill. Tommy was stood next to Alfie solomons, luca talking as they listened

"We don't need this to go any further. If you just....sign it over" Luca spoke. Finn stood, hiding in the shadows. He knew that were he to interrupt the duel, Tommy could lose so much. But leaving them to it, his whole family and Alfie could lose everything. So with a gulp of fear, finn rushed over to his brothers

"Go home finn" Arthur ordered

"But its-"

"Finn! I won't tell you again. Go home before you get fucking shot" John yelled

"You don't understand. Alfie, your-"

"Get him out of here" Tommy said to which a few of his men obeyed. They gripped Finns arms and tried to pull him away as luca stood chuckling

"Y/n's dying!" He screamed. Everyone went quiet. Luca from amusement and bewilderment. The peaky blinders from shock; she was adored all around Birmingham since she was a little girl. Her brothers went silent not knowing what to say or what to ask. And Alfie, just froze in his place

"Fuck you mean?" John asked

"Esme is with her at the hospital. They said she won't last the night tom" finn told his brother as a few tears fell

"Well isn't this interesting" luca chimed in. No one knows if it was from anger, impatience or pain, but Arthur shot him straight in the head, not wanting to hear another word. Lucas men just stood over his dead body. The shelbys and Alfie ran to the hospital in order to find y/n. They got to her room and fell quiet when they saw her laying there, esme stroking back her hair

"Shit" John muttered quietly putting his arm oaround his wife, wiping his hand back over his hair. Alfie went and kissed her forehead, holding her hand

"Alfie-" y/n stuttered out

"I'm here my love. I'm here. Shhh. You're alright, I promise you'll be fine" but Alfie was trying to convince himself more than he was y/n. She fell asleep allowing them to talk although Tommy refused to say a word

"What happened?" John asked esme

We went for a walk, she was fine when we left. Talking the whole way. But then suddenly she just stopped in her place and dropped to the floor. I....I didn't know what to do. A neighbour saw us and called an ambulance. By the time they got to her, well she was shaking all over, sweating and she could hardly breathe. We got to the hospital. Wouldn't let me see her for an hour. I called pollys House and finn answered. He's been trying to find you for ages. They say she won't last the night" esme was sobbing in her husbands arms as the tears poured faster with every word

As they sat and watched, y/n deteriorated very quickly. Her whole body began shaking viciously and many nurses were called in. Everyone was kicked from the room and could only sit outside in the waiting room. It was 20 minutes before they heard any news. A doctor came out

"Family of y/n solomons?"

"That's us" John said jumping up

"Where is Mrs solomons next of kin?" The doctor asked

"That would be me. I'm her husband" the doctor lead Alfie into another room. The whole family were confused but immediately understood when they heard chairs being thrown and walls being punched. Finn ran out from the hospital, Tommy collapsed in a chair. Arthur fell to the floor and John hugged esme, the pair sobbing. A few miles away, polly and ada were enjoying their dinner, completely unaware that their poor girl was no longer breathing, no longer living

After a few hours, the family were sat in the living room at Tommy's as a doctor sat infront of them

"She didn't tell any of you?"

"For the last fucking time no. She didn't tell us she was fucking dying. Now are you gonna piss off or keep interrogating us. You've explained her condition, gone into great detail of how my wife, the love of my life has fucking died. What more do you want? You want money? I'll give you fucking money just fuck off"  Alfie yelled. Tommy pulled him down after he had stood up in anger. That's when polly and ada entered to see all the gloomy faces. Arthur wasn't there, couldn't stand to see anyone

"Wow. Who's died?" Ada asked sarcastically seeing their faces

"Ada....." finn said quietly

"Oh fuck whats happened?" Polly asked realising that they had began crying

"Oh pol. It's y/n. She....she was terminal. Never told us but.....but she's gone" their world would never be the same. Never would Alfie find love, not real love anyway. Remarried of course, but it was a vile and unloving relationship. Tommy was the same. After grace died, part of him died. Well now y/n was gone, he simply continued his drug use, drinking and grieving. The family was broken, never to repair

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