Tommy- deadly kiss pt2

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It's true. What they said. The deadly whisper draws her enemies in, she pleasures them, loves them, protects them, until when their guard is let down, that's when she strikes. Killing them before they can even acknowledge what is going on. Its quick. It's easy. She's never been one for suffering. Making someone suffer for long seems useless to y/n. Knowing full well they will die anyway, she'd rather do it fast, get it over with, and get out of there before anyone can realise what just happened

"Thomas shelby. So close, yet so far. Today is the day. Its been a good run. But...we all must face our inevitable death sooner or later" y/n spoke to the picture she has of Thomas shelby. It was supposed to be a simple job. She was sent to kill him like many other men. He underpayed a prostitute. Not the first time she's killed for petty women. But no matter, she helps the common woman, some are desperate for revenge, others just desperate. It doesn't matter, she does the job and then she leaves to manipulate and kill another man

But there was something different about Thomas shelby. 2 months she has been on standby for him. Killed 8 men for him. Prolonged his death as long as possible and she doesn't know why. What made him different? She fucked all the guys she kills. So it wasn't that. Perhaps it was that he treated her as an equal, rather than a woman with too many emotions. He respected her. He didn't seem like a bad man at all. She has killed good men before, but this seemed too personal. It was almost like she had grown to care for the man.

Y/n was sat in the betting den with the shelby family and a few other peaky blinders. They didn't not know that she was deadly whisper. Didn't even know her first name. Just new her as miss y/l/n. It was formal with no worry of developing any emotional connection, or so she thought. The shelbys just believed that y/n was a spy for them. Which was partly true. She did gain information when she fucked then killed her victims and she always reported back to Tommy

"Connor cesar. Irish mother, French father. Known ira member. Fought for the French in the war however. He's been spotted in birmingham, just weeks after that bombing in London. I want information on him miss y/l/n" by that, Tommy meant he wanted her to kill him

"Consider it done Mr shelby". Everyone left after the meeting, it was just y/n and Tommy. Now was her chance, but she needed more courage, trying to prolong it but also hoping she didn't chicken out

"Mr shelby, how long have you been in this business for?" Y/n asks sitting on his desk as he works away

"You know how long. I'm sure you did a background check on me before you agreed to this arrangement miss y/l/n. So why not tell me why you're really in my office?" Y/n scoffed and stood up pacing around. Maybe, just maybe, if Tommy made her angry, then she'd do it. She could kill him

"I don't think youre being fair in this arrangement. You are a coward Mr shelby, a man, too afraid to kill other men so he gets a woman to do the job for him" but Tommy just chuckled

"You are a woman...true. And you are the best at what you do. Do the job better and cleaner than I ever could"

"Don't you ever think that polly is acting bitchy? She's just...vile human" y/n had to hit him where it hurt

"The fucks going on with you? Thought you loved polly"

"I did. But recently she's been getting on everyone's tit" y/n complained yelling slightly

"Watch your fucking mouth miss y/l/n"

"Oh ye? Why should I? Maybe if your family wasn't so clapped, then work would actually get done around here" y/n raises her voice causing Tommy to fling his chair back and walk towards her


"Or what? Gonna hit me? Go on big man. Go on hit me. Hit me, like Arthur hits you when he goes crazy, back to the trenches. Belongs in an insane asylum" that was it. Tommy rushed forward and pushed y/n against the wall by her collar

"Leave now. You say anything about my family again, and I won't hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes" Tommy let go, stepped back and y/n got out her gun. It should've been quick. Smooth and fast. One bullet in the head. But she missed. Missed by a metre. She never misses. Tommy stood dumbfounded as her body collapsed to the floor in tears. His arms wrapped around her as she clung onto him

"You were supposed to be my next victim. But I couldn't...I couldn't kill you. No matter how annoying you are...I can't fucking kill you and I don't know why"

"Because you don't want me dead. I've seen you shoot a rabbit in the eye from 100 metres away. Don't tell me you accidently missed when we both know you missed on purpose. You don't want to kill me miss y/l/n" tommy said cupping her cheeks and bringing her in for a kiss

" havnt killed me"

"No I havnt" tommy replies

"I don't want to kill you tommy. But I have to. Please. I'm so sorry. I can't let this woman down she....I've never let any woman down before. Society foes that enough" y/n sobs. She and Tommy stand up, he hugs her and kisses her again

"Go home, have a bath, put on some pyjamas and go to bed. You need sleep. In the morning, we'll talk about your plans for Connor cesar"

"But...aren't you gonna torture or kill me? I just tried to assassinate you!"

"Many people have tried to kill me. I've tried to kill many people. Just who we are. Now go home and sleep" y/n goes into her own office and gets her coat and bag. Tommy also gets his coat. Different rooms, different people, same plan. Side by side, one wall apart, they pulled back their trigger, moving their feet lightly against the floor boards. Meeting eachother in the middle, hardly a second goes by before both guns are fired.

Y/n had never failed a woman. And she didn't fail her this time. Straight in the chest, Tommy lay bleeding out. His eyes fixed on y/n, the woman he'd grown to love, a bullet in her head, her ghostly eyes staring back at him. Tears poured from Tommy's face as his body shivered from cold. And just like that it's over. 2 months of work gone. 2 lovers who can't be together. Dead. Reunited in the after life, but as enemies still, natural born haters in this world, never to know what love could feel like

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