Alfie- My Mother

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"I hate women" y/n yelled storming into the house, past Alfie and into the kitchen where she poured herself a rather large glass of wine. Alfie followed her in, quite confused at the outburst

"Take it the family reunion didn't go great then" Alfie chuckled but the death glare was enough to shut him up

"It wasn't a family reunion. It was my mother and me, sat in a room whilst my mum went on about how wonderful my sister is with her fancy husband and fancy car and fancy baby. And you know what, not once did she congratulate me on my business. Last time she saw me, I was a waitress trying to make a living. And now here I am, designing dresses so well known that even the royal fucking family are wearing my clothes. But does she listen about that? No. All she hears is when I tell her that I've not got a baby or a husband and infact, I just live with my gangster friend who's only real quality is his rum" Alfie seemed gobsmacked, abit scared of what she might do if he says the wrong thing as she slumpa down in a chair and smacks her head against the table in frustration

"OK....Well did you tell her that I also make a lovely lasagne?" He asks. Y/n sighs, putting her face in her hands and screaming in anger

"I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. All women are the same. All of them. Wondering when I'm going to settle down and get married. What if I don't want to be married? Did they ever think of that?" She yells

"Do you want to be married?"

"Of course I want to be married. But that's not the point! The point is, they just assume rather than actually asking me" Alfie chuckles, coming up behind her and putting his hands on her shoulders, giving her a massage

"I don't know how you do that" she sighs leaning back into his touch

"Magic" he answers making y/n smile. A little while later, they were sat having tea, food which Alfie had cooked for them both.

"Are you seeing your mother again?" Alfie asks as they tuck in

"Nah. I'm just gonna wait until she's dead. No doubt her ghost will follow me around everywhere, pointing out every fucking man she sees who could possible be a good suitor" they laugh at the thought. It was very true, neither of them were joking unfortunately

"Your mother is a witch, I won't lie. But, that doesn't mean you can't get along. Just do what she says and make life easy" Alfie suggests shrugging

"Do what she says? You mean find a man, get married, get a house, have several children, have many grandchildren and all in the space of a few days which is what she expects?" Y/n asks

"Not exactly. But why does she need to know the truth. Lie. It's easy, I do it to you all the time"


"All I'm saying, your mother isn't going to change. And do you really want her to hate you for the rest of your life? Just tell her you've found a man, a doctor or lawyer or some rich man job. Then in couple months, tell her you are engaged. Then elope. Then pregnancy. Then have a kid. She don't have to meet the imaginary fucker. Tell her you moved to America" y/n sat and thought about it for a while

"I hate the fact that you almost convinced me. But no, I would be caught in a web of lies" she says

"Fair enough. Probably for the best. You can't lie anyway" y/n gasps at alfies insult

"I can lie!"

"No you fucking can't. You always mess with your necklace when you lie. And you stutter" Alfie says pointing to her necklace and y/n rolls her eyes

"Well you wanna know something? I have been lying to you since day 1"

"Oh ye. How?" Alfie asks not believing it

"Your lasagne, isn't even very good" y/n smirks as she watches alfies face drop. He points his finger at her angrily

"You take that back"

"Or what?" She giggles standing up as Alfie does the same thing

"Or ill make you take it back"

"Oh really? Well guess what. Your lasagne might not be very good. But your ability to give empty threats its emaculate" Alfie starts running around the table, chasing after y/n as she squeals. They leave the room, going up the stairs until y/n falls over, Alfie pinning her down

"Are you going to take it back?" He ask using one hand to pin down her hands above her head

"Nope" she says popping the p. With the free hand, Alfie starts tickling y/n as she screams in both agony and amusement

"OK ok. I'll take it back, please stop" she laughs. Alfie stops and looks her in the eye. Their eyes connect, and suddenly they realise the position they are in. Y/n pinned down with Alfie ontop of her, their lips millimetres apart. Looking at his lips, and then at his eyes, y/n leans in, connecting their lips as Alfie takes dominance, his hands leaving her wrists free as he holds her hips. They pull apart and stare at one another

"Maybe I won't have to lie to my mother after all" y/n smirks as Alfie does the same, an even cockier grin

"Maybe you wont" they kiss again, their moment of passion igniting something in them both as their feelings for one another are finally found after being buried beneath the surface for so long

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