Tommy- fertility

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Y/n and Tommy had been married for 2 years. Trying for a baby for 18 months. And right now, y/n was at the doctors office after having morning sickness for the past week. Was it finally happening? Were they getting the baby they had hoped and prayed for.

Tommy was waiting at home for her and when y/n walked through the door, he saw the tears in her eyes. He looked at her and she just shook her head before bursting into tears. His arms opened for his poor wife and she ran to sit on his knee, curling up against him with her head on his shoulder

"Doctor said I have been sick because of a phantom pregnancy. Its when you believe so strongly thay you are pregnant that your body begins to show signs. Basically, my mind is playing tricks on me" Tommy kissed her head and stroked her back as she cried into his shirt.

"We'll get our baby sweetheart. We will" Tommy said

"But when Tommy? 18 months we've been trying for a baby and yet nothing. Any normal woman could've been pregnant twice by now" y/n cried

"Don't say that! You are normal. You're perfect. I know it seems like the world is against you but just think, when we do finally have a baby, how much more incredible will it feel after so long of praying? We will get our child y/n. I'll make sure of it" y/n nodded against her husbands chest and they tried to ignore the pain both of them were feeling for the rest of the day

At night, Tommy and y/n were laying in bed wide awake, just staring at the ceiling, contemplating all of life's choices and options

"Are you awake tom?"

"I'm always awake"

"I want to adopt a baby. Please honey. We can keep trying and praying. But I really want a baby and their are so many babies who need a home. Please" Tommy put his hand against her cheek and kissed her softly on the lips

"I've been thinking the same thing. I'll sort it out tomorrow. It will take a while but I'll try my best to speed up the process with connections and authority" Tommy promised. Y/n smiled against his lips before kissing him again and falling asleep, finally feeling like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders now she knows that Tommy agrees with her

8 months later

Y/n hadn't heard a thing from tommy about adoption since that evening. But she trusted him and knew that it would be one of his top priorities. One day, whilst y/n was making tea, she felt Tommy's arms slip around her waist making her jump

"Jesus Tommy. You're home early" she says turning around and kissing him

"I have good news. There's a girl in Liverpool. 4 Years old. They found her on the streets 5 months ago. Just abandoned. Tracked down the parents who have said they can't look after her. Social services have decided that we might be getting our child. Poor girl is probably frightened to death. But we'll give her a home" y/n almost cried, before hugging Tommy tightly

"Oh my goodness. I can't believe it! God bless you Thomas shelby" she says with joy as he smiles with his wife

"Well it isn't official yet. They need us to go down and meet her next week. And we'll have weekly visits for 2 months. If she seems comfortable then she can move in with us as a Foster kid and from there, we can work to sort out the adoption papers" Tommy explains

"Itll be a lengthy process. But I truly believe that it will all be worth it. Its alot to take in but the most amazing surprise I've ever had" y/n smiles letting a few tears slip from joy

1 week later

Tommy and y/n were say in an office with toys in the corner. Today was the day they meet the little girl who will hopefully become their daughter. They have been given some information already along with a picture

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