Tommy- heartbreak

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"Y/n, I'm going to London for a few days" Tommy said to his wife as he took down a small suitcase with some clothes in and god knows what else. Probably guns or illegal begs

"Well enjoy your time in London. Try not to miss me to much" y/n smiled sarcastically. She was used to this unfortunately. Tommy just leaving her for days, often to sleep with other women, some times for work, it was like she didn't even exist. And with that, he left. The moment she heard his car pull out of the drive, her legs buckled from beneath her and clutched her chest. Gasps left her mouth as tears filled her eyes. A maid who she had befriended was quick to help her

"Oh y/n darling. There there. It'll be alright. Mr shelby will be back soon" she said stroking her friends back. Y/n had insisted this particular maid call her by her first name as they had grown to like eachother an awful lot and loved one another like sisters. When Tommy was away, the maid would stay with y/n and they'd get pissed and just have fun

"I can't Anna, I can't live like this anymore" she cried into Anna's shoulder. The maid helped the girl to her feet and sat her down on the sofa before going off and returning with a bottle of Tommy's finest whiskey which he only opened when they had very important guests

"Name a better way to cheer yourself up other than getting drunk on your bastard husbands expensive boose" Anna said as she poured a rather large glass making y/n laugh sadly

"So come on, whats the matter? Mr shelby may be a blinder but don't mean I can't beat him up if he hurt you" Anna says

"Ha no, he hasn't hurt me. Not really. I just can't carry on living this way. I deserve to be married to a good man, who cares about more than just money and fucking power. I want a man who will hold me at night, a man who dances with me and kisses me and tells me he loves me" y/n expressed. Was it too much to ask for?

"Men like that don't exist y/n, you're smart enough to know that" Anna says

"You're wrong. I knew a man like that once, and I loved him. He took me out for dinner, bought me flowers on random days just because. This man, he would hold my hand and kiss me to show that I was his and he was mine. We were poor, but by god were we happy" y/n cried out standing up and getting more whiskey

"The war changed many people, Mr shelby included"

"I know the war changed him, but it wasn't the war that ruined our marriage. For the first year he was back, he loved me. He didn't laugh like he used to and nightmares, oh god the nightmares. It was difficult. But he let me help him and we got through it together. But then the money came, big houses, cars, fancy new clothes. As we went up in society, our love died. He grew tired of me" she explained sadly.

"Mr shelby is a cocky bastard, if I were you, I'd either shoot him, or leave him"

"Is that so?" They turn around and see Tommy stood by the door with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised

"Thought you were going to london" y/n said

"I was, but it started to snow heavily and I didn't fancy being stranded somewhere" Tommy explains

"Now care to explain why you're drinking with a maid?" He asked

"You know what, fuck off Thomas shelby! She's drinking with me because you are such a shit husband that I'm the only company she has and drinking is (as I'm sure you'll agree) the cure for fucking everything" Anna yells. All 3 of them were shocked because no maid has ever spoken to Tommy like that and they didn't know what to expect. Tommy sent the maid back to her room to give them some privacy but Anna looked at y/n

"It's ok, I'll be fine" not fully trusting her choice, Anna left them alone and went to her room. Tommy and y/n sat down on different sofas and he poured a drink

"Why do you want to divorce me?" Tommy interrupts the blissful silence

"You are not the man I fell in love with Tommy. And as you've changed with the money and power, you've realised that I am not needed. You were with me and in love with me when we had no money. But now that you are a respected member of society, you've realised that you can do better than some working class city girl who spent her childhood in poverty. You don't love me tommy" y/n told her husband

"And do you love me?" He asked

"I loved you...Once. And I think for a brief time, you might have loved me"

"All of this is for you. I've worked my fucking ass off to give you the life you deserve yet you can't love me" Tommy yells finally showing some form of emotion

"For me? Oh give it a rest Tommy! The worst part about all this, is that I was once naive enough to believe you. I thought that this was to give us a better life and maybe at first, it was for us. But now it is for you and your reputation. If it was for me, then you wouldn't ignore me, you wouldn't fuck other women and you wouldn't be such a selfish bastard" the poor girl began sobbing and Tommy even cried a little

"So this is it? All these years together and it's over?" Tommy asked

"It was over a long time ago Tommy, but we were clinging onto nothing. You are not the man I married and you are certainly not the man I want to grow old with. I'll sleep in the guest bedroom tonight and tomorrow I'll move out. I'll keeep in contact until the divorce is settled and then you'll never have to see me again" y/n wipes away her tears and stands to leave

"Please don't do this. I'm sorry ok? Is that what you want to hear? Do you want me to beg because I will" Tommy tells her but she shakes her head in defeat

"You need help Tommy. When I leave, the only difference will be that you can now bring whores into our bed rather than using guest rooms. You never speak to me, you never acknowledge me and you never show me in any way that you love me. For so many years I tried to keep the flame going but the past few months, I've given up. You blew the flame out years ago but I was too blind to see. Now I'm going to bed. If you don't change your ways then god help you Thomas shelby" and then she went upstairs and to the servants quarters where Anna was pacing up and down

"You poor darling" Anna said as she rushed over and hugged a sobbing y/n

"It's over Anna. I'm not upset about leaving Thomas. I'm devastated because leaving Thomas means finally letting go of what was once a very happy marriage"

"You're free now y/n. You can be happy once again" Anna tells her making her smile through the tears

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