John- Destroy myself

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Y/n and John were engaged after 3 years. Along time to be boyfriend and girlfriend in those days but every time John asked, y/n always told him no. And he proposed every single day until to his surprise, 2 months ago, she said yes.  The wedding was in 3 months and the couple was very excited to finally be husband and wife. But thay didn't mean they had no worries. Y/n lay in bed, her head filled with concerns about the big day

What if she can't fit into her dress?

What if the weather ruins it?

What if she can't fit into her dress?

What if John gets cold feet?

What if she can't fit into her dress?

You may have noticed that there was one worry in particular that just kept circling around her mind all day, every day. She wanted to look beautiful of her wedding day, but y/n couldn't only think that John would see her and change his mind. They met when she was 17, and over those 10 years, she has gained abit of weight. Her hips have become wider and her jawline not as sharp as her once flat stomach had disappeared under layers of skin

What y/n didn't realise, is that if she wasn't the fiance of a shelby, then every man in birmingham would have made their move on the stunning girl. She didn't notice the looks of jealousy women and girls gave her, and how polly would sit doing the girls make up for hours purely because she felt like she was looking at a princess.

John would stare at his fiance whenever he could. Her body was gorgeous and he loved every inch of her. Her face showed her sweet and innocent side as she slept, and her sexy, passionate side when she was awake. He loved her with every fibre of his being, and nothing could change that. Her beauty was the first thing to catch his attention, but it was her kind soul that captured his heart

Whilst John snored, y/n got up and went downstairs. She made him some breakfast and took it back up to him, waking him up to the smell of bacon and sausages

"Fucking hell. Looks lovely darling. Shit, not our anniversary is it?" John asks and y/n chuckles, giving him the tray of food and sitting next to him

"No honey, it's not our anniversary. Polly reminds us both when it's our anniversary. I'm just doing this to say thank you for being the most amazing fiance" she says kissing him on the cheek as he began to eat

"Thank you baby. Have you had breakfast yet darling?" He asked

"Ye, I ate earlier but you were still asleep" she lied through her teeth, heartbreaking a little but she lied every single morning. It was all quite simple, y/n would lie about having breakfast and dinner if possible. But when it was time for tea, she would eat with John and throw it up afterwards. Been living off 2 crackers a day and water for 2 months.

Later that day, they were in the garrison celebrating Michael's birthday. He had just turned 18 and everyone was drinking

"Y/n, can I have a word?" Tommy asks

"Sure" she says having no clue what it would be about. Her and Tommy grabbed their coats and went outside to talk. They kit their Cigarettes and then he began talking

"How many meals do you eat in a day y/n?" He asks plainly

"3 Tom. Like everyone else" she replies laughing nervously

"Except you don't. You don't eat lunch, and I assume you don't eat breakfast and you throw up your tea" y/ns heart dropped to the pit of her stomach

"How do you-"

"I heard you throwing up the other day at family tea. These past couple days I've been keeping a close eye and noticing that you never stop work to have food, but you always tell John that you have. You lie to him. Why?" Tommy's voice was quiet, but it didn't seem as caring as he'd hoped and y/n felt a strong urge to cry

"What i eat is none of your concern Thomas!" She snaps. Very few would get away with talking to him like that, but he has known y/n for 10 Years. To him, she was the young woman who fell head over heels for his little brother. The girl who nervously spoke to him at first, then slowly warmed up to him. The girl who knew who he was before the war, and believes with all her heart that the old Tommy is still in there somewhere.

"It is my fucking concern when it's affecting your health. You are soon to be my sister in law. Fucking Sister. Do you hear? And I love you like a sister and refuse to stand by and watch as you fucking kill yourself by not fucking eating"  a few tears fall from y/ns cheeks and Tommy embraces her in a strong hug

"I'm getting married soon Tommy. I want to look beautiful on my wedding day. Not fat and ugly. Once I'm married, I'll eat again. Please, just keep this a secret for me" she begged

"You start eating tomorrow. Go on a diet if you must, not that you need it. But don't risk your health for some stupid dress. Because let me tell you, we hear you and John as you aren't necessarily quiet. And i know he will have ripped that dress off you by the end of tonight. If you don't start eating, then I'll tell John and he'll have to monitor your meals" he was about to walk back inside when he stopped and said

"And hey, you're the most gorgeous girl in birmingham, start acting like it" he chuckled before going back inside. Y/n wiped her tears and then followed him

2 weeks Later

Y/n was having a family dinner at pollys House. The whole family was there and y/n could see Tommy eyeing her carefully as she ate. She had done her best to avoid him these past few weeks, dodging the conversation that she knew Tommy would start sooner or later

"Are you alright sweetheart?" Polly whispered into y/ns ear seeing how the poor girl seemed abit disorientated

"Ye. I'm just abit hot. I'm going to go get some fresh air" she exclaims. Y/n stood up and after a couple of steps, she fainted. Everyone stood up and John lifted her up, taking her to the sofa

"Take her to the doctors" Tommy said

"She doesn't need a doctors. No need to panick. She was just abit warm is all" polly reassures him

"No you don't understand. John, she hasn't been eating since you got engaged. If we don't take her to the doctors, then she will die and soon. Maybe not now, but she will keep fainting until eventually, she doesn't wake up. Now do the right thing, ans tale her the hospital" Tommy told John sternly. Not having time to ask questions, they drove to the hospital. Tommy driving with polly upfront, John with his fiance in the back

"How come you knew?" John asks angrily

"I found her making herself throw up after tea. Then noticed she was lying to you every time you asked if she'd had lunch. I confronted her on michaels birthday. I thought she would be OK now but clearly I was wrong" he says feeling sorry for ever trusting her to help herself

Hours later, John was holding y/ns hand as they listened to the doctor prescribe some nutrient pills whilst she lay in the hospital bed. Once the doctor left, John began questioning his fiance

"I...I just don't understand why" he said looking at her with watery eyes

"I wanted to be a beautiful bride for you on our big day. I wanted to feel gorgeous like I did when we were young" she explained as a tear strolled down her cheek. John cupped her cheeks and made her look at him

"Now you listen to me. You are even more beautiful than the day I met you. I love you so much and I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress. Please don't starve yourself like this. You are gorgeous, and kind and fuck do you know how to make me horny" they chuckle "so please stop this and ill help you get better. I will, I promise" y/n nods as she sobs and he pulls her head to his chest and she clings onto him for dear life

From that day on, they ate each and every meal together. It took alot of time, tears and love before y/n was finally comfortable with eating whenever she felt hungry without feeling guilty. She was free from the horrid feeling that she was not good enough and John had helped her love herself just as she had done when they were 18

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