Finn- University

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Finn and y/n were always meant to be together. Everybody knew it. They met at school and were best friends. And then, they both went through that phase where anyone of the opposite gender has cooties. That lasted a few years. They grew apart. Made new friends. And then at the age of 15, their friendship rekindled. But there was more spark and passion. So on y/ns 16th birthday, finn proposed. Not the kind of proposal you're thinking. They aren't married or engaged. It was a proposal that she would be his girlfriend and he would be her boyfriend

Now they are 18. Y/n has stayed in school and even gone to the 6 form whilst finn dropped out the moment he could. He was very rarely in school anyway. Didn't see the point of it when he had a family business to keep him steady in the future.

"Sweetheart, there's a letter for you" y/ns mother said excitedly running into her daughters room and sitting on the bed

"Do you think this is it?" Y/ns younger sister asked as y/n quickly opened the envelope and read the letter

"What does it say dear? Whatever it is, your father and I are so incredibly proud of you" her mother said

"I got in" y/n bursts into sobs as does her mother whilst her sister runs around the house telling her other siblings who run in happily to celebrate. The older siblings were crying of happiness for their sister whilst the youngest at age 2 was just laughing along with everyone.

After a few celebratory drinks, y/ns mother proposed she would make y/ns favourite for tea tonight and that she can invite finn round to have a big family meal. So y/n went off to go and tell finn. She was so happy. Incredibly excited but also nervous. All she ever wanted was to make her family proud. Now she was the first woman in the family's history to go to university. Not just any university. Oxford University. The greatest university in Britain

Y/n walked into the betting den happily greeting her second family

"What's got you so happy? Look like you've slept with a coat hanger in your mouth" John laughs

"I have something amazing I have to share with you" she says and everyone goes quiet to listen. Y/n gets the letter out of her pocket and starts reading

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the university of Oxford

Everyone jumps out of their seats and claps their hands, cheering and hugging her. She has wanted this for a very long time. Arthur and polly even started crying making y/ns eyes water

"I'm so proud of you" Tommy says hugging her

"Always knew you could make it. You show those boys who's boss" polly says kissing her cheek. Finn stands up. He hasn't been clapping. He hadn't cheered or hugged her. He stands up and storms out, making sure to barge into her shoulder in the process

Y/n looks at Arthur as if hoping he'd have some answers but he just shrugs

"Ignore him love. He's just got a cob on him. He'll come round eventually and realise what a dickhead he's being" polly guarantees but y/n wasn't so sure. Perhaps it was because she hadn't told finn she was applying. But she hadn't told anyone other than her parents. Everyone knew she had applied for university. They just didn't know which ones because she knew it was a low chance and didn't want to dissapoint anyone.

After everyone got back to work, y/n went to go and find finn. He was sulking in his flat when she walked in

"Hey. I'm sorry if I've upset you. Or maybe it's something else. I don't know. You can talk to me you know" y/n says wrapping her arms around him from behind but he just pushes her away

"So what now? Do we break up? Do you find some posh London Prince to replace me with?"

"Finn i-"

"You're fucking leaving me y/n. You're going away all the way to London. Just stay here. You can get plenty of fuckign jobs here without going to fucking university. Or you could go to a local university. I don't understand why you'd want to leave" he raises his voice, leaving y/n in shock

"I'm sorry. I shouldve warned you. But aren't you even slightly proud? I've worked really hard for this finn. I know you don't see the point in education as you tell me every single day. But I want to go far. My mother wasn't allowed to go to university, my older sister got pregnant before she could go. My other sister got married and her husband wouldn't let her go. Please, support me as I do this. Education means alot to me. My mother fought so I have the chance to vote and to learn. So I will make the most of those things by learning about politics and maths and science" y/n tried to keep a steady voice but Finns words had upset her

"But why London? Who fucking London? You can go. I won't let you"

"You won't let me? Finn, last time I checked, you don't have a say in this" she said, now getting angry rather than upset

"I'm your fucking boyfriend. Or does that not mean anything anymore?"

"It means you support me when I'm doing something for myself. I'm doing this so I can have a better life and get out of this shit hole" y/n begged that he support her but finn was too stubborn

"Small heath isn't a shit hole. It's alright you know if you stop being so stuck up"

"It's alright for you. But we aren't the same. You're a man. When we're married with kids, you can just go to work and meet people. You can go to the pub after work and I wouldn't have a fucking clue. You can still talk to people. I'd be stuck inside like all the women in small heath. Looking after kids whilst the father goes off gallivanting to the whore house. I look around and I see all the women. It's too late for them to escape. They're stuck in the same cycle every single day. Spending their life cleaning and cooking for men who don't appreciate them. Well I have a chance to be something more than that" y/n cries

"So what? You don't want to be a mother?"

"I do finn. I really do. And I want you to be their father. But I don't want to be stuck inside all the time. When we have kids, I'm still going to work. I'm still going to have thise achievements. But I can't do that if you don't support me. Please. I'm going whether you support me or not" y/n says

"I don't support you in this" finn yells

"Then I suppose we've made the most of this relationship. I love you with all my heart. But I am not going to stop myself from doing great things just because you say so. Goodbye finn" y/n leaves the flat, not looking back. The moment she is gone, finn sits and cries, regretting his decision immediately but being too stubborn to admit he was wrong

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