Arthur- girl gone

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Y/n was in the kitchen making her husband his favourite meal before he returns home from work. Their daughter, Aggy (4), upstairs in her nursery, playing with her dolls. Her newborn son of 3 weeks, Arthur Junior (AJ) was fast asleep in his bassinet in the corner of the room

Y/n checked on her son and then proceeded upstairs, where she was just making sure aggy was behaving herself. She had a habit of making a god awful mess when left alone for too long, be it drawing on the walls or breaking something. Y/n went into the nursery and there was Aggy, lay on the floor with a doll by her side

"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Y/n asked crouching by her daughter

"My head" she whispered. Aggy had a burning fever, sweat dripping from her long blonde hair, all her cheeks no longer rosy red, but a sickly green. Tears stained her face as her eyes went red

"It's alright my love. Does anything else hurt? Or just your head?" Y/n asked lifting her daughter onto her knee. Aggy pointed to her chest as y/n stroked over her hair, attempting to comfort the girl

"Sshhh. You're going to be fine. Let's go find daddy and he'll make it better" she was trying to convince herself. Y/n hoped that Arthur would be able to get a doctor, give her some medicine or something. Or maybe polly might have a remedy to help with the fever. Truth is, she was terrified this was more than a simply fever. 10 years ago, y/n gave birth to a son, Charles. But he passed away at the age of 2 from the flu. It took over his body and so it has scared the whole family

Y/n carried aggy downstairs and placed her on the sofa. She then got Aj in his pram. Aggy wouldn't put her coat on so y/n settled with wrapped a blanket around the girl. She pushed the pram and carried her daughter to the garrison, although she tried not to run  ecause of aj, she couldn't help the fast pace her legs were going at

Arthur jumped when the garrison doors were slammed open. But he let his guard down when he saw y/n rushing in with a terrified look

"Here we are. Here's daddy" y/n cooed at their daughter as Arthur took her in his arms. Tommy, sensing her fear, wrapped an arm around the woman's shoulders. It was clear that aggy was ill from the colour missing from her cheeks and her hair sticking to her forehead. Arthur sat down with aggy on his knee, leaning her head against her fathers chest

"I'll get a doctor to meet you back at the house" John said standing up. Before he could leave, aggys eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her body began to shake violently from a seizure. Arthur put her on the table and began rubbing her back

"Send a doctor to come her now" Tommy ordered John. He left quickly to find someone. Y/n buried her head in Tommy's chest as she sobbed. He rubbed her back and pushed the pram back and forth so aj wouldn't wake up and stress the parents out even more

It was then that her fits stopped, and the doctor entered the door with a red faced John. She immediately vomited on the floor, her neck not strong enough to hold her head up

"I suggest we go back to the house. She needs to be in bed right away" Arthur carried her and everyone else followed. People watched as the shelbys raced home. They got their eventually and she was put into bed immediately. The doctor took her temperature, gave her some medicine and then met the family in the living room. Polly, ada and esme were all there aswell

"She just has a fever. It should die down over night, if not then give her some more of this medicine" the doctor said

"No. No you're wrong"

"Honey-" Arthur tried to reason but y/n wasn't having it

"I won't let them do this again Arthur. The doctors told us last time that our son had a fever. That he would be fine. And now he's 6 foot under because one night he went to sleep and never woke up. you're wrong. Something is wrong with my little girl and I want to know what! I don't care how long it takes, but don't tell me it's just a fucking fever. I've heard it all before and I won't make the same mistake of believing the doctors again. So either go up there and check again, or I'll take her to the hospital myself and demand they do some tests. I can't lose my baby....not again" y/n was screaming at the doctor, but he still left without having a second check up, breaking her heart

"Get the car ready, I'll go and get aggy" Arthur said to Tommy who went and started the car

"You go love. I'll look after aj, hospital is no place for a baby" polly said kissing y/ns cheek

"Thank you pol. We'll keep you updated" then Arthur came downstairs with a sleeping aggy. They got in the car with aggy lay in the back, her head on y/ns lap and a blanket over her. Tommy driving and Arthur up front

"Mummy" she managed to squeeze out

" your energy my darling" y/n begged. This was it. The 4 year old closed her eyes, wanting nothing more than for the pain to end, for her to sleep and get rid of it all.

" aggy wake up baby" y/n whispered with tears pouring from her face to aggys. When the little girl didn't stir, Tommy pulled over knowing they were too late. He began crying against the wheel. Arthur got in the back with his wife and daughter, hugging aggys body as his wife screamed. They'd felt this pain before, the feeling of losing a child. It's like a piece of your heart has been ripped away, your very soul lost in the abiss. Everything you once knew, over! Life never to be the same.

Several hours later, after all the family had been informed, y/n and Arthur walked back into their house. Polly was there with tears in her eyes, though she tried to stay strong for her nephew and niece in law

"Do you want me to take aj for the night? Give you some time?" Arthur was quick to answer

"No! No...her er...he's staying with us. Thanks pol" she kissed their cheeks before leaving. The second she was gone, Arthur collapsed against the floor in tears. Y/n went and grabbed aj from his bassinet before going and sitting next to Arthur. They held their son and one another as they grieved. Grieved for Charles, grieved for aggy and feared for aj

That night, when aj began crying, the couple got up to feed him. As y/n was feeding her son, she looked into his eyes and couldn't help but break out in sobs to which Arthur rocked her in his arms

"I want my baby girl" she cried

"I know honey. I know. But listen, we'll get through this. She will always be missed and never will we forget her, but she's still with us. And she's met her older brother now. Our boy will look after her" y/n nodded against his forehead and he kissed her cheek

"I'm so scared Arthur. We lost 2 children. What if we lose aj? And just the thought that soon enough, he will be older than Charles and aggy. I don't want to live our lives without her. I don't want to carry on like it's all gonna be alright when I know that its not" all be could do was hold his wife, as they cried together, grieved together, and inside, they died together

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