Arthur- He's Not You

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Y/n was new to Birmingham, yet it was exactly how she'd expected it to be. Dirty, smoky, grimy and sticky. The sky was covered in a large cloud of fumes and her squelched through the puddles on the floor. There were children running around with pretend guns, a few lads with a football and some girls skipping with their rope.

This was just what she needed. A new start, somewhere busy, somewhere she couldn't be found. Of course, y/n wasn't planning on staying here. Not forever anyway. Just a month, an entirely different life she'd lead, away from her fiance for just a month for the wedding. She'd left him a note, saying she was going to see her aunt who was sick but would be back in time for the wedding. Y/n needed this, a break from reality until she is set to live with one man for the rest of her life

It wasn't that she didn't love her soon to be husband. I mean, she didn't. But that wasn't the issue. The issue was that he couldn't even pretend and neither could she. For another caught her heart a long time ago

If y/n didn't know the meaning of love, then she'd probably marry Edward in a heart beat. He had money, family status, land, he was handsome and sociable. But she was introduced to true love many years ago, when she was just a girl. One man changed her life. Y/n learnt what it was like to be held, to be cherished and loved. He would take her dancing, kiss her just because he wanted to. They didn't have much, but they had eachother. Until they didn't

They broke up after a year of dating and a lifetime of friendship. It was right person, wrong time. Y/n was going to university in America, Arthur was staying in England. They separated but then the war hit, and y/n stayed to be a nurse for the wounded soldiers out on the battle field. She left for America shortly after the war and was introduced to her fiance. And now she's back where it all began, Birmingham, the place she once called home

"Evening harry" she said going into the garrison and sitting at the bar

"I don't believe it! Y/n Shelby as I live and breathe" he chuckled

"I'm not a shelby Harry. I never was" shs reminded him. From the age of 16, people started calling her shelby. Y/n and Arthur weren't together at the time, but many believed they were married and after years of correcting them, the pair of them gave up. Although Arthur never corrected him, he liked the way her name sounded mixed with his

"Of course of course. What can I get you love?" Harry asked

"Just a water for me thanks" she said smiling sweetly yet underneath her coat, she were shaking with nerves. Y/n had never been told if the man she loved survived the war. She just hoped he had and prayed each and every day. Y/n was a gypsy, and was confident he was still alive. She felt she would've sensed if he had passed. Y/n kept looking around the pub nervously, expecting her love to walk in. It wasn't that she didn't want to see him. Heck, that's why she came here. She just wasn't sure how he'd react

"Don't look so scared Mrs shelby, the shelbys are away on business, won't be back for an hour or two. If you're looking for them, I suggest going to polly grays House" Harry told her. She had given up on being Mrs shelby. Y/n walked to pollys House and stood outside, twiddling her thumbs nervously

"You know, if you want the door open, you have to twist the knob, you're special y/n, but you can't just look at it and expect it to open" she stood in her spot too stunned to move. Then slowly, turned around and there he was

"John fucking shelby" she exclaimed. They smiled at eachother for a moment before embracing one another in open arms. Her hands cupped his cheek as she cried

"I...I wasn't sure if you...the war...i"

"I know love, but I'm alright. We all are. Well, all us shelbys anyway. Some of our friends who went, they didn't come back" John said sadly

"You're here, I couldn't ask for more" she kissed his cheek and then a car pulled up next to them. Tommy got out the car

"Nice car tom" y/n said slightly stunned as she hugged him and kissed his cheek. He looked in complete shock from the sight of her. Then, behind him, Arthur was there. He was just as handsome as the day she left. The two of them finished on good terms. Agreeing that if fate had it, they would find one another again

"You''re here. You look good y/n" he was nervous, that much y/n knew. So to relax him a little, she smiled warmly and brought him in for a hug, her arms around his neck and his hands on her waist. Then, they all went inside where polly hugged her tightly, introducing her to esme and Michael. And y/n saw finn again. He didn't really remember her, neither did Michael, but they were only young last time she saw them. Y/n took a seat in the betting shop, a place she once called home

"Everythings changed. The cars, the house, the clothes. I see the horse business payed off" she said with a small chuckle

"You didn't do too bad yourself. So who gave you that ring?" John asked looking at it. Arthur looked down and she avoided eye contact with him

"His name Edward. He's an American business man" y/n answered smiling but they saw right through you

"So what's wrong with him?" Polly asked

"Hey! Why do you assume there's something wrong with him?" She ask offended but they just laugh

"You are engaged to a rich American business man, yet right now, you're drinking tap water in a worn down betting den in Birmingham with a bunch of gypsy's. Something must be wrong with him" tommy replied

"He's perfect. He's kind and rich and treats me well. I just wanted to see you all before I'm married. Before I become a proper lady. I want to get fucking pissed, and I thought, if anyone can get me drunk, its my family" y/n told them. They didn't look convinced but happily agreed nonetheless. And soon enough, they were all heading into the clubs thst evening, dressed up ready to get pissed

Whilst dancing with finn, y/n watched as Arthur sulked in his chair, talking with Tommy and John quite aggressively. Y/n went over and sat down, taking Tommy's cigarette

"Arthur, are you alright?" She asked putting her hand on his but he pulled away

"Oh fuck off"

"Ooo charming" y/n muttered rolling her eyes

"Go on, go back to America to your fucking fiance. What's he got ay? Nice fancy House, nice clothes. Bet he has a nice normal family, no guns, no drugs" he was clearly drunk

"Yes, he is normal actually. Very normal. And no, he doesn't do drugs. And he doesn't have a gun! Are you jealous because he can go one day without drinking?" She laughed now getting annoyed slowly. Arthur stood up and started yelling for all the club to hear

"Well he sounds fucking perfect. I hope you're very fucking happy together in your fucking massive house in America. Living the American dream, ain't that right" Arthur walked out of the club and y/n followed after him yelling his name until they reached the car. It was cold and dark outside but the alcohol was warming them up

"Would you grow up arthur!" Y/n yelled

"Oh fuck off. Why did you even come here ay? Just to rub it in my face!" Y/n went silent and listened with tears pricking her eyes

"Your fucking fiance sounds amazing. He's better for you than I ever was. So just go back to America, get married and stay out of my life" he turned around to get in the car

"He's not you" y/n screamed making him stop


"You asked what's wrong with him before! Well you're right, he's perfect written down on paper. But he's not you. He's not perfect for me Arthur because....because he isn't you" they were both crying now, not knowing what to do as it began to rain heavily

"So what now?" Arthur cried

"I don't know" she whispered. It was as if they both thought it at the exact same time. And together, they ran forward and their lips met in a moment of passion, their tongues connecting like they did all those years ago. This was where she was meant to be. This is why y/n came back. Because deep down, she knew that she didn't want to marry Edward. She wanted Arthur. And seeing him gave her the courage to leave Edward and love the man who treats her like a person rather than a prize

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