Alfie- Favourite girl

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"What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you get anything right?" Tommy heard a girl scream from other side of the street

"Bloody hell. All I did was accidently step on your foot. Anyone would think I'd murdered a bloke" the infamous accent of alfie solomons replied 

"I swear to God Alfie! If you've brought me here just for a fucking meeting with Thomas know it all shelby, I'll string you up the flag pole by your bollocks" the girl stormed over to where Tommy, John and Arthur were stood, Alfie following behind

"Tommy, don't mind my assistant, y/n. She woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Alfie told them

"Oh piss of ya cunt. And I'm not your bloody assistant. I'm just a woman, who you dragged out of bed at 6 in the morning, didn't give time for food and then proceeded to basically kidnap and drag to Birmingham. Of course I'm gonna be slightly angry at you. Now someone show me where the nearest pub is before I turn to dust" the shelbys were slightly intimidated by this woman but also in awe. She was a fiery one that's for sure

"We'll have our meeting at the garrison. Get a good drink down ya love" John said leading the way

"Finally, someone with some brains" she remarked, something John wasn't used to hearing. When y/n was out of ear short, Tommy asked

"So why have you brought that lady to our meeting? Not a place for a woman"

"First of all Tommy, that isn't a woman. That's some sort of sleep deprived monster. And second, I worry for her. Don't like her being alone because I fear she's gonna do something stupid.....just like her mother did a few years back. Never been the same since she hasn't. Plus, the fresh air will do her good"

"Wouldn't call this fresh air" Arthur replied looking around at the grime and dust that makes up Birmingham. They all got to the garrison and y/n was greeted with a nice glass of whiskey

"Ta shug. Much appreciated. lot get on with whatever it is you're doing. I play no part in this and quite frankly have no interest in being involved. Women's rights and all that crap. I'd be quite happy to sit at home and make you a sandwich rather than try and involve myself with politics, money and power. Just so long as I get a bacon butty as promised" she said staring at Alfie for the last sentence. The men began to speak of guns, drunks, alcohol and money. All things y/n has no passion in earning yet alot of experience with

After the meeting, y/n and Alfie went back to Tommy's where they were staying. It was a big arse house so would have no trouble avoiding eachother and Tommy. Turns out, they had to share a room as Tommy's servants didn't know y/n was coming

"I'll take the sofa" Alfie offered

"Listen, I may be a prick, but I'm not dickhead. You've got the bad leg. Plus you're older. You take the bed. I'll take the sofa" she ordered, going over and putting a blanket on the sofa which was in their room

"So...if you know you're a prick, why do you keep acting like one?" Alfie asks. She turns to look at him, raising an eyebrow in question of his sanity

"Because I couldn't care less what people think of me. You can call me cruel, selfish, think I'm the most awful person on the planet. But I couldn't give a rats arse and that's the honest truth"

"How do you not care? See, I don't care if people like me or not, but doesn't mean I want everyone to fear me, or hate me. I think there's something you're not telling me" y/n decided to ignore this, instead asking her own question

"Why did you bring me here? What purpose do I have to this meeting? Because so far all I've done is drink and complain"

"Your mother killed herself.....I worry you might do the same thing. You were the innocent woman who lived next door. Never saw you smoke or drink. Never even saw you with a boy. And then your mother died and well you changed. Started being rude to anyone for anything, didn't care about a damn thing in the world and it scares me. You acted like you had nothing to lose and it made me think the worst would happen.  That if I left you in London alone, you would give up, the worst would happen and I couldn't chance that. So that's why you're here. Because I'm scared" Alfie admitted. By this point, y/n had taken a seat for her legs couldn't hold her up much longer

"I don't want to die Alfie. I just want to live my life, my way. I get that I'm cruel and I know u shouldn't be. Sometimes I go too far. But its hard to care. I don't want to hurt people but I also don't have the energy or will power to put your feelings before mine. I know its mean, but its the truth, it's what you asked for"

"Don't sleep on the sofa. There's plenty of room for both of us on the bed. I promise, my hands stay to myself at all times" he raised his hands in surrender

"Thank you Alfie. But it wouldn't be the worst thing if one hand....oh I don't know.....slipped?" She jumped into bed making Alfie laugh

"You truly are a character" he laughed

"I don't want people to hate me. But I don't know how to be nice without being too soft. I can't seem to find that balance" y/n told him

"That's alright. We will get you help and fix this. But right now, you need to sleep before you punch me in the face" it had been known that a tired y/n was a violent y/n

"Goodnight Alfie"

"Goodnight y/n"

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