Arthur- Bad Timing

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Y/n was 9 months pregnant and fed up to say the least. Her and Arthur were very excited for their second child but it did make things more difficult. For one, y/n couldn't reach down and lift up their son. Arthur had to pass the 2 year old boy to his mother. She was also struggling to sleep, and had often made her husband sleep on the sofa. But nothing could have prepared them for this

"Honey, Where's AJ?" Y/n yelled to her husband who was in his office just sorting out some times

"I thought he was taking a nap" Arthur called to her. Y/n rushed upstairs (the fastest a pregnant lady can run) to check on her son. She had received a letter from the school. Apparently someone in the nursery had measles and they wanted parents to check and make sure their children didn't show any signs

"AJ my lovely, can you let mummy see your tummy" she said waking up her 2 year old. He rolled back over to sleep and as much as she wished she could've left him to rest, the worry was there in her heart. Y/n sat down on the edge of his bed and put him on her knee

"Mummy" he whined

"I'm sorry my baby boy. Do you feel alright?" She asked lifting up his pyjama top and checking his back and tummy

"I OK mummy. I go bed now" he said reaching for his bed

"Oh no buddy. Nap times over. Otherwise you won't sleep tonight. Come on, let's go down stairs and see what daddy's doing" y/n stood up and immediately felt a pain in her abdomen. Hunching over and clutching at her stomach, she had to take a few deep breaths before the pain passed. These had been going on for a few days. The doctor said it was braxton hicks so she didn't think much of it

AJ held y/ns hand as they walked down the stairs, one step at a time. They reached Arthur's office and he ran in to his dad

"Daddy" he yelled making Arthur look up from his work.

"There's my boy" Arthur said lifting AJ up onto his knee

"I've got a letter sent home from the nursery. 2 of the children have measles so we have to keep a look out for any signs that AJ might have it. He seems fine at the moment though. Hopefully it stays that way" y/n said with a wobble in her voice

"Darling, you're stressing. AJ, why don't you go play with your cars. Daddy needs to speak with mummy" the little boy toddled out of the room and y/n walked towards her husband. She sat on his knee and kissed him

"I don't want you getting worked up over this. AJ is fit and healthy and he isn't showing any signs that he's got it. He'll be fine. Now let's go get a drink" y/n smiled at her husband. How he always manages to make her feel better, she didn't know. Arthur went to open the office door but the door wouldn't budge

"This isn't funny" y/n scolded him believing he was messing around

"Fuck. I left the key in the other side of the door. AJ must've messed with it" Arthur grumbled

"Er sweetie-"

"Well we can't jump. We're on the second floor. We'll just have to wait. Tommy should be coming round soon anyway"


"Shouldn't take to long"

"ARTHUR! My waters have broke" y/n said as Arthur's face went very pale, very quickly

"Right. Er....have you got any contractions?" He asked

"I've been having them all day. But I thought they were braxton hicks- ugh" a contraction came along and Arthur rushed over to her side and let her squeeze his hand as she leant against the desk. He timed it on his watch and when it was over, y/n took a seat in his office chair

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