Finn- Call for danger

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Finn and y/n were what's known as the perfect couple. The pair that everyone inspires to be. Their relationship is one of trust, love and friendship. But in order to have a healthy relationship, there have to be a few bumps along the road. It wasn't easy being married to a peaky blinder, especially when that certain peaky blinders seems to have seme sort of death wish

"Y/n, its alright darling. We'll find him" Tommy comforted his sister in law as she cried at the table, her head in hands as her shoulders shook

"I know Tommy. I believe you. I'm just worried what state he'll be in when you find him.....why didn't he come straight home? I don't understand" y/n continued to sob. Ada wrapped her arms around the poor girl.

"Becauses he's a fucking idiot" Arthur grumbled taking a cigarette from John

"We've got men looking for him all over Birmingham and on the outskirts. He'll be found in no time and I promise, we won't let anything happen to him. No one would fuck with a shelby" John tried to comfort

"Oh please. Don't give me that crap. I could name hundreds of people who would happily see us all buried 6 foot under. I just wish my husband didn't try so hard to get himself fucking killed" No one knew what to say. Because she was right. The peaky blinders had many enemies, plenty of them would benefit to see finn dead, be it in revenge or for power.

"Let's get you to bed love. It's been a long day" ada suggested standing up and helping y/n up aswell but she pushed ada away

"No, ada. NO! Finn is missing; I can't just go to bed and pretend everything is alright when it's far from fine. I want my husband. And I'm not sleeping until I find him" y/n stood up and grabbed her coat, quickly putting it on

"What you doing?" John asked

"I'm going to find my husband"

"Have you looked outside? There's a storm love. It's the middle of the night and it's not safe. Please just let us find him and you stay here, safe" Tommy begged holding onto her shoulders and looking her in the eye

"Well you aren't looking by sitting here smoking and getting drunk. I'm going. You can either join me or stay here" with a groan and roll of the eyes, the boys joined y/n in trying to find finn. They had been searching for hours before but once the storm started, they had to stop. However the thunder and lightning didn't seem to stop y/n

"Let's turn back" Arthur protested as they were almost knocked over from the wind

"No I have to find finn" y/n cried

"Sweetheart, if we stay out in this, we'll die. Let's go home and get dry. We can keep searching for finn when it passes" John told her

"And what about finn? He's out in the storm too" tears poured from her face, but because of the rain, it was hard to tell. Her hair was soaking, hanging infront of her face and her body shivering

"Please y/n, let's go home" Tommy begged taking her hand. With a trembling lip, y/n finally agreed and took his hand in hers. They turned to go home but then heard yells coming from an alley. Arthur rushed infront to see finn lay on the floor. Men were Pinning him down and one trying to hold his mouth closed so he didn't yell. But clearly it didn't work

Arthur and John began punching then men, cutting them, hitting them, banging their heads against the cobbles. Tommy joined in once he made sure y/n was away from any of the danger. Soon enough, 5 men lay dead on the floor. And 1 man was lay hardly breathing

"Finn" y/n exclaimed as her husband fought for air. She rushed over to him and knelt by his side, stroking his hair back and checking his wounds. He had 2 bullet wounds. 1 in the leg. 1 in the shoulder. Arthur lifted him up and they rushed him back to Finns House. John held y/n as she cried helplessly, knowing there was nothing she could do to help ease his pain. They all helped to get him dry and warm, but it wasn't needed. For as soon as Tommy began taking the bullets out, finn had knocked the blankets off and was cursing in agony

"Sshh. You're alright. I know it hurts honey but it'll be over soon" y/n was by his head, kissing his cheek and stroking his hair as he desperately clung onto her hand

Tommy successfully took 2 bullets from finn and sewed him up until he was lay in bed, recovering slowly. Y/n sat at the kitchen table, 3 in the morning, with a cup of tea, just staring as it got cold. Only Arthur remained at the house. He watched as his sister in law suffered

"He'll be alright y/n. Tommy got the bullets out and stopped the bleeding. Just be careful with his wounds. I know you two are as bad as John when it comes to the bedroom" he joked but y/n was hardly listening

"I don't care" she muttered

"What?" Y/n looked up with tears in her eyes

"I...don' After the races, he was supposed to come straight home. Whilst we were at the races though, some of changrettas men were there. We told Tommy and he said he would deal with it in time. But as long as they didn't hurt anyone, he didn't want to cause a war. I told finn to just leave it. And he promised that he would. But clearly he lied. Do you have any idea how hard it is, being married to a boy, trying to be a man, by chasing death? He's so thoughtless about those around him. What would I do if he died? What would happen to the peaky blinders? He doesn't care about anything but proving himself which so far, has only lead him to be a fool"

"He's an idiot y/n. But he still loves you. So much"

"I know he was shot. But it's hard to feel sorry for him when he wanted it. He wanted to seem all tough and proud. Like he could handle it. If his reckless behaviour doesn't stop then-" y/n cut herself off with a sob

"You want a divorce don't you? You don't love him"

"I love him more than I ever thought possible. But I spend my life believing that my husband will end up getting himself killed.....I'm pregnant Arthur. I'm pregnant and I'm scared"

"Does finn know? Maybe if you tell him, he might change his ways" Arthur suggested but y/n just laughed away the painful truth

"I'm not keeping it. How can I? You saw him today. He enjoys danger too much for me to feel stable. Which is why I need you to set me up with a woman. Please Arthur. I'm begging you here" Arthur came behind y/n and hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek

"I know a woman. But finn is my brother, I can't do that to him. Tell him first. Talk to him. I'll set you up with the woman whether he agrees or not. But he has a right to know. Is that a deal?"

"Thank you arthur" she hugged her brother in law before he left and she went upstairs to finn. He was awake just staring at the ceiling

"Hey" he muttered

"Hi honey. I thought you'd be asleep" it was silent for a few moments, y/n drifting off to sleep when finn interrupted the silence

"I want a divorce" he blurted out

"How come?"

"I know you're pregnant. And I know you've asked Arthur to set you up with a woman. I heard it all. You want a divorce, I know you do. We still love eachother, but I hurt you and I don't know how to stop" he admitted

"You hurt me because you don't think about me. When you chased after those changretta men, what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I wanted to kill them. How proud Tommy would be" he said

"Exactly! You were thinking about what you wanted for your benefit. You never think about me. If we didn't find you, you would be dead right now. And I'd be widowed. A war would start between families. Arthur would hang himself. John would be killed during the war. And Tommy would die. I don't know how, but he'd go out with a bang. Then ada would leave because she won't bare to stand the sight of the home she and her siblings shared. Polly would be left alone as Michael would move to America with Gina."

"I didn't think about that"

"That's the problem. You never think finn! Its always about you! Give me the papers and I'll sign them. I'll leave Birmingham and start new. Away from the peaky blinders, away from you and away from this cursed place" y/n told him

"No matter what you do, you'll always be a shelby. Have been since you were 7 years old and that won't change. You'll have the papers this time next week. I'll sort it" they said no more to eachother, and instead fell asleep, both crying but hiding it from one another. This was the end. Something which looks so perfect from the outside, can be bitter on the inside

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