Tommy- Meet The Family

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Y/n and Tommy have been dating for 4 months. They met whilst she was working as a waitress in a restaurant that Tommy made a business deal. Y/n new of Tommy's reputation, but thankfully they both agreed that she wanted zero part in it so that stays out of their relationship. Whilst Tommy doesn't usually hide his women from his family, this one was different. He enjoyed the secrecy, he could act different infront of her. She wasn't just a fling. In fact, they hadn't had sex. Y/n refused until she was married which Tommy respected. He did have plans of proposing in a month or two but ended permission from her father.

So, they had arranged for them to meet the family. First, they would go to y/ns, and then, they would go to Tommy's.

As they were in the car, Tommy put his hand on her thigh to calm her down

"Darling, you doing OK?" He asked

" I'm fine. Its just, my parents, have never been to Birmingham and the don't know who you are. Living in such a isolated place. I'm just worried if they find out then-"

"Hey, you have nothing to worry about. I'm not gonna say anything, and I'm sure you won't either. If at any point you wanna leave, just let me know"

"Same goes for you. My family can be...alot" he just chuckles, knowing that his family are probably worse. They pull up to the house. It was a moderate sized house, enough for y/n and her 3 sisters to have their own rooms. Hand in hand, they walked towards the door. Not having chance to knock before it was flung open

"Come in come in. Oh my baby girl" y/ns mother, Peggy said hugging her daughter

"I've missed you mummy"

"We get it mum, she's the youngest" her sister yelled from the other room

"Oh aren't you handsome. You've done well darling. It's a pleasure to meet you dear" she said hugging Tommy

"Pleasure to meet you too. These are for you" he hands her some flowers

"These are gorgeous. Thank you dear. Go on sweetheart, your father is dying to meet this man. Honestly dear, she won't stop talking about you" y/n blushed as Tommy smirked, cocking an eyebrow up at y/n

They went into the living room and there was her father

"Daddy I missed you" y/n squealed going over and giving him a hug and kiss. Her fathers name was Daniel

"You work?" Her father asked rudely as y/n groaned

"Yes sir. Head of shelby company limited, a betting company for the races" Tommy says proudly. Y/ns parents didn't have a clue who the shelbys were so it didn't matter

"Races? As in horses? Do you hear that Peggy, he deals with horses. Wow, you've got yourself a gooden" they sit down for lunch and everyone is getting along until y/ns eldest sister walks in and sits down

"Sorry I'm late, work ran over" Angela apologises as she hugs you and sits down. She looks at Tommy

"Thomas shelby! Someone want to tell me what Thomas shelby is doing in my home?" Y/ns eyes went wide as she realised Angela must know his reputation. But Tommy knew differently

"He's my boyfriend Ang. Is everything ok?" Y/n asked sensing the tension between the two

"Yes everything is fine love" Tommy says. You look at Angela for answers. She just smiles at you

"Everythings fine. Just I've heard of his company, getting quite popular" y/ns father was happy to hear that.

In the car ride home, you were fidgeting anxiously

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