Alfie- I just want you

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Y/n and Alfie. So different in nature yet they fit together like a jigsaw. Alfie was cruel, tough, a killer. Y/n was as innocent as they come. However, these two souls couldn't be together, can you imagine? The twin sister of John shelby, partners with Alfie solomons? No, Tommy would never allow it. And so the pair stayed friends and without Tommy's knowing, they would call and write often, going out to watch shows and have dinner atleast once a month. It was there way of putting everything else to the side and focusing on what makes them happy

"Y/n! You have to come, now, Tommy's gone mental" 12 year old finn said running into his elder sister

"What's going on finn?" She asked following the tired boy. He didn't reply and just kept running as she attempted to keep up with him. Finn eventually lead her to the betting shop where all the family were waiting for her. Polly had tears stinging her eyes and John looked fuming

"Erm...whats happened?" Y/n asked

"You may want to take a seat sister. And a drink" Arthur said passing her his whiskey

"Arthur, you know I dont drink, it makes nice people do stupid things"

"Y/n, I want you to listen to everything before interrupting because this is very important. I'm aware you might not like the idea at first but you'll thank me one day. Now as you know, we are having some trouble with the Lee family. Well there's a lad, same age as myself. The lees have agreed that if you marry this man then there will be no more. The lees and the shelbys will be united and we can work together to gain power and influence. I've already agreed" John slammed his chair back in anger and y/n sat there looking at Tommy in shock

"I've spent my entire life being told to not go near boys. Saying they are more trouble than they're worth. The one boyfriend I ever had, you scared away. And now you are selling me off to a Lee? I don't want to go Tommy, please don't make me go" y/n said refusing to let her tears fall

"I've met the man, he seems like a good lad. You won't be travelling with the lees and I'll buy you a house in small heath. You won't be going anywhere" Tommy explained


"Think of how many people will die if you don't do this. Any one of us could be killed by the lees" Tommy interrupted

"All these years, you were right Tom, boys are more trouble than they're worth. You've broken my heart" y/n stated before storming out of the betting shop. Y/n knew that she had to get married, her sacrifice would save so many lives. But just one last time, she needed someone to cry to, someone who would love and listen. She needed Alfie.

It was late at night when y/n arrived in London. She walked into the bakery, her face being well known at this point. Alfie was in his office writing something down with his glasses on

"Alfie" y/n said quietly. The man looked up ready to shoot but his eyes softened when he saw the shelby girl

"Y/n, what a lovely surprise my dear, are you alright, look like you've been crying. If your fucking brothers have done something, I'll fucking skin them" he said. Y/n looked down and suddenly burst into tears. She walked and sat down on Alfie knee as he opened his arms for her

"Sshh, its OK, whatever happened, I'll fix it my love, I promise you that" he kissed her cheek as he stroked his fingers through her hair

"It's all such a mess. Tommy, he's made an agreement with the lees, I'm getting married and I don't even have a fuck say" Alfie was taken aback. He'd never heard the angel swear before but for now, he was more focused on something else

"You're getting married? Can't you just refuse? Not like Tommy will let anyone hurt you for saying no"

"It's not that simple. Nothing ever is, not since the war. If I don't agree, then there will be a war, and one of us will die. If I don't make this sacrifice, then some poor children will lose their father, mothers will lose their sons and wives will lose their husbands. It isn't fair but I don't have a choice" Alfie kissed her forehead and held her waist

"I just want to be with you Alfie, thats all I've ever wanted. Ya know, I sometimes thought Tommy might change his mind. He'd put my happiness before his ego and let us be together. But now I realise that it was just a wish, never coming true" y/n sobbed most of the night before falling asleep on Alfie knee. He lifted her up and carried her to his bed. Wrapped her in a blanket, took her shoes off and then grabbed one of his pillows so he could sleep on the floor. Although y/n wouldn't mind if he slept in the bed, he didn't have her permission and he respected her more than he respected himself.

The next day, y/n went home sadly, knowing she couldn't stay in London forever despite how much she wanted to. The next week, y/n was walking with her brothers and the peaky blinders up to the lees camp

"Tommy, am I meeting him today? Why are we here?" Y/n asked

"Smile darling, its a wedding"

"No, no you promised that we could do this my way. I havnt got a dress or anything. If I'm going to have a wedding, least you can do is let me plan it" y/n whispered yelled as the lees stared

"Y/n! It's not your wedding. Its mine" John said


"The kids need a mother, I need a wife alot more than you want a husband. You're free love, wasn't gonna let you marry someone you'd never met was I?" John smiled. She turned to Tommy for confirmation and when he nodded, she jumped in John's arms and hugged him tightly

"Oh thank you John. That is the nicest thing you've ever done for me" she said. He chuckled and kissed her cheek. As the wedding began, y/n felt a tap on her back. She turned around and there he was

"Sorry I'm abit late but I was hoping you would be my date for this evening" Alfie said smiling

"But tommy-"

"I've dealt with Tommy. You just enjoy yourself. And look after her, I'm trusting you. But break that trust, and I'll break you" Arthur said to the pair of them. She looked over at Tommy who smiled at her and that was enough for her to bring Alfie in for a soft, but passionate kiss. A tear of joy rolled down her cheek as Alfie wrapped his arms around the woman he loved. They spent the night dancing and singing. And that was just the start of the journey. How y/n shelby became y/n solomons. Their love brought 5 children into this world and for that they couldn't be more grateful. John never fails to mention how it was all because of his sacrifice to which his wife esme would roll her eyes and clip him round the ear

They were happy, safe, grateful

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