Finn- learning

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For years, finn had ditched school to help out at the betting den. He would mainly annoy John with the help of Arthur but as he got older, they gave him even more boring jobs. This past month, finn hasn't been working. The 16 year old didn't tell anyone where he was, but finn would wake up at 6am every day, leave the house at 7 and come home at 2. His brothers racked their brains trying to think where he could possibly be going. But they were sure he wasn't in danger, (finn wouldn't last a month without Tommy finding out) so they decided to let him be. Polly had other ideas

"Is finn not here again?" Polly asked as she entered the betting den

"Course he's not, he's never here" Arthur booms as polly rolls her eyes .

"Well you're his brothers, one of you must know something. Where does he keep running off too?"

"He hasn't told us a fucking thing pol" John complains frustrated

"As soon as he does, you'll be first to know" Tommy promises but that doesn't satisfy polly so she sits down in a huff and gets on with her work.

Meanwhile, finn was at school. Yep, you read that right, school. The boy who hates it with a passion, spent his childhood avoiding that hell hole was willingly waking up early and walking to a place where he was forced to learn. The reason for this was quite simply. One word. Y/n! A girl who had just moved from Scotland, he met her a month ago whilst on an erand for polly. They had a chat and she ended the conversation with "I'll see you at school. It'll be nice to see atleast one familiar face on my first day" and he didn't want to let her down.

So he had been going to school each day, eating lunch with her, showing her to lessons (he was grateful he remembered the building after all those years), sticking up for her which was quite easy being a shelby. He liked her alot and flirted constantly but she liked to remind him that they were just friends. Finn didn't mind being friends, he'd soon work his way up the relationship ladder.

The best thing about her was that she didn't know he was a peaky blinders. Of course, living here for a month, she has heard of them and been told things, but she didn't know finn was one of them. He'd been careful not to tell her his last name. Because of this, she wasn't scared and she didn't want his money or power. She hung out with him because she wanted to talk to him and it made him smile constantly

She was also really smart. Y/n knew so much. She had memorised the periodic table, knew perfect Latin, got the best grades, and was good at something called algebra which the rest of the class couldn't figure out at all. Finn couldn't even read so he just sat talking to her whilst she did her work and he got detentions. But it was worth it to see y/n

"Finn, you get a detention every single lesson. Why do you come to school if you won't even do the work?" Y/n asks as she has finished her comprehensive questions and was looking at Finns blank page

"I enjoy the social life" he says half true

"We both know im your only social life" she laughs and he laughs with her

"Point proven" he smirks and he could almost see a blush in her cheeks

"If you need me to help then I will, you know I dont mind. I just don't like spending the first half of lunch alone" y/n admits and suddenly finn wants to work. He really does, but he just....can't

"Truth is, and don't laugh, I can't read"

"Ye right" she laughs but when finn doesn't smile her face drops

"Oh. But, how do you get to age 16, still in school and you don't know how to read. Wouldn't they have kicked you out by now if you havnt been able to pass tests?"

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