Alfie- Lost

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Walking through the streets of Birmingham. The excess smoke filling her lungs, killing her slowly. Her bare feet scraped across the cobbles, dirt between her toes as her body shivered. Her hair, wet from the rain which poured down on her, dripping from her eyelashes, down her cheeks. Slowly, she trudged, step by agonising step, yet she could not find him

"Let's go back inside y/n" johns voice echoed, her elder brother who loved and nurtured him for so many years. But she did not acknowledge him. Only continued to walk forward. Arthur came out the house, pushing past John and getting drenched by the rain. His arms wrapped around her shoulders, startling her as she looked up at him

"Come on, you'll catch your death" he ushered her into the house, and having no energy to resist, y/n allowed it. She was soon sat down with a blanket wrapped around her shivering body, a cup of warm tea in her hands as her head rested on her youngest brothers shoulder. That's when the door flung open and Alfie came rushing in, taking off his hat and crouching infront of his wife. Her arms went around his neck as her hugged her tight, kissing her cheek and cupping her face in his hands

"We've been worried sick" he mumbled. Y/n was struggling to keep her eyes open

"I'm sorry. I just....why hasn't he come home Alfie? He always comes home" y/n cried into her own hands as he sat next to her, rubbing her back and kissing her head

"He'll find his way love" John kissed her forehead and walked away

"When? It's been 3 days" y/n looked up at Tommy

"Please Tommy. Please. You always know what to say. You always have the answers whether I like it or not. Just tell me when he's coming home. Please, why don't you know? You always know" she cried and Tommy just looked down at her

"I wish I knew y/n. Truly, i do. But I don't know when he's coming home. What i do know, is that you are exhausted. You're cold and you're wet and you need to sleep. Let Alfie take you upstairs, have a bath, and then lie down for the night" but y/n just shook her head

"No, no I can't. If he turns up when I'm sleeping or-"

"Then we will wake you up. I promise. Y/n, you are going to make yourself ill honey" Arthur said

"Arthur's right. He's a good dog, he'll find his way home" with alfies help, y/n got up the stairs and was sat on the bed as he ran her a bath. Y/n had come out of hospital 3 days ago after suffering a miscarriage. The baby had to be surgically removed. It was traumatic for both Alfie and y/n. They didn't have any children, never planned it, but this child was their little surprise and they were happy for a short while. When y/n had come home 3 days ago, her brothers told her that her dog had gone missing. He was old. Tommy brought him for her 13 years ago as a present and he has watched her grow from a teenager to an adult. They were best friends and now he was gone

Instead of resting, y/n had spent her recovery days looking for Bailey, her dog. It hurt, so much. Physically and mentally. Just walking for hours on end as her eyes burned for a rest and her feet grew blistered. Alfie walked back in, telling the bath was ready. Once she was in, he sat by her side, crouched by the tub, holding her hand

"I'm sorry" he apologised. Y/ns eyes shot up and she looked into his

"No, Alfie, you don't get to apologise. None of his is your fault. I...I'm sorry. OK? It's me that should be apologising. We should be grieving but instead here I am, ignoring you whilst I look for Bailey" his thumb caressed her cheek and wiped her tears

"Don't apologise my love. He is like a child to you. And we will find him. I promise, we will get him home" they kissed softly and he helped her clean her body. Since the surgery, it was particularly difficult to wash herself so he had to help

After the bath, he dried her hair and got her dressed, laying his wife down in bed as he climbed in next to her. With y/ns head on his chest, Alfie stroked her hair and kissed her forehead

"Go to sleep now love"

"I don't think I can. Not whilst Bailey is out in the storm" Alfie just kissed her again

"He's a smart dog. Smarter than any of us. He'll find shelter. Probably with a family as we speak. A kind family, giving him blankets and bacon until the storm passes" y/n smiles at the thought and slowly drifted off to sleep

The next morning, she awake to Alfie kissing her cheek. They both got up and dressed before going downstairs. Their was talking amongst her family, they seemed rather happy

"Guess who turned up this morning" ada smiled. From under the table, Bailey emerged. He was messy like hell, covered in mud and drenched. But his tail was wagging as he ran over to his life long friend. Y/n bent down, got onto her knees and hugged her best friend. That was it. The tears couldn't resist and rolled down her cheek. Her sobs could be heard. After all the horrid things this week, she needed this more than anything. Just a hug from him, seeing his face, it made her feel relaxed enough to empty her heart out. She cried into his fur as he attempted to lick her salty tears away

Alfie smiled watching his wife, and soon enough, the 3 of them were back in bed. Bailey was laying across them both, the massive grey hound sticking his tongue out happily

"Are you feeling alright my love?" Alfie asked

"I think I'm gonna be OK. He's home, I just wish we had our other baby" she smiled at him sadly. A single tear rolls down his cheek

"What about you darling? How are you feeling?" Y/n asked him

"I really wanted that fucking kid" he cried into her shoulder. They spent their day crying together, kissing and hugging eachother in comfort. They would get through this together and everything would be alright. It was just the 3 of them, waiting for whatever lies ahead

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