Tommy- Lost And Found

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Y/n and Tommy have been married for several years. With 3 children, Charles, Sarah, and Leo. God Leo. Poor sweet Leo. He was born when y/n and Tommy were teenagers. And right now, he would be 14 years old. Charles is 5 and Sarah is 2. It was a tragedy what happened all those years back. They had to move on, but how can anyone move on from such a thing? They tried, life continued, but he was always on their mind. If they passed any child of his age, they would think it was him, then tell themselves how silly they were being

When y/n and Tommy were 16, Leo was born. He was an adorable baby boy and filled the shelby family with joy. And then it happened. Just 2 years after he was born, y/n was doing the dishes and watching Leo who was playing with the cat. He was in their back garden. The gate was shut, she didn't understand. But she looked down to put a dish away in the cupboard, and when she looked up, a man had opened the gate and grabbed Leo. Her heart stopped but she had to snap back to reality and chase after this man and her son. She ran for what felt like forever but she didn't know where. There was no sign of them.

They had an official police search which lasted 2 years before it was called off. Leo was presumed dead but Tommy and y/n knew he was out there alive. They just knew. Although they brought a bigger house since then, they never sold the old one. Keeping it and visiting every day to see if he found his way home. The chances are slim, but still, they had hope that one day, the missing shelby would be found. The guilt consumed y/n as she blamed herself for it all. Everyone told her differently, that it was the kidnappers fault, but she only felt like a failure of a mother. Now tommy and y/n are very protective of Charles and Sarah, terrified that they too could be taken

Tommy still keeps his eye out for any clues or messages for where his son might be. But it seems hopeless. Y/n and Tommy were sat in the Garrison. The whole family was there. Charles was showing Arthur his knew car and Sarah was sleeping on y/ns lap. It was rather late

"We should head home soon love. Charlie will be exhausted tomorrow" y/n whispers to Tommy, his arm around her

"We will my love. Just 5 more minutes" Tommy mumbled

"You are like a child" you laugh kissing him nonetheless. The doors flung open and a very out of breath woman was there. You knew her as she was a mother and when you picked up Charles from school, you'd often talk to her and a few other mums

"Your son! Y/n, your sons home!" She yelled, red faced and panting.

"What? Where is he?" You asked, the whole family standing up as John took Charlie in his arms and you secured Sarah on your hip

"He's at your old house, arguing with one of the neighbours. He said he was looking for you" you felt sick as you and Tommy rushed to your house. You had given Sarah to polly and it was just the two of you. You were terrified. What if it was the wrong boy? What if he blamed you? What if he wasn't Leo at all but just someone wanting to mess with you? When you got to the house, a young boy of around 14 was stood outside, yelling at a neighbour

"You should leave young man. Those shelbys want their son back, not a fraud" a woman yelled harshly

"Ye, and I want my parents" he yelled back. Once the woman caught sight of you, she nodded her head in acknowledgement and went back inside her house. The boy then saw you aswell. He had blue eyes and dark brown hair, high cheek bones and a sharp jaw. He looked like a shelby, he looked like your Leo

"Your Leo?" Tommy asked emotionless. He didn't want to believe a liar

"I...I don't know. I think so" he seemed nervous, but who wouldn't be

"Why don't we go back? Let's go home and we can talk and find out if it's you. Please I...I just need to know" you were holding back the tears and Tommy held your hand knowing you were about to crack

"I want to help you. Losing your son, I'm sorry for what happened to you. I don't want to give you false hope, but I wouldn't come here if I wasn't almost certain. And I want parents, I want to know the truth" 20 minutes later, you were sat in your living room, a cup of tea in your hands from the maid.

"So what makes you think you're my son?" Tommy asks rather rudely

"Tommy" you say warningly

"No its alright. My name mightve been Leo. But now its Thomas. I was raised in a well off family. They were good to me, abit strict but good. And then my mother started to go abit...Well insane. Saying things about life being a lie. She'd just start crying and telling my father that they were guilty, going to hell for their crimes. She never used to be like that. I questioned her, when she was having one of her episodes. She told me I'm not her son. They couldn't have children but needed someone to inherit their wealth and titles. So they took me from a backgarden in birmingham, some poor family who didn't have enough money to get politics involved. I read about your story in an old newspaper after searching and searching. I ran away a few days ago and came here. I think I'm your son, I hope im your son"

Y/n and Tommy's eyes were watering, as were Leo's

"It's him Tommy. He's home" y/n said to her husband who was just looking at their son

"So what now?" Leo asks

"You can come home. They raised you, so if you want to go back to them then you can. But this is your home, everyone in birmingham have been waiting 12 years for you to come home. I hope you stay and if your adoptive parents try to do anything, then we'll threaten them. You've read the papers, I'm sure you know about the peaky blinders"

"Ye I know about them. I want to stay with you. I want parents who aren't gonna use me for money and a trophy. I just want to be home"

"Can...can I give you a hug?" Y/n asks. When Leo nods, she rushes forwards and hugs him tightly, crying into his shoulder and cupping his cheeks to look him in the eyes

"Oh my boy. I am so happy you're home" Tommy hugged him aswell. All of them were crying

"We'll talk more in the morning. You probably have a million questions and we will answer them all. And you can meet your brother and sister. They've heard alot of stories about you. But you should get some sleep for now, I think we all need it. I'll show you a room" Tommy says. Leo hugs y/n one last time before going up to his room with Tommy. Tommy comes back downstairs a few moments later. Him and y/n look at one another and break down. Tommy collapses and sits on the stairs, crying into his hands. Y/n rushes next to him and holds his head to her chest, crying with him

"He's home Tommy. Our son is finally home" she cries

"I never thought I'd see this day. I don't know what to do" he says with a chuckle. It was all very overwhelming and they didn't know how to react to all this

"I'll call Arthur and ask him to bring the kids round. I've waited 12 years to have my children under one roof, safe and protected. It's finally happening. All our kids together" y/n wipes her eyes and goes to the phone. He drops the kids off and can't help the tears and grin on his face although he doesn't meet Leo at the time. They havnt asked him, but they will assume he'll want to be called Thomas which they have no complaints with since he's been raised with that name

"Is Leo home now daddy?" Charles asks and they carry the kids to bed

"Yes mate, ye he's home. Our boys home"

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