Arthur- The Future

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Y/n and Arthur have been married for several years. With 3 children, they couldn't be more in love. Their first child, Anne, she is now 10. Sweet as anything, always wanting to help out around the house. She isn't very independent, which although only 10, is becoming a concern. The poor girl can't even order her own food without crying from nerves. She always holds an adults hand in the street and is scared of almost anything. From spiders to beds that are too big incase they swallow her

Their 2nd child, Edith, she is 6. Constantly getting into trouble at school and at home. Although she is so funny that they do find it difficult to punish her. Edith is kind, but she doesn't like following rules. Very often, Arthur finds her bare foot, mud all up her dress, sitting behind the bar at the garrison. She seems to be fearless, which worries y/n and Arthur, for fear keeps people alive. And without it, she does very very silly things

Their 3rd child, florence, she is 4. The most adorable thing anyone has seen. It doesn't matter how old she gets, she is always the baby of the family. That child could get away with murder if she wanted. Although I suppose any of them could, they are shelbys after all. Flo stays with y/n most of the time, still not started school. They shop together and play together and clean together all day, but when Arthur comes home, flo sticks to his side like glue. Constantly using his pushover nature to get whatever she wants

The couple were done having kids. They had both agreed that 3 girls was enough, and they didn't want or need anymore children. Seems the universe had different plans

"Girls, go and tidy your rooms for me please" y/n says once they finish breakfast

"But mummy, we have maids for that!" Edith groans

"Edi, we have maids to clean the rooms in the house. Not to attack the monstrosity that is your cave like bedroom" Arthur chuckles making her roll her eyes

"Fine" she huffs. Edith goes up stairs and cleans her room but the other two stay down here

"Girls, that means you too" y/n says

"Mummy, can you come with me and help please?" Anne asks politely

"No darling. I need a word with your father. Go on, you'll be fine. Flo can help you, her room is already tidy" the girls hold one another's hand and walk upstairs

"One of these days, she's gonna have to learn that it's ok to be alone. She doesn't even like being in her own room alone" Arthur says

"I know love. She's just abit nervous. You know what she's like"

"Anyway, why did you send the kids away? Oo, do I get my birthday present early?" Arthur grins winking

"You, Arthur shelby, are a pig" y/n laughs kissing him

"But I'm your pig. Now tell me" he whines

"Fine fine. So, I know this will come as a shock. It certainly did to me. I went to the doctors a couple of days ago. I'm pregnant Arthur" his eyes go wide and he sits in silence for a minute or two

" good?" Y/n asks

"A baby? Another baby? That would be 4 children" he rambles on. Y/n gets closer, sitting on his lap and runs her fingers through his hair

"Are you happy?" She asks. He kisses her softly

"I'm in shock. But of course. I'm fucking thrilled darling. 4 kids ay. I hope it's another girl. 4 girls, it would be perfect" the pair smile and kiss one another. Everything was going smoothly, polly knew as did the rest of the family. But they decided not to tell the children until y/n couldn't hide it any longer. It was a long wait, and they would only get either excited or very upset

Y/n was only 11 weeks. She had no bump yet but felt a strong connection to the child already. She was sat on the sofa, reading a book to Florence


"Yes my dear"

"I love you" she smiles happily

"I love you more" y/n kisses her cheeks and stops reading when Edith runs in crying. She was covered in dirt, so y/n presumed she had fell over

"Oh honey. What happened?" Y/n asked pulled Edith into a hug. It was very rare that Edith cried. Usually, she would graze a knee, brush it off and get back to playing. So she must've been very hurt to cry

Edith was now on y/ns knee as she sobbed, trying to stop the tears but nothing worked

"I'm sorry mummy"

"It's ok. If you tell me what's happened then I'll be grateful for your honesty" y/n told her, now believing that maybe she had done something to get her into trouble

"It all went weird"

"What did love?"

"The-" but then Arthur walked in with Anne holding his hand and smiling happily

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked walking over and kissing her forehead. Edith looked at her sisters so Arthur took them upstairs so she wouldn't feel as much pressure. It was just y/n and Edith until Arthur came down and sat opposite

"It's ok love. You can tell us anything" Arthur promises

"I was playing by the river. And then the world went funny. And I wasn't by the river any more. It was like I was dreaming but I was awake. You were crying mummy. And so was daddy. You were crying because the baby in your tummy had died" Arthur and y/n shared a look

"Honey, how do you know I have a baby in my tummy?"

"Because you feel the same as keiras mummy felt when she had a baby in her tummy. But her baby was good. Your baby is sick. And you get sad. So it made me sad" Arthur took Edith in his arms and ran to the phone. Whilst y/n sat on the sofa, her hands shaking from shock

Moments later, polly walked in. Edith had calmed down and ran to her aunt who lifted her up

"Why don't me and you go and have a word ay?" She suggests

"Am I I'm trouble?" Edith asks

"No love. You are in no trouble at all. I just want to figure out what's going on. Is that OK?" Edith nods so polly takes her into a different room

"What if she's right?" Y/n cries as Arthur holds her

"Sshh...then we'll get through it together. And we can try again if you'd life. Whatever you want my love" they kiss softly and he wipes her tears away. Moments later, polly emerges with Edith

"Aunt polly says I have gypsy powers" Edith says happily then notices her mother crying

"That's wonderful darling" Arthur says

"Mummy, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worried you" Edith hugs y/n and kisses her

"Don't be sorry baby. This isn't your fault ay. Thank you for telling me. You should go upstairs now, it's getting late" y/n smiles through the pain.

The next week, y/n went to the toilet. It was 2 in the morning and when she came back, she shook Arthur's shoulders slightly

"Hm" he huffs

"I..I lost the baby" y/n cries. Arthur, now fully awake, sits up and pulls her onto his lap, crying together as he strokes her hair

"No. You didn't lose our baby. This isn't your fault sweetheart. I love you so much" they were both crying, devastated by the news. That night, Arthur's warm hands wrapped onto her stomach to relieve the cramps slightly, and they hugged one another, clinging on as if one another's life line

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