Tommy- Accusations

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Tw: contains mention of rape

Oscar whitlock. Tommy shelbys best friend. The pair did everything together as kids up until the war. That's when everything started to go wrong. They left together, fought together, and came back apart. Still friends but Oscar had changed and Tommy couldn't help him. They still loved one another like brothers, wrote often but Oscar never went back to Birmingham. He lived in Scotland instead, the country side, far away from any noises that may trigger his memories of the tunnels

After the war, Tommy met a woman, y/n. Men wanted her and women wanted to be her. She was the essence of beauty and elegance. Coming from Stoke, her accent thick, she could make any man bow down on his knees just by her very command. Tommy just so happened to be the lucky bugger who married her

"Honey I'm home" Tommy yelled through the house hanging his coat up. He could hear giggles coming from their bedroom so went to investigate. Knocking on the door, it went silent

"Don't come in. I'll be one minute" y/ns voice called back. He heard another voice start laughing so barged into the room, relieved at what he saw

"How you doing Tommy?" His sister in law asked with a smirk on her face. Tommy didn't reply, too busy looking at the never ended paint that covered the room

"Now before you get mad, it wasn't my fault" y/n said stifling her laughter

"Oh really? And who's fault was it?" He asked. The two women looked at one another before pointing, throwing the other under the bus

"Come on Tommy. We will have this cleaned up in a matter of minutes. You just go downstairs, relax, no ignore any crashes" y/ns sister, Vicky, said

"Hmmm. Just take a shower. Leave the room. I'll get a decorator to come in tomorrow" the girls sighed in relief, grateful they didn't have to sort out the mess. And so they went to go and have a shower. They got dressed and both came downstairs, y/n greeting her husband with a peck on the lips

"How long are you staying vicky?" Tommy asked. He didn't mind the woman. She was older than y/n. 40 she was. Never been married although many men had proposed. She was more of a one night stand kind of person. Didn't take a fancy to long term relationships.

"I'm not sure to be honest with ya. But don't you worry. The moment I've over stayed me welcome, you just let me know. There are plenty of men who'd be very happy to have me overnight" she winked making Tommy and y/n roll their eyes

"Nah but seriously, got in abit of trouble at home. Gonna stay away from Stoke for a little while, maybe a month or two. That alright?"

"You're always welcome vicky. On the subject of guests. I've got an old friend coming to Birmingham. Mind if he stays with us for a week or two?" Tommy asked y/n

"Which friend?" Y/n only asked because this had been said before. Sometimes Tommy's friends are perfectly fine and polite guests. Other times the couple have to cover their ears from guests drunken yelling and whores

"Oscar whitlock. You remember him honey?"

"Oh ye of course. When's he coming?" Y/n had been to visit Oscar in Scotland a few years back when her and Tommy were only dating. She liked the man, he was kind and told some cracking jokes

"Train arrives this evening" Tommy kissed her head and then got up to leave. That evening, they all went to the garrison where they would meet Oscar

"Not seen the lad in years" Arthur said downing his whiskey

"I never liked him much. He looked at ada like she was a meal" polly said

"Oh don't be daft pol. He was friendly is all. Men can just be friends with women ya know" John said making y/n scoff

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