Finn- Mistakes

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"Finn! Finn!" Y/n yelled around the garrison looking for her boyfriend. The 15 year old didn't come in here often, and didn't know the shelbys went into a different room

"Can I help you?" The barman asked

"Is finn shelby here?" She asked frantically, tears welling in her eyes

"Er...right through there love" he stuttered pointing towards the room. Y/n ran in, much to everyone else's surprise. No one else would dare disturb the shelbys like that. But y/n was different. Only because she'd only moved here 6 months ago. She was also homeschooled and her only friend or now boyfriend was finn shelby. So she wasn't used to hearing the horrors of the peaky blinders. All she knew, the shelbys were respected(feared) business men.

"Oh finn! Thank god, we need to talk!" Suddenly the tears began pouring and all the shelbys looked confused and finn held the girls hand and pulled her away from the pub. They went back to pollys and sat down on the sofa

"What's going on?" Finn asked wiping her tears

"I've made a horrible mistake and I don't know how to fix it!" Y/n sobbed and finn held her, rocking her in his arms. It took a while for y/n to say it, and just as she was about to, the door opened and in walked polly and Tommy

"Who are you and what the fuck is going on?" Tommy asked

"Thomas! Can you not see the poor girl is upset enough!" Polly snapped taking a seat. Y/n had never met the shelbys other than finn

"It's alright love, he's just got a stick shoved up his arse. Im polly. What's your name?" Polly started, giving the girl a cup of tea which she accepted gratefully

"Y/n y/l/n" y/n wiped away her tears and turned to face polly

"I take it you're Finns mystery girlfriend who he won't introduce to us" Tommy said making y/n smiled through the tears

"That would be me" she said

"Don't worry love. We'll get your little issue sorted out however you want to deal with it. Whether you go through with it or not" polly said smiling at the girl

"What's she-" finn started but polly stopped

"Finn shelby! I'll be having words with you later"

"How did you know?" Y/n asked

"A gypsy gift darling"

"So what's wrong then?" Tommy asked and polly gasped

"Ignore him. We'll give you two some privacy. Thomas! A word!" Tommy knew that polly would just yell at him for being intrusive on his little brothers life. Or more specifically, his little brothers girlfriends life. As him and polly argued in another room, y/n kissed Finns cheek

"Please don't me angry with me"

"I highly doubt I could be angry at you" finn chuckled knowing his girlfriend was an angel

"I'm pregnant. I'm about 2 months along. I'm really sorry finn. I...I know neither of us wanted this....I...I don't know w...what to do" y/n began crying again but finn just hugged her and kissed her cheeks, wiping her tears. He cupped her face

"Don't cry. OK? It's not worth the tears. If you want to keep it, then we can. We'll make it work I promise. Or I'll support you if you put the baby up for adoption. Or if you don't wanna carry on the pregnancy, my brothers, they can set you up with a woman. Whatever you want, I'll be here for you and so will my family" y/n smiled but cried as he hugged her again

3 weeks later

Y/n was sat in Tommy's living room, her knee bouncing up and down in nerves. In these 3 weeks, she has gotten to know the shelbys quite well and understand more about what they do. But it didn't matter. She still loves finn and is so happy for all he's done. He's been very supportive. But now, she'd need his support more than ever

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