Arthur- Official

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"Arthur get the fuck up" Tommy yelled as he barged into Arthurs bedroom. The pair were fast asleep whilst Arthur spooned his girlfriend. Well...sort of girlfriend. They hadn't made it official, and she hadn't met his family properly, but they fucked and spent every day together, stealing kisses and sneakily grabbing one another's arse

"Ugh fuck off" Arthur grumbled as he dug his head into y/ns neck even more

"You can get back to your whore later. But now we've got work"

"Charming" y/n muttered although she had never actually met Tommy. When she first met Arthur, he was in a club with his brothers. Y/n had seen Tommy and John but completely ignored them as she asked Arthur for a fuck. It was supposed to be a one time thing but has happened almost every day for past 2 months

"I'll get to work in a couple hours" Arthur tried to negotiate

"You have half an hour. Meet at the garrison" and then Tommy left but the couple were already awake much to their annoyance

"Are you actually going to work?" Y/n asked turning around to face Arthur, he hand resting on his chest .

"Unfortunately I fucking have to baby" Arthur kissed her neck and then her cheek and then eventually her lips

"I hate when you leave for work" she said sadly

"I hate it too, but you can stay here as long as you want and you've still got your key to get in and out. I'll be back before you know it" Arthur smiled trying to get her to smile back

"Babe, everytime you leave, I'm stuck wondering if you're still breathing. It's fucking terrifying arthur, knowing that you could've been stabbed or had your brains blown out. I'm so fucking scared" Arthur wiped away y/ns tear and planted a soft kiss on her forehead

"I'll be fine. Whatever Tommy's got planned, he would've told me beforehand if it was risking my life. I really have to get ready now love" Arthur stood up and he had a naked girl clinging onto his back with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck

"I have to go to work y/n" Arthur chuckled

"Nope" y/n said popping the p. With a laugh, Arthur twisted his 'girlfriend' around and kissed her lips before throwing her playfully on the bed

"I'm gonna have to go now. If I look at that body any longer then I'll never leave the house" and then he left the room to get changed in the spare room. He wasn't worried about y/n seeing him naked. He just knew how gorgeous she was and how she would definitely convince him to stay home

Arthur got to the garrison and saw his whole family but no other peaky blinders. It looked more like a family meeting than work

"Get on with it then. You've just made me leave heaven so better be a good fucking reason" Arthur grumbled stealing one of John's fags

"As you know, the business is expanding to London. Well we've talked it over and think you would be the best person to run our London club arthur" Tommy explains

"Fuck off"

"Arthur, we thought you'd love the idea. Sitting around in a room full of whores, alcohol and drugs all day every day whilst making money. Right up your alley" polly says as a slight backhanded compliment

" sounds great...but I can't leave Birmingham...not now" Arthur says

"Why not now? Fucks going on?" John asked

"He's got a girl" finn explained

"She's not my girl" arthur retaliates

"Is that the one you were kissing the other day in middle of street. Your poor nieces and nephews were left traumatised after seeing you snog the whore" John laughed but Arthur punched the table

"She's not a fucking whore. I don't know what she is but she isn't my girl"

"Then what's holding you back from going to london?" Tommy asked

"Because....because...ugh....because I think I love her. We spend every fucking day together, she basically lives at my house but I'm not complaining. Gorgeous, makes me laugh, and she cares about me, she shows how much she cares" Arthur tells them

"Arthur, she's just some crush who you'll get over. How long have you known her?" Polly asks

"2 months. I know its not long but she makes me happy tom. I'm not leaving her"

"Hang on a minute. If you aren't going to london because of a girl, then I'd like to know her bloody name atleast. Tell us abit about her Arthur" polly said

"Y/n y/l/n. She's 25, works as a midwife, so kind. She likes dancing and drinking, music and shopping. Good laugh. Clumsy as anything though. She's great with kids, I've seen her with some of her patients, helps them by looking after the kids when the mums need a break. I love her pol...but I've not asked her to be my girlfriend yet, I think she's happy as we are" Arthur continues to list everything he loves about the girl until he sees the smirk on his familys face

"What?" Arthur asks but they just nod behind him

"Erm...I nipped out to the shops but I've lost the key on the way back, could I borrow yours?" Y/n was their standing awkwardly whilst blushing. Arthur went bright red but offered to walk her back. Once they got home away from the family, y/n flopped on the sofa

" love me" she says mockingly to Arthur who just chucks a pillow at her face playfully as he sits next to her

"You know Arthur, if he you did ask me, the answer would be yes" y/n smirked as she sat on his knee. Arthur smiled and kissed her again

"Well in that case, y/n y/l/n, will you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend, making me the happiest man alive?" Y/n laughed at him but smiled and said

"Why of course good sir. Now fuck me" Arthur didn't need to be told twice. After they were done, lay naked on the sofa ontop of one another, Arthur said

"I'm moving to london" making y/n look at him with wide eyes

"What?" She asked as pools formed in her eyes

"For business, Tommy wants me to run a club down there. But I'm only going if you come too, otherwise we can stay here baby"

"Guess we're going to london then" y/n smiled


"Fuck ye, alcohol and dancing all day every day, what more could I want....oh and of course you'd be there" she teased making him laugh and kiss her passionately. They were starting a new chapter in their relationship and the pair of them had never been more happy and content with life

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