Finn- Step son

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Finn was sat in church with polly. She had forced him to come with her and he wasn't sure why but eventually, after much debating, he agreed. And so they were sat, just the two of them after the service, under the watchful eyes of God. They sat in silence as finn waited for polly to start talking first

"Now finn, it's no secret that something hasn't been right with you recently. No one sees you for days and then you appear with no explanation for your disappearance. I want you to tell me what's going on. Go on, God and aunt polly are listening" finn rolled his eyes and stood up to leave

"This is fucking ridiculous" he muttered under his breath as polly pulled him back down

"Finn shelby, what is going on with you?" Polly asked

"I'm 19, I can do what I want pol and I don't need to tell you anything"

"You watch your tone with me young man. Whatever it is, we can fix it but only if you tell us. Are you in trouble?" Polly asked

"No its...ugh...fuck sake. It's nothing like that. Alright, truth is, I'm getting married" after polly didn't say anything, he continued

"Her names y/n. I've been with her for a year and a few days ago, I proposed. That's why I keep disappearing. I go down to London and stay with her. She's amazing pol, clever, gorgeous, and she's a fantastic mum-"

"You have a kid aswell now? Anything else you hiding from me?" Polly raised her voice

"Pol, she had her son before she met me. 3 years old, names Eric. He's incredible, and I think I can be a proper dad for him. I love them both so much pol" he explains

"Finn, this is wonderful news. I just don't understand why your step son and fiance are such a big secret" polly admitted

"I don't want them mixed up with this life. Y/n knows I'm a shelby and a blinder, but she doesn't want to know anything about the business and I'm happy to keep her out of it. After what happened to grace, and Charlie being taken, I just don't want to see history repeat itself. So I am begging you, don't tell the others. Please aunt pol" he begs

"I won't tell them anything. But I don't see the harm in it. She can stay out of the family business but that doesn't mean she has to stay out the family. When you get married, you'll want to live together. Either buy her a house here or ask Tommy if you can take your work down to London. Tommy won't involve her if you explain it to him" polly says. And so, a week later, y/n, finn and Eric were walking to pollys House for tea

"You excited?" Finn asked as he lifted Eric up

"Yeah!" The boy replied enthusiastically

"What about you?" He asked abit quieter, linking arms with his fiance

"More nervous than excited" finn planted a soft kiss on the side of her head. They got to pollys House and walked in

"Hi, I'm polly, it's lovely to meet you dear"

"Y/n, and thank you for having us" she said kissing the woman's cheek.

"You must be Finns new bird, don't worry. I know it seems like you got the ugliest brother now, but he'll age and be almost as handsome as me" Arthur jokes ruffling Finns hair. They all sat down for a cup of tea before the food was ready

"You don't sound like you're from london" tommy observed

"I'm from Wales, but I moved to London after I had eric" y/n explains

"His dad not in the picture?" John asked

"John!" Esme whacked his chest for his insensitive comment and he mumbled asking what he did wrong

"No its fine really. His dad left when he found out I was pregnant. But we got over it" she explained

"Clearly" Arthur chuckled looking at the young lad who was covered in chocolate biscuits

"Come on, let's go wash your hands" finn said lifting Eric up and far away from his body, not wanting to get chocolate on his suit.

"Finns good with him" ada said

"Ye he's wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better man"

"When's the wedding?" Tommy asked once finn came back. Eric climbed on Arthur's knee. He seemed to have taken a liking to the man

"Fuck knows, only got engaged a few days ago, give us time" finn said

"Well you make your plans and send me the bill"

"Are you serious?" finn asked his brother in shock

"Am I laughing?"

"Thank you so much Tommy. Thats too generous" y/n said

"Ye thanks tom"

"Least I can do for my new sister in Law and my nephew" Tommy said ruffling Eric's hair

That night, finn was lay in bed with y/n in Tommy's guest bedroom. Fast asleep until a big lump was placed on their chest

"I wanna sleep with you" Eric mumbled climbing in between to the two. Finn put his arm around Eric and y/n

"OK buddy. Don't wake your mum up though. She's very tired" finn whispered

"Goodnight. Love you mummy, love you daddy"

"Goodnight, love you son"

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