Finn- When Baby?

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Age 6
Y/n and finn had met eachother at school a year back. She was nervous. He was boisterous. No one would've thought that they'd be together, but that little boy helped the girl escape from her shell until she was just as sociable and fun loving as he. It was after the boys had gone to war. Y/n's father had gone aswell but unfortunately, after just 2 months of fighting, her family recieved the news that he had been knocked down on the front line and wouldn't be returning home to them

Her grandmother and her aunts had come around to help her mother through this hard time. When they broke the news to y/n, she ran. All the way to Finns House, the tears pouring from her face. She opened pollys door and saw ada and polly there. She immediately ran into pollys open arms and sobbed

"What's up with y/n?" She heard Finns voice ask from behind them. She ran over to finn and he hugged her and kissed her forehead. Y/n explained everything to them, about her father and how her mother took it. Ada went to visit her mother and let her know y/n was safe. Whilst polly made them tea, finn and y/n sat on her bed not knowing what to say to one another

"What can I do to make it better?" Finn asked sweetly

"Finny, can we have a baby? My mum says that's what happens when you love someone. And we love eachother. Please finn, I'd like to have a baby. It gets lonely being an only child" he put his arm around her and wiped away a stray tear

"Ask me when the wars over and its safe" the boy told his girlfriend. It was a sweet relationship, healthier than some marriages

Age 11
Y/n was there when the boys got home. She didn't know them very well but after they had been home a week, they soon realised that she basically lived at pollys House.

Arthur was walking with finn and y/n home from the chippy. It was quite chilly but finn had his arm around the girl. Arthur watched in amusement as finn kissed her cheek, like a true gentlemen. He dreaded what they'd be like as teenagers and could only wish polly good luck. Y/n stopped in her tracks when she saw a baby in a pram. The little thing babbled away at her as its mother was chatting with someone. Finn got her attention again and they kept walking

"Finn, now the wars over, can we get a baby?" Arthur almost choked on his chips

"Ask me when we're 16"

"But thats so long away" she whined. He took her hand in his

"I promise. Some day" y/n smiled at him and Arthur just shook his head in surprise and shock

Age 16
It was y/ns birthday. She was a month younger than finn and had waited for this day for so long. They're relationship had gone from a childish love to one of pure desire. Not just emotional, but physical aswell. Y/n understood perfectly well how babies were made by now and had a better understanding of the care they took. As a child, she believed they were just upgraded versions of dolls. At the garrison, Finns arm around her, she looked up at him as he laughed before she whispered

"Do I get my baby yet?" He smirked down at her

"You remembered?"

"It's all I can think about finny" she admitted

"Ask me again when we're married" finn told her

"Ugh. Are you ever going to say yes finny? Or atleast give me a proper time, don't keep changing it" she laughed as did he

"Some day soon, we'll have a baby" he promised her

Age 19
They sat at their wedding reception, a glass of champagne in their hand, Finns hand slowly creeping up her leg, high and higher

"Before we get onto that-" y/n started stopping his hand from going any further. "You wanna make a baby tonight?" She asked with puppy eyes, trying to convince her newly wed husband. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, looking her deep in the eyes

"We have just spent alot of money on this wedding. Maybe we should leave it a year, save up so we can actually afford to feed the bugger" he joked

"If this is about money, we'll be fine finny"

"Ask me in a year. And I guarantee the answer will be yes" y/n was fed up with him changing his mind, but didn't want him to feel pressured into having a baby. So she kissed his cheek, let the subject slide and waited for an entire year before bringing up the topic again

Age 20
Y/n and finn had been married for exactly for 1 year. It was their first anniversary and the couple were just laying in bed, knowing they didn't have plans until later that night when finn was taking her our for a romantic, and fucking expensive dinner. She was lay on his chest with his arms around her waist, softly stroking at her skin

"It's so quiet" y/n muttered kissing his bare chest, her fingers playing with his hair

"You want it to be loud? We can make some noise if you'd like?" Finn smirked as she playfully hit his chest

"Finn Shelby. I wasn't hinting at that. We've already done it twice this morning" she chuckled

"OK then. What would you like to do?" Finn asked her kissing her forehead

" you know how you love me so much?" Finn started laughing as she straddled his waist and held onto his shoulders, his hands gripping her hips

"Yes baby I love you" he agreed

"And you'll do anything for me?"

"What do you want and to what extent will it mentally scar me?" Y/n giggled ontop of him, bending down to peck her husbands lips

"Let's have a baby" she whispered to him. A small smile flustered on his face

"A baby? Like a real human being?"

"No finn. A doll. Of course I mean a real fucking baby" she laughed making him roll her eyes

"Are you sure you want a baby sweetheart? I mean, it's alot of work. Carrying it for 9 months, and child birth, I don't think I could bare it knowing I'd be putting you in so much pain. The sleepless nights and the nappy changes" finn said to her

"I'm willing to do that to my body if it means I gain a child. Just imagine it honey. Me and you sat at the beach. Except this time, a child runs up to us. You pick them up and we all go swimming in the sea. Or their first day of school, and they don't want to leave our side but come home telling us about their incredible day. Knowing we created that. I want that finn. I want a family"

"You've been thinking about this for a long time havnt you?"

"Only since we were 6" she laughed

"You'll make a wonderful mother. So shall we try now or later?" Finn asked. Y/n couldn't believe it

"Are you serious? Like for real?" Finn just laughed at her

"Of course I'm serious. I want a child with you y/n" he said. Y/n jumped up and began screaming as she bounced on the bed. Finn dragged her down and rolled ontop of her, pinning her hands above her head and hovering over her body. He bent down to kiss her just hoping that in less than a year, they would be parents to the most loved child in the world

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