Tommy- Take a break

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Y/n was asleep in bed when she awoke with a fright. The most horrid nightmare had filled her mind with gruesome images which she could only attempt not to think about. As she looked for the comfort of her husband, y/n realised Tommy was not in their bed. Needing his warm embrace, she got out of bed and rushed down the corridor. She knew exactly where he would be. The same room he's in all day, every day. His office

She reached his office and saw that the light was on. Grateful to escape the dark, she entered his office. Tommy looked up from his work surprised to see his wife stood infront of him. Tears in her eyes and shivering. He stood from his chair and walked over to her, putting his hands on y/ns hips

"What's wrong My love?" He asked

"Oh Tommy. I had a horrid nightmare and then when I woke up, you weren't there" she began to cry so he hugged her head to his chest, stroking her hair

"Don't cry love. It wasn't real. I promise"

"Can you come back to bed with me?" Y/n asked looking up at her husband

"I'm sorry darling. I've just got alot of work to do. Go back to bed and I'll be there in an hour or two" but y/n refused. She went and sat on his chair instead and crossed her arms grumpily

"You've been working all day Tommy. It isn't healthy. Not only that, but I miss you. Please come to bed with me" she begged. He chuckled at his wife's stubbornness and walked over to her on his chair. There is an unspoken rule that only Tommy and y/n are ever allowed to sit in that chair. Even Arthur gets kicked off it when he tries to take a seat

"I love you. But I can come to bed yet. You can stay with me if you'd like but it will be very boring" Tommy told her. Y/n agreed, thinking being with Tommy bored is better than being alone bored. She stood up and allowed him to take a seat so she could sit back down on his lap. Curling up on his knee, y/n rested her head on Tommy's shoulder. One hand cupped her butt and the other wrote down some numbers

"Baby" y/n murmured

"Yes honey"

"Can we go to sleep now?" He chuckled and kissed her on the head

"Alright. We'll go to bed now" Tommy put his pen down and lifted y/n up. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her head on his chest. He walked through the halls until he reached their bedroom. The door was still open as y/n wasn't in the mind set to remember to shut it. They went in and he placed her in bed before taking his suit off and joining her. Y/ns arm went around his waist and her head was on his chest as they drifted off to sleep

The next morning, y/n felt Tommy try and move her but she clung on to him. He chuckled but had to get to work so pried her arms from around him and got out of bed

"Baby, come on. Its so early. Just take the morning off and we'll do something fun" y/n requested

"Y/n, I have to go to work. There's a job that needs to be done. And I'm not sure if I trust Arthur and John to stay calm and get it done" he told her

"Please. I'll make this the best morning ever if you take the day off. I promise, it will be so fun, that you will go to work in the afternoon, bragging to Arthur and John about your wonderful morning" she was sprawled out, entangled in the sheets. Tommy laughed at his wife and crawled ontop, hovering his body on hers as he kissed at her neck

"What kind of fun?" He asked with a sly smile

"Not that kind of fun Mr shelby. I was thinking more along the lines of baking or going to the beach. I'll have you back for work by 12pm I promise" Tommy kissed her on the lips and then got up

"Well? What you waiting for? Get up so we can bake this cake." y/n had never got out of bed so fast. She jumped into Tommy's arms, her legs around his torso and showered him in kisses

"Thank you thank you thank you" y/n giggled as she jumped down. They pair went down to the kitchens. She got all the ingredients out to make a cake and found a recipe because neither of them were known for their baking skills

"Pour the flour into the mixture. Seems easy enough" y/n muttered. Tommy picked up the pre weighed flour and poured it into the bowl. But then a cloud of flour exploded into the air making them choke before laughing

" you think we put too much in?" Y/n asked

"We followed the recipe. Should be fine" they continued to add ingredients until there was just the mixture that needed to go in the oven. As y/n turned around to heat the oven, Tommy dipped his finger in the mixture and had a taste

"I saw that Thomas shelby" y/n warned looking at her husband as he put his hands up in surrender. He grabbed the spoon which was in the mixture and wiped it on her arm as she made a shocked and disgusted face

"Screw the cake" she yelled grabbing a handful of mixture of wiping it on Tommy's face. They couple looked at one another before grabbing more of the cake and throwing it at eachother. Once they were covered, there was really no mixture to go in the oven. Y/n looked at the time

"Aw. We only have an hour left. And you have to get ready" she said sadly. Tommy came closer and pulled y/n in for a kiss

"You're wrong. I'm spending the whole fucking day with you. Made me realise how much I love spending time together. So come on. Move your arse upstairs and we'll take a shower" he said slapping her butt cheek

"God bless you Thomas shelby" she cried out as they raced up the stairs and to the shower. Together of course 😏

The couple spent the entire day together. It included

8am- bake a cake
11am- shower because of cake
11.05am- shower sex
11.30am- get dressed
12.00pm- drive to the beach
12.45pm- pull over to have car sex
1.30pm- arrive at beach
1.45pm- go in the sea
2.00pm- have a picnic
2.15pm- make out on the beach
2.20pm- starts raining so everyone other than them leaves beach
2.25pm- sex in the rain on beach
3.00pm- get back in the car and drive home
4.00pm- arrive home
4.10pm- have sex
5.00pm- get a chippy tea
5.20pm- go the pub
5.30pm- tell Arthur and John about their day and ask about work
9.00pm- after getting drunk, go home
9.30pm- have sex on the sofa
10.15pm- have sex in bed
11.00pm- fall asleep in eachothers arms
1.30am- wake up and have sex again
3.00am- go to sleep for the next day

Safe to say that after having sex 7 times, Tommy made sure to have a few days off a month

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