🖤Tommy- Back from the dead

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Y/n and Tommy, they were small heaths favourite couple. At the age of 5, they agreed to be 'husband and wife'. Went around telling everyone they were married. Mrs shelby found it adorable and let the children play their game. She even called y/n her daughter in law just to play along and make them happy. People thought it was another childish crush, one which lasts a few days before they never speak again. But this wasn't the case

They were together until the age of 20, when y/n got a job in France. It was an amazing opportunity and although they dreaded the day, they knew they would have to break up. It wasn't a bitter break up. In fact, they spent the entire week together. Crying, laughing, kissing and doing abit more. But eventually, it was time to go. Since the day y/n stepped on that boat, no one has heard a word from her. They did however see her name in the newspaper. There was a fire. And she was in the list of those who were seriously injured, not expected to survive. They all presumed y/n dead. That was 2 years ago

The car stopped and y/n payed the taxi driver a fair amount of money. With a blue coat, her hair curled and lips painted red, she walked through the place she called home. It was just how she left it. Only difference is she noticed some of the children, well they weren't children. It had been 8 years after all since she had left

Y/n didn't really know what the plan was. But after leaving Paris, she knew this was the only place that could ever make her truly happy. Or it could tear her apart. She was willing to take the risk. She walked through the streets, knowing exactly where she was heading. The garrison. Surely she would recognise someone in there

It was locked but she could hear voices from inside. At the age of 10, y/n and Tommy had discovered a way round the back and through a window which doesn't require a key. Of course, not the most elegant of positions but it had to be done if she was gonna get a drink. She walked round to the voices and recognised them instantly

Y/n walked towards them as those who were facing her had their jaws hanging low. She put her finger to her mouth, signalling for them to be quiet. And going behind Arthur, she stole his cap from her head and said

"I think this suits me" Arthur jumped up and almost cried at the sight

"Fucking hell" he said bringing the girl in for a hug. Everyone did the same, crying and kissing the girl. Tommy was the only one left

"We thought you were dead" he said, sounding abit like a zombie himself

"I should've wrote to you. Im sorry" she said feeling an overwhelming surge of guilt

"You married?" He asked

"No..you?" Tommy shook his head and the two immediately pulled eachother in for a kiss. His hands around her hips, her arms around his neck. Everyone watched them in awe

"Meetings over" Tommy said gripping y/ns hand and walking out. They basically ran home

"I've missed you so much" he said pinning her against the wall

"I thought you were married" she cried

"I thought you were dead"

"OK ye you win" y/n admitted as the pair laughed. Tommy sat on the sofa and y/n straddled him, just like they did as teenagers

"What made you come home?" He asked, kissing her jawline

"Paris was amazing. But it wasn't home. I had a dream about you. And then I woke up and realised I had to see you. Even if you were married, I just needed to know you were alright. After the war, well I just wasn't sure if you were still here" he wiped the tears from her cheek and cupped her face

"Never leave me" Tommy begged

"Never" she agreed. They kissed again and this time Tommy lifted y/n up. Without breaking this kiss, he carried her upstairs and to the bedroom. He threw her on the bed, tearing off her clothes with his own. He spread her legs out and hovered his body inbetween. But didn't have time to do anything before y/n flipped them over

"I forgot how dominant you are" he chuckled but it turned into a moan as y/n grabbed his dick, slowly lowering herself down onto him. He held onto her hips, helping as she bounced up and down

"Oh fuck" Tommy yelled, feeling the throb. Y/n let out a moan as he hit her spot. She kept bouncing right there, as he continuously pounded her

"Mmmm yes" y/n moaned, Tommy's hands reaching up and holding her tits. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head s she felt herself ready to release. Tommy's cock twitched inside of her, ready to explode

They let it go at the same time, y/n grinding on him as she rode out their high. Lifting herself off, she flopped down next to him on the bed in a pant. His arms wrapped around her and pulled him to her chest

"Tommy" she whined


"I've gotta piss" y/n said. She stood up from the bed but fell over as her legs were so weak. The pair of them couldn't stop laughing as Tommy had to lift y/n up and take her to the toilet. It wasn't anything he hadn't seen before. After dating for 15 years, you see things. He carried her back and then lay in bed for a while

"I take it I'm your girlfriend again?" Y/n asked kissing at his jawline

"What the fuck do you think?" Tommy chuckled pulled her onto of him for a rough, teeth clashing, hair pulling kiss. It was like God had given them a second chance. And this time, they had no means of messing it up

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