John- Her Or Me

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Y/n was walking with her 2 children back from school. The eldest, Johnny, had just turned 5 and was gripping his mother's hand whilst the youngest, Olly, was sat up in his pram after just turning 1 last week.

"I don't wanna go school anymore" he whines

"You say this everyday. I know it is boring love, and your teachers can be annoying, but you have to stay in school. Then, when you are older, you can get a great job, and earn lots of money for your wife and child. Maybe even become a lord one day. How does that sound?"

"I'll work with dad" Johnny beams happily. This was the moment y/n dreaded. Her son always looked up to john, wanted to be who he was. Of course, he didn't know what he did, and y/n wanted to keep it that way

"No sweetheart, you don't want to work with your father. It's really boring, I can promise, you won't enjoy it. You know what he does all day?" He shakes his head

"Maths" the look of disgust on Johnny's face made y/n laugh slightly but deep down, she was still nervous. Soon enough, he would find out. And no doubt, he would be blind to the reality of it, only seeing the parts they show in films. As they continued their walk, lizzie, your best friend, ran over to you.

"Aunt lizzie" Johnny yelled happily running over as she lifted him up and kissed his cheeks

"Wow. You have grown, and I only saw you a couple days ago"

"Yes he doesn't stop growing" y/n laughed sadly. As lizzie let the boy down, y/n noticed the frown on her face

"Why don't we stop for some sweets? You can take them home as a treat for being so good recently" her son smiled and nodded as he ran off into the sweet shop

"What's going on lizzie?" Y/n asked

"It's john. I wasn't sure if I should tell you, but you deserve to know and I can't trust that he won't do it again. I walked in on him in his office. But he wasn't alone y/n. There was....another woman. I know you want it to be a business meeting, but they were naked and...doing things. I'm so sorry love" y/ns eyes watered as she listened to every word, shaking her head in disbelief

"Did....did he see you?" Y/n stuttered, feeling as if her legs may collapse beneath her

"Yes, he promised he would never do it again and begged me not to tell you. Tried to convince me that I'd only be hurting you"

"No, erm...Well thank you for telling me. Would you mind taking the children tonight?" Y/n asked as the tears began to pour

"Oh love. Of course I don't mind" lizzie sighed bringing y/n in for a hug. Once the children were with lizzie, y/n walked home. She felt as if she may vomit any moment, but it was simply the nerves of confronting john. Never did she believe he could do this to her. She got home, and there he was, john

"You're home early" she said

"Yes well, Tommy gave me the afternoon off. Where are the kids?" He asked

"They are sleeping over at lizzies for tonight. Johnny saw her and begged for a sleepover with his auntie lizzie. You know what he's like"

"Oh. So you saw lizzie then?" Anyone could sense john was getting nervous

"Is that alright? Or am I not allowed to see my friends?" Y/n asked

"No no, of course its alright. Just thought she was working is all" y/n nodded and went upstairs. The very second that bathroom door was locked, her feet gave way and she was curled up on the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks which grew redder by the second. After an hour or two, she washed her face, wiped herself clean of any makeup and got into bed. It was only 5 o'clock, and she had not had tea yet, however she couldn't face john, not yet. When he got into bed at 11 o'clock, she pretended to be asleep so he left her be

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