Finn- Help me

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Finn shelby, his brothers and cousin michael were walking to the betting den late at night after a night out drinking. They just wanted to make sure they locked up because Arthur was too drunk to remember even leaving the house.

"Fucking hell Arthur, never seen you this drunk" finn laughed as his brother danced his way home

"You're just jealous because I know how to drink and you handle whiskey like a little girl" Arthur insulted finn who dropped his mouth upon hearing these words

"Well excuse me for not wanting to be blind drunk every night. Ay, you'll be regretting all this in the morning when you wake up feeling like death" finn had only had a small amount of whiskey all night. It wasn't that he didn't like being drunk. But there was something about being so vulnerable when his family had some many enemies that put him on edge and so he often avoided getting drunk whilst all his brothers were also drunk

As they kept walking, they saw 2 figures in the distance and didn't think much of it. But as they neared, they heard a woman yell

"Hi sweetheart. Sorry I'm late" before any of them could reply, the woman hugged finn and whispered down his ear

"Go along with it please" the desperation in her voice was clear and so finn immediately put his arm around her as she wrapped around his waist and kept walking. The second figure was hiding in the shadows of an alley and all the men (even drunk arthur) understood what was going on. Tommy walked closer to the man who tried to run but was caught by Michael

"Were you bothering the lady?" Michael asked

" sir" the man stuttered as he was hit til he was on the floor trying to catch his breath

"Miss, was he bothering you?" Tommy asked. Y/n thought about it, she didn't agree with what he did but also knew what would happen if he died

" I'm fine" she said

"Are you sure?" Finn asked with his arm still around her

"Yes I'm sure...thank you but he hasn't been bothering me...let him go please" Tommy bent down and spat on the man's face before Arthur lifted the man onto his feet and pushed him away

"You're lucky she lied. Next time, she won't be here to save you" Tommy whispered putting a gun to the crying man's head just to scare him

"Get the fuck out of here" and so he did, the man stumbled away in the darkness and the shelbys + y/n continued to walk

"Is there anywhere we can take you?" Finn asked

"Thank you but I'll be alright on my own now. Sorry for the trouble" she apologised and moved away so she could leave

"We can't let you walk home alone. Not a woman such as yourself at this time of night" Michael told her

"I appreciate all you've done but I don't want to be a bother...I've not really got anywhere to go you see. I've been kicked out my flat but I'm going to get the train to Scotland and I'll be fine with my family there" she said

"There are no trains until the morning. Why don't you come home with us and in the morning I'll drive you to the station" finn suggested but the woman looked unsure

"I'm sure this doesn't look great and you're probably terrified since you've only heard bad stuff. But I'm sure you've also heard what we do to rapists and wife beaters" Tommy said

"You cut off their dick....and then let them bleed to death....I've heard" she says

"Then can you trust us. If not then atleast let us give you money for a hotel" Arthur said. They may be bad men, but they knew that if they let her go and then read in the paper of her murder, they'd live with that guilt forever"

"I suppose I trust you...sort of" finn smiled softly and showed her the way home. When they got in and the lights were turned on, finn got a better look at the girl. She looked about 19 and was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen. Like an angel. One thing he did notice however was the bruising on her fists. Everyone other than finn and y/n left and so they were sat in the kitchen as finn bandaged up her hand

"So why did you lie for that man and who is he?" He asked her as she looked up sheepishly

"He's my landlord. Well...was my landlord. I havnt been able to pay rent recently after I got layed off from my factory job. I don't blame him for kicking me out, I mean, this is his livelihood and we will do anything to survive. But he said I could stay if I got a job as a prostitute, then I'd pay rent easily. I couldn't do that. I don't have alot in life Mr shelby but some how I've managed to hold onto my virtue. I don't intend for it to break by a customer. Anyway, when I refused, he got angry and I left. That was earlier this morning.  As I walked around tonight, I realised he was following me and he kept quickening his pace. I wanted him dead and gone....but if that happens then everyone who works for him would lose their jobs and the family who lived next door to me would be kicked out by the council. So many others unfortunately benefit from his survival and I couldn't make them suffer for my own revenge. It wouldn't be fair" y/n explained to finn as she quickly wiped away the fallen tears. He moved closer and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her in for a tight hug as she began to cry even more

"Why are you being so kind to me?" She asked as he pulled away and wiped her tears with his thumb

"My family is made up of bad men who lie, and cheat and kill. But I'm not a bad man, and I couldn't let anything happen to an innocent woman" y/n cupped his cheeks with the palm of her hands and looked him in the eyes

"Your family have been good to have been good to me, and for that i thank you" finn smiled and blushed at her words as they kept eye contact and let out small giggles

"I don't know why...but you make my stomach flutter Mr shelby. Like a school girl with butterflies"

"I know what you mean...I want to kiss you" finn said quietly

"Then kiss me" and their lips connected. Y/ns fingers ran through his hair as they got lost with passion and adoration

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