Arthur- Life of a divorcee

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She wanted to say it would all be alright. They were just in a rough patch. But y/n was slowly realising that the rough patch was intact lasting several years. She hadn't even kissed Arthur since the birth of their last child who was now 2. The arguments were becoming frequent, her own home felt like a prison. So she left. Took the children and sent Arthur the divorce papers. Of course, she isn't a monster. Arthur is a good father much to her surprise so he stills sees his children whenever he can.

Y/n lives just a few streets down and the children have everything they need at the homes of both parents. That means no packing bags when they switch. They weren't on a schedule. Let the kids switch whenever they wanted. Living so close, it meant they could spend the day with one parent and go home to another. No hard feelings, no missing someone, no tears. They were as happy as they could be with their situation

The years passed and everything worked out just fine. Their children, AJ (13), sophia (10), Amber (10), Tyler (6) were also happy with the arrangement. At least that's what everyone thought

"It's not fair!" Sophia screamed pulling on her brothers hair

"Hey! Keep your hands to yourself!" Arthur told his daughter. They were all sat having breakfast at y/ns house. The kids were spending the day with Arthur because y/n had alot of appointments. She was a hairdresser and today was very busy. She also worked from home so it was much nicer to have the kids out of the house

"It is perfectly fair soph. AJ is going to the pictures because he is old enough to go without an adult" y/n explained

"Why can't dad take us?" Amber asked

"Because, as fun as it would be to spy on your brothers first date, im not that cruel" Arthur ruffled AJ's hair whilst the poor boy went red in the face embarrassed

"Right, hurry up and eat your toast, Mrs Parker will be here in 10 minutes, she doesn't want to see you lot talking with your mouth full" y/n said as the kids finished their toast.

"Thanks for breakfast love. Come on kids, don't have all day" Arthur got the kids out the house and y/n began clearing away ready for her client. Then she hears

"Muuummm" y/n and Arthur had both forgotten Tyler who was still asleep in bed

"Shit, I'm coming honey" y/n called up, running up the stairs to her son. He was stood by his bed, trousers wet and tears in his eyes

"I didn't mean to, i woke up and my hand was in a bucket of water!" You sighed knowing exactly what had happened. The other day, you and John had told the kids about the time you put Tommy's hand in a bucket of water when he was sleeping to make him wet the bed. Seems this was the only time they listened to you

"It's alright darling, you go and clean yourself up, get dressed and ill try call your dad" Tyler ran out the room and to the bathroom, meanwhile, y/n rushed to the phone

A: hello?
Y: Arthur! Thank god, did you forget something at my house?
A:'t think so
Y: really? Sure you've remembered all your sons?
A: what do you- ah shit. I'll be there in a min
Y: he's wet the bed so please hurry because I have to clean this up before poor Mrs Parker comes round
A: I'll be fast as I can

Sure enough, it only took 5 minutes before Arthur entered your house. He helped you change the sheets and put the others in the wash. Then, Tyler walked back in all clean and dressed

"I'm sorry, I swear It was an accident" he says

"Don't worry son. Just your siblings thinking they're funny. We'll teach them a lesson ay?" Arthur picks up his son who smiles at the thought of revenge

"Well whatever you do, make sure I don't have to clean anything up" then there is a knock on the door and y/ns eyes go wide. They rush downstairs and let Mrs Parker in

"Hello young man, you were just a tot last time I saw you" she says squeezing Tyler's cheeks

"I pissed myself" Tyler laughs making y/n groaned in embarrassment and Arthur quickly leave the house with Tyler in his arms. That was at 8am. And then, 9pm, y/n was finally finished for the day. With no breaks, she was exhausted. Arthur came round to drop the kids off but got worried when he couldn't find y/n

"Dad, be quiet, mum is asleep" Amber said after she had just spotted y/n on the sofa

"Right, go upstairs, make sure you brush your teeth and get your pyjamas on before bed" Arthur tells the kids quietly. AJ was staying round a friends house. Arthur knew it was the girls house but he didn't care, they were 13, what trouble could they get up to at 13?

Arthur was about to lift y/n from the sofa when she started sleep talking. So he decided to sit and listen. He'd heard her sleep talk a few times, Tyler sleep talks aswell, and it can be really entertaining to listen to

Arthur....mmm...yes....Arthur....I love you...mmm...I like that

Arthurs eyes go wide as it was not what he expected. But it gave him hope. He lifted y/n from the sofa and she started to stir

"Arthur, what are-"

"Ssshh, its alright, kids are in bed, just go to sleep love" Arthur kisses her forehead as he lays her down in bed. The sound of rain on the roof was deafening

"It's raining. You can't walk home in the rain, stay here for the night" y/n still didn't open her eyes but it was clear she was no longer sleep talking

"I don't mind abit of rain"

"Arthur, just get in the god damn bed" she laughs as does he. He climbs into bed next to her, making sure to keep his distance not wanting to invade her personal space. But really he wanted to hold her, and y/n wanted the same thing. She leans into him, his arms now wrapping around her waist as his face snuggles into her neck

"Goodnight arthur"

"Goodnight y/n"

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