Arthur- A wedding unwanted

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"Are you having a giggle?" Y/n asked her uncle as he sat with his arms crossed infront of her

"You're 40 years old y/n. Bout time you were married" making the girl gasp and rise from her seat in shock

"I am NOT 40 years old!"

"Oh ye. Tell me again how old you are. I forget" he chuckled, his white beard dangling below that infamous smile

"I'm 30. And anyway, it doesn't matter how old I am. I refuse to marry fucking blood traitors. Say they're fucking gypsy's. Got the fucking curse didn't they. But they don't live our ways. Only claim it when it suits them. We'll I ain't marrying him uncle and that's the end of it. I refuse. And if you think I'm coming with you to Birmingham, then you've got another thing coming" she yelled before storming out

Meanwhile, on watery Lane

"I won't do it Tom. I don't care how fuckable she is, it ain't right. I don't even know the girl. What do you think she's gonna think when she sees me at the alter. She'll think 'god. What old git am I marrying'. OK? I can't marry her" Arthur paced up and down, not liking the idea Tommy had just proposed

"Arthur, if you marry his niece, then we can make piece. No war, no one will have to lose their lives"

"Except that poor girl. I mean look at us Tom. She's marrying into a family of night terrors, street fights and alcohol. That's all we fucking are innit ay?" Tommy stood from his seat and held Arthur's face to his, in an attempt to calm the agitated man

"No you listen to me! You are a good man Arthur. A good man. If you don't get married, then children will lose their fathers, brothers will be lost and you or me could be gone. And if you do agree to marry her, which you will, then its up to you what life she has. Protect her Arthur, love her and keep her safe. Then she'll have a good life. Show her that you're not a bad man, and that she can be happy in our family"

"I ain't fucking marrying her Tom. I'm not gonna do it" and with that, he stormed out. Tommy kicked his chair over in aggression; he really thought he'd done it. He thought he'd fucking done it. Stopped the war, saved his brother, done something good but of course, Arthur just had to go against his wishes

1 week later

"I can't believe you're making me do this. I'll never forgive you for this" the shelby brothers stood surrounded by caravans, a woman's voice echoing from one particular caravan

"She seems happy" John joked as Arthur elbowed him

"Oh come on Tom. It's clear she don't wanna marry me. Let's just go home" Arthur decided turning around but Tommy was too quick and grabbed him back by the collar

"She'll come round. And if she don't, well atleast we've saved some lives ay" it didn't convince Arthur but it was too late. The door had already opened and out walked Mr dubeck. He was an old, frail man but by god did he hold alot of power. Following him was who Tommy could only presume was his niece. She was stunning, and Arthur's jaw fell when he saw her goddess like face

"I'm hoping for my sake that you're Arthur shelby" y/n walked over to Arthur and he stared at her dumbfounded

" thats me. I'm Arthur" he wasn't sure what to say. I mean, what do you say to someone you've just met but are already engaged to? And with all your family staring at you. Adds to the pressure just abit

"I'm y/n dubeck. I must say, I'm beginning to like this arrangement alot more now I've seen your face" she says making John chuckle and Arthur grin

"Glad we feel the same love" after a small exchange of words between Tommy and the uncle, y/n got into the shelbys car and was driven to Arthur House where the pair would be staying for the rest of their lives. Oh god. This all felt so weird to y/n. She had never lived in a house, never mind one of such grand size. They went inside and immediately opened the whiskey, at sown and had a drink

"I know this is weird for ya, having me intrude on your house, but I want you to know, even if you don't like me romantically, we can still be friends. I think you're very hot Mr shelby. But I've only just met you and doubt I will love you when we exchange vows in 2 weeks time. Maybe something will grow. Maybe it won't. I'm just happy having a drinking buddy. What you say to that ay? Drinking buddies? Fuck buddies? It's your call" she put her hand out for him to shake. Arthur could not believe his luck. He got one hell of a woman 

"Why not go with both? Have a drink. Then fuck. And so the cycle continues" they shook on it and carried on drinking

The next two weeks was amazing. It was like they had known eachother their whole lives. And although they had developed feelings for eachother, they were quite happy just being in eachothers presence. Y/n was childish, fun and outgoing. And she turned Arthur into the teenager he once was. Made him feel young in more ways than one

One night, as Arthur watched y/n sway with a bottle of vodka in her hand to the music, he suggested

"Why don't we just forget about the wedding. I like you y/n. I mean look at you. You're stood there, dancing and singing with a bottle of vodka, not giving a care in the world. I don't want to rush things when I think in the future, I might actually want to marry you. We can tell Tommy and your uncle. It's still a union, just one of more emotion rather than business" she stopped her dancing and climbed onto his lap, straddling the lucky man

"I think-" she pecked his cheek "that is a" and on the neck "wonderful idea" and then on the mouth "Mr shelby" he had told her on a number of occasions to call him Arthur. Which she did. Had even gotten used to calling him arty. But she knew what she was doing. Mr shelby made Arthur long for her body, for y/n to scream his name. Hadn't taken her long to figure this out of course

Who knows where it goes from here? Do they stay together? Do they part as friends? Or is it an ugly break up? Only time will tell. But right now, they're happy to live in the moment

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