🖤Tommy- Deadly kiss

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Deadly, that's what she was. They'd all heard about her, every man from London to New York. Of course, they'd all heard of her, but very few had the pleasure of meeting her. She was a devil, kisses her victims as the light fades from their eyes. Assassin by day, torturer by night. They say her lips are soft enough sooth a crying baby with one delicate kiss to the forehead. They say her skin, so perfect, it makes the mirrors jealous. They say her hair was weaved by medusa, every gorgeous strand, a trap to make her victims love her before she slits their throats

"They say alot of things. They also say she hides her guns up her cunt, but Where's the proof?" Tommy asks as John was reading out what the paper had wrote about this assassin and her most recent victim

"So who is this so called devil?" Polly asks taking the newspaper from John and skimming over the article

"The papers gave her the name deadly whisper. Because she kills so fast, so smooth, it's as if all she had to do was whisper in the victims ears and they'd drop dead" Arthur says. Polly begins to read from the article

"Taken another victim, male, 63, throat slit whilst his wife slept next to him"

"See, deadly whisper, his wife didn't even wake up" finn said. Tommy stood up and put his coat on

"Where you off to?" Polly asked

"I have a meeting with this certain assassin" Tommy says making their Jaws drop

"Are you insane?" John asks

"Business proposition" Tommy explains

"And if she kills you?" Polly asks

"Then more fool her. She needs me and will benefit from an alliance" he then leaves trying to ignore his families many protests. Tommy goes to the garrison which has the closed sign on the door. He sits waiting for 10 minutes as the woman is late. He jumps out of his skin when a woman comes up behind him and puts a knife to his throat

"You're late" he says

"No, I was early in fact. Just didn't feel like showing my face until now" the woman says. Her accent is thick Russian and it turns Tommy on although he hides it well. She takes the knife from his neck and sits opposite him wearing a long black dress with a slit up the leg

"Thought you'd be covering ya face" Tommy says

"You aren't a very good drawer mr shelby. I somehow doubt that you could draw a portrait good enough for the police to identify me" the deadly whisper tells him

"How would you know of my drawing ability ay?"

"You'd think for someone with so many enemies, you'd get better security" she raises her eyebrows and laughs, taking a bottle of whiskey and drinking straight from the bottle

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you" the woman says

"Because I have a business proposition for you. And if you kill me, then all you'll think about it is the curiosity to know what it is I need to say"

"Go on then" she encourages

"I want to know who you work for"

"That's no secret. I work for women everywhere. Any woman, of any country and any age can come to me and I will kill their husbands, their rapists, their bosses. Any man they desire for free" she explains

"And how do they know who you are?"

"Now that's a secret between me and the common woman. You had a business deal for me, please share" the deadly whisper asks

"I want you to work as an assassin for me, full time, you'll get housing and money, be included in the peaky blinders as a significant member"

"Why would I help you?" The deadly whisper asks walking over and sitting on Tommy's lap seductively

"You'd have a stable job, no more chasing around, moving from country to country. All in England, working for me" the woman tuts and kisses at Tommy's neck

"I work for the common woman, I don't work for men. But I'll tell you what, you fuck me now. If I think you're worth my time, then I'll be on standby for you. I'll kill for you but only if I have nothing else to do, and it won't be a permanent hiring. You'll be like every other customer"

"And if you decide I'm not worth your time?" Tommy asks

"I'll shoot you" she smiles into his ear kisses at his lobe. Tommy's hands creep to her waist as he lifts her up. As one hand holds her by the arse, his other is stroking her hair down her back. Their tongues meet and its no fight for dominance. The deadly whisper wants only to be pleasured, to be treated like a queen.


Tommy sits her down on the bar and begins to take her dress off. He let's the straps fall off her shoulders, exposing her breasts. With his warm tongue, he licks and kisses her nipples, creating a moaning sound to escape from the woman's lips. Her hands entangle in his hair as the stimulation from her breasts sends a wanting vibration to her clit. She lifts up Tommy's face and kisses his lips, his hands caressing her breasts

"Pleasure me Mr shelby. Touch me and fuck me until I can't walk" the woman whispers in his ear, biting down on his neck. Tommy lays her down across the bar and takes the rest of her dress off until she is butt naked on the cold surface. The woman, her eyes closed with pleasure, opens her legs and gives Tommy access.

He holds onto her ankles and drags her closer. His tongue attacks her dripping cunt as the woman let's out a gasp from the sudden contact

"Mmmm yes" she moans, bucking her hips as Tommy's tongue dives deep. The deadly whisper feels her legs shake as he rubs her clit rough, she cums over his face as he licks up his juices. Tommy goes closer and kisses the woman's lips giving chance for his finger to enter her hole. She gasps in delight against his mouth, gripping onto his biceps

Tommy's 2 fingers go in and out, curling on her g spot as her legs shake from pleasure. This was too much...yet she longed for more. The woman wanted pleasure to course through her body and for that, she needed him to be willing

"Will you fuck me Mr shelby?"

"Beg" he orders in her ear. She grips his throat and brings him closer

"I don't beg, I command" she says, kissing him roughly before laying back

"Yes ma'am" Tommy pulls his trousers down and gets out his hard cock. It was throbbing for release. Tommy had never felt so turned on by pleasuring another person, but her dominant yet longing side was filling him with an overwhelming sense of want. He craved her touch, and he couldn't wait a moment longer.

Tommy aligned his dick with her pussy, pushing in slowly as she gripped onto his biceps for support

"Oh fuck" the woman cries out in shock as Tommy began to move. He thrust his hips in and out, kissing the woman's neck and breasts

"Hmmm fuck" he growls against her chest as she clenched around him

"Do you know why they call me deadly whisper?" The woman asked

"Because you kill so fucking fast" he says kissing her lips again

"No. They call me the deadly whisper, because from the sound of my voice, I can get a man to fuck me dizzy. Fuck my harder Mr shelby, like a true man" Tommy does just that. He goes harder and faster, pounding into her pussy as the woman moans beneath him. Feeling his cock twitch inside her, the deadly whisper came, seconds later, Tommy followed. It Was a final kiss before they got cleaned up and the woman dressed herself

End smut

"So, will you be willing to assassinate for me deadly whisper?" Tommy asked

"I suppose you just passed the test"

"Glad to hear it. Now we're working together, whats your real name? Cant be calling you deadly whisper infront of people now can i" He asked

"You can call me miss y/l/n"

"Got a first name miss y/l/n?" He asks smirking as she applies her lipstick ready to leave the pub

"Yes, but you won't be using it" she smirks before leaving Tommy stood dumbfounded. T 

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